What I learned from parents who don't vaccinate their kids | Jennifer Reich | TEDxMileHigh

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Make vaccine manufacturers liable again


The best part about believing misinformation is not having myocarditis


When parents discover what the ingredients in any vaccine are, and make a choice not to vaccinate their children in order to protect them from the consequences, the decision of those parents should be respected.


The only thing that will stop vaccine hesitancy is transparency, compensation of victims and honest and true science without the influence of profit and politics.


I clicked on this just to see the comments


The older I get, the more I realize popular ideas and common beliefs are often wrong


It can only becomes "anti-science" the day we stop asking questions.


Very heartening to see the amount of awareness in the comment section


On an airplane a young mom had her hands full with an infant and a toddler AND a few vocal, intolerant and flat out rude selfish people. So I played silent peek a boo with whichever child was glancing my way as many times as I could and I offered to lend a hand should she need one. It was however the simple sentence “you are doing fine, good job, your a great mom and btw thank you” that floored her. She was stunned to hear something nice coming from a stranger which made me kinda sad and angry at the same time but I kept that to myself and just smiled at her.

It would be a better world if we were more supportive to everyone around us as the common practice; if we could forget about judging so much and spend more time discerning if we can contribute positively in any given moment.


My children were born 6 weeks premature & doctors tried to give them hep A & B vaccines. Couldn’t explain to me why. No thanks.


This tedtalk is hilarious. There are no lengths the pharmaceutical industry won’t go to to promote their shots. Even getting a sweetly-spoken lady to be all caring and understanding, but still saying that we’re letting down humanity.
Okay, lady, tell me again why a newborn needs a hepatitis B shot? Is it for their health, or for the shareholders?


I applaud parents who question vaccines. What baffles me as a teacher, though, is how many parents do not question other things they allow their children to be exposed to that could have a negative impact on the physical and mental health of their kids. I see very young children addicted to social media, video games and their electronic devices, but relatively few parents questioning this practice.


I think the crux of the problem is really pretty straightforward.
It's all but impossible these days to trust the government (including the FDA), or the pharmaceutical companies, or the big corporations that have gobbled up everything. My doctor's office used to be open 9-5:30 M-F and 8-12pm Saturdays. I could walk in and get an appointment. My doctor listened to what I said and actually tried to figure out what was wrong. She would even call my insurance if they refused to cover something that she felt I or my children needed. Then they were bought out by Cleveland Clinic( one of the 2 MEGA hospitals here), my doctor was sent across town only to be followed by a revolving door of doctors who didn't know, didn't care, or didn't have the time to actually listen and look into any out of the norm issues.
What choice do we have but to try to figure it out on our own, when everything we were supposed to be able to trust has lied to us( whether by omission or otherwise). My mother-in-law still thinks Pop-Tarts are a healthy breakfast because they have "fruit" in them!!
If your husband cheated on you over and over again for years and lied about it every time, no one would think you were being ridiculous if you didn't trust him anymore. In fact, they'd probably think you naive for staying with him simply because he said he wouldn't do again.
She's making it out to be an issue of the pressures put on Mom's. And while this may be part of the problem, I'll say again that I think what really happened is that we were left to try to figure out on our own, because we can't trust what we're told from those who are supposed to have our best interest in mind.


Parents who don’t vaccinate their kids are smart and strong.




i like people who refuse to take shots.. shows who can think for themself


My 3 kids are totally vaccine free..best decision ever made next to prolonged breastfeeding. Why? Because they are 16, 13 and 8 and for most part they don’t know how doctors office look( apart from few random things). No allergies, no autoimmune, no mental illness, no obesity, but top grades, top class athletes. Myself I have chronic health conditions -had all my vaccines ( not Covid ) and more.
Your speech is scary and dangerous..


Well, my decision to not have kids takes a lot of the pressure off.


Honestly I was all for vaccination. My son got his 2 months and his 4 months shots. And what the nurse had told me was since he had no reaction the first time, he should have one this time because they were the “same” vaccines. But he did have a reaction. A terrible one. A very high fever, his legs swelled up to the point of BURNING at injection sight, he would not eat or sleep. I couldn’t even touch his legs without him screaming. Mind you, he had NO reaction the first time. So we made the decision to stop vaccinating him because there is no transparency or guarantee that my son or any child will be safe after vaccines. Walk into any doctors office and tell them to GUARANTEE that your child will be ok, put it in writing. They won’t, because they themselves don’t know what’s inside these vaccines either.


This woman's stance honestly disgusts me.
