Everything GREAT About Free Guy!

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Deadpool & Wolverine is out! And since Ryan and Hugh are also in this together, it felt like a good time to finally do it. So let's dive in! Here's everything right with Free Guy!

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I have been accused of some heinous things over the course of this channel. Most of the time, I just let it go. However, some things need to be addressed. To insinuate that I never played any Halo games after Halo 3 is just a blow too low. How. Dare. You. I played so much Reach they called me the Team SWAT King. I cried at the ending right alongside all of you! AND THEN, I also played Halo 4! I think. I definitely own it...It's odd that I don't remember the Mantis...Okay, I just watched some of the opening mission, and I'm unsure now. But I just watched the Paramount+ series anyway and got all hyped up, so I think I'm gonna replay them all anyway. I'll check back!

Okay was just poking around and YOU GET TO CONTROL A MANTIS?! Yeah, I never played Halo 4. Still, the accusations! How dare you all.


15:01 Hi, game developer here.

Just wanted to say that it CAN work like that if they used cubemap reflections. Since cubemaps have to be baked into the map, unless you do a rebake the old reflections will still be there - even if you rearrange the geometry or change the assets.


Someone might have already said this, but just a note: Jacksepticeye actually did so well in his first reading that they sent him MORE lines to add another clip of him in the second reaction section. He talks a bit about the process and his excitement with doing it in one of his videos. (Also, he's made a few really good short films as well)


Free guy, the answer to the question "what if truman was trapped in a twitch livestream?"


15:00 game developer here. In some engines, working on specific settings, it defenitely works like that. I actually loved this as a reveal because it felt totally believable.


No because I LOVE this movie. The comedy is well done, the characters are believable and have realistic motivations, the relationships are handled really well, the soundtrack slaps, the references are AWESOME, etc. The Jodie Comer cover of Fantasy makes me cry every time.


am I the only one who thinks that dude's tattoo is not a tattoo but a a normal tshirt that they still didn't configure the right size since he wasn't finished yet?


I’m glad you did this movie, I’ve loved it since I watched it in the theater, and have rewatched it many times. The part near the end when Guy says “I’m just a love letter to you” gets me every time.


Missed Win: The Marvel and Star Wars stuff happened because when Disney bought the studio midway through production, Reynolds went to them directly and was like "Hey, now that you own this can we use your props?"


My big wins in Free Guy that weren't mentioned: when jacksepticeye says "get up Guy" during the fight scene, always gives me chills, and the Bombshell character ending up with the Barista by the end


at 1:06 it actually is not just a generic mech, it's from Halo 4 and is called the "Mantis"


Look at this! 17:27 Its not even a Star Wars movie but still has lore accurate lightsaber Form V! Take notes Disney!


Free Guy is the only example of the "real person falls in love with AI" trope I've seen that actually sticks the landing, acknowledging that AI isn't real but still allowing the person to develop a healthy (and really sweet) relationship by the end.


A fun little detail of Shawn Levy’s kids making a cameo in the “waste that mofo” deserves a win too. I think that’s fun and the BTS story is hilarious


This is one of those movies that even despite the fact it's kind of "terrible", I can't help but fall for just how honest it is about being cheesy and goofy. Film as art? Probably not, but film as entertainment? Absolutely.


Best part about the line at 16:49 is it was completely improved by Ryan on the spot. Too good to keep out


My biggest win for this movie is how Keys is the Real Version of Guy, and how Mouser is basically his Buddy. Mouser and Buddy are so bound to their jobs but when they finally see the truth in everything when they's Guy needs them the most; they turn their back on that job to help them. Also, Keys wore a literal blue shirt at the end. Dark Blue instead of Guy's Light Blue to reflect Keys being a more realistic and less carefree person compared to Guy. The symbolism is this movie is brilliant.


This was the first movie I'd seen about games that felt like it really captured what players are like. A background detail I loved when I saw it was that dude who was jumping into the wall over and over again. If I recall correctly, he actually clips into the wall on the last jump before the scene cuts away. You'd never get that kind of gag from other video game themed movies; more often it's about scoring points or clearing levels like we're still playing Atari.


The scene at the end with Guy and Buddy reuniting genuinely swelled me up with tears of joy with how wholesome it was.


15:00 love how this one moment is bringing all the gamedevs in CinemaWins's audience out of the woodwork

including me, my first reaction to that scene was "wow the people who wrote this script really _do_ know video games"
