Germany debates over prenatal testing for Down syndrome | DW News

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In Germany, attention is focusing on a prenatal blood test that can leave expectant mothers facing a moral dilemma. That test determines whether an unborn child has Down syndrome (also known as trisomy 21). Now the German Parliament is debating whether the fetal test should be covered by public health insurance. Although genetic testing has been around for years, the payment issue has triggered a deeper debate about society's acceptance of children with genetic defects. Associations for people with disabilities are strongly opposed. They say this sends a signal that people with Down syndrome are unwanted.

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It's the prerogative of the parents.


Parents have the right to raise their children in cults and other extreme forms of religion, and yet people still want to question a mother's right to bodily autonomy.


I see a lot of comments about God’s place in this debate. I am currently 13 weeks pregnant with a baby who tested 91% positive for Down’s on NIPT. The NT ultrasound scan showed increased/thickened NT, another “soft” marker for Down’s. My OB will not abort without an amniocentesis which can only happen (medically) at 16 weeks or later. Then we have to wait for results (2-10 days). I have been sick and vomiting all day for over 2 months while trying to care for my 22 month old daughter - and now have to wait another month for a definitive diagnosis via amnio. I was sick until 24 weeks with my daughter and expect the same here.

This means if we decide not to continue, we could be aborting as late as 20 weeks. It’s truly a horrifying thought. It makes me beg to God about how to proceed. We don’t have the financial means to provide the types of therapy a Child with Downs would need and also provide the stimulation our other gifted child deserves. We make too much for any govt disability assistance (the bar is very low, you must make less than $55k/year total income for married couple with 2 children). Where does this leave us? Financially destitute with a gifted child who never got what she needed to reach her full potential.

When the discussion comes back to God I always think about this: We don’t see Down’s children written about in historical texts, depicted in historical art or images… why is that? It’s because of the 45% that actually make it to term, they rarely lived past a year or so due to major heart, brain and digestive defects. If it was left to God, there would be no Down’s adults. But we play God by doing emergency cesarean sections, keeping premies in the NICU, open heart surgery, heart transplants, and bowel surgery, etc. So either way, we play God. We either abort them and play God, or we extend their life unnaturally and artificially and thus play God. With that in mind, the most Godly thing to do then would be to let them live as long as their natural life allows without any artificial intervention…no pulling them out if they’re in distress in utero, no life support as newborns in the NICU, no surgeries….and then we would see all Down’s dying as infants or toddlers.


If you made your choice why shouldn’t other women have that same opportunity to choose what’s best for them.


It has to be the parents’ choice since they are the ones who will deal with all of the stress and hardship, not just for them but their other kids and family members. If they died, who would take care of the down’s child? Many remain at a mental age of 5-12 years old their whole lives and will always need care. You can’t demand people do it.


Do whatever you want man. If I was pregnant and the fetus was diagnosed -- yes, they can diagnose it, not just screen for it -- I'd have an abortion even if it was a flight away.


It's selfish to have children with disability and forcing a soul to live their entire life suffering. Not to mention the family of a disabled kid would have immense suffering too


Whomever willingly has a child with severe disabilities must realize that their adult child will be at the mercy of whatever quality of services that are available to them, or even if services are available to them, when the parents are long in their graves. Europe focuses strongly on productivity and the ability to contribute to society. I'm not surprised in the least that eugenics plays a part here


Well she had no choice, 7 months is way too late. I froze my embryos and did testing. One of them had some genetic issues so I told them to discard it. Typically they don’t implant anyway or miscarry. I don’t want a baby with a genetic disorder and I have that choice.


It sounds like educating the parent and supporting either of their decisions is the way to go to be inclusive and not take sides. I don't feel like censorship of information is ever a good idea.


Parents decide, no one else business.


It’s not that society doesn’t want these kids heck These kids are angels . The problem is medical cost the well being of the child once the parents are gone . When these kids don’t have parents or get abandoned they are put into the hands of the State which they can be mistreated and abused let’s give ppl options .


Mothers choice. But don’t expect the rest of society to support you.


do people have the right to an opinion on this unless they are devoting a considerable portion of their own finances and time to providing direct support to people with disabilities?


People with Down Syndrome or any other such syndromes who have been born are humans and are wanted and must be provided for by the society but an unborn child with any of the syndrome (or without any syndrome) is the sole responsibility of the parents in question and they''re capabilities and limitations, I think. (Meaning, society CANNOT impose abortion restriction like medieval or even in some countries current times)


Its one’s choice. You wanna keep the baby with defects thats fine but not all parents want this. So don’t expect everyone to ride the same boat with you.


Re: "Children like this would not exist." Not true. Kids with Downs are here & not going anywhere, many couples will still choose to give birth after a positive test, and the mutation is always going to happen.


God bless Anna Thissen and her girl! Hope 2023 brings them much joy and happiness.


But how many of these diagnosis's are correct? My sister was told her baby had downs syndrome and she had him anyway and he was fine....perfectly normal baby. To me this is wrong, it is murder.

One of my favorite customers to the deli I worked at was a down's syndrome boy. He was so sweet and his whole family just loved him.

Life should be cherished and respected and held as sacred and esteemed. Life and death of a person, child or adult, should not be based on financial situations or words like 'comfort' or 'easy'.

Where do we go from here? Is it easy to take care of grandma or grandpa? Are the homeless a pest? Are the kids too noisy and rebellious?

When we stop respecting life what is left to respect in society?


This reminds me of the Gattaca Movie of 1997🔬
