Everything GREAT About Kung Fu Panda 4!

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Kung Fu Panda the 4th! You saw it? Me too! Let's discuss. What does it have to do with Inside Out 2? It's also a sequel, you're welcome. Here's everything right with Kung Fu Panda 4!

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Unironically I’d say the greatest part is the credits. Not because the movie ended but because of Jack black singing and seeing the five again


I think the Chameleon could have been a lot better if her plan was specifically motivated by Po. In particular, him being made Dragon Warrior highlighting the unfairness and double standards of her being declared 'too small'. "You were too fat, too lazy, and too uncoordinated, but you got a chance and became a legend? Whilst I was just too small, and I got kicked into the gutter. Well now I own those gutters. And I want your chance and your legend now too."


I've always liked Cinema Wins more than Cinema Sins. It's great to have our favourite movies validated, even if they've otherwise received scathing or lukewarm reviews.


When the franchise is so good that even the "Worst Movie" is a 7/10


I’m a DIE HARD Kung Fu Panda fan who was pretty disappointed in this film the more I thought about it.
But even I will admit that my favorite part was watching Tai Lung give Po some credit and seeing the two of them end on good-ish terms.
I truly believe Po amd Tai Lung would be friends in another universe.


Remember kids: if you like something, you like it. Don’t let anyone hamper on what you love. Don’t be part of the group think crowd; and don’t let what others say impact how you love something. Don’t let them have that power over you. Defend what you love, because you are the one who sees the beauty in what people don’t see and that’s okay. We need different perspectives, we need those different voices. It might feel like it’s just you against the opposition and that is completely fine.


Lee, your wholesomeness is just...
No pressure, but I hope you never stop.
Or if you do, no problem, we will have your legacy here, or wherever, but man, you are just...


I think the crashing into the wall joke is not a fat joke but actually a nice callback to the first film where he couldn't crack in the Jade Palace walls when he tried to get in the crowd to see the Furious 5's show but now when he approved, he can literally go through walls now


One thing that made me laugh was that I'm pretty sure that Monkey's quest was a journey to the west reference, cause he's chasing after a Macaque it might just be a coincidence but I think it's funny that the monkey is trying to find a Macaque which is an antagonist of Sun Wu Kong aka the Monkey king XD


Word of God: In her Discord interview, Stephanie Ma Stine stated that (per production designer Paul Duncan) Shifu used Chi manipulation to restore Oogway’s staff to its original state before it was broken by Tai Lung.


My favorite part of the movie is the fact that they allowed Ty Lung to find inner peace and that he no longer strives for anything but to return to his peace


I really love KP 4's message of the older generation passing their knowledge on to the next, and how it serves to contrast Po and Chameleon's relationship with Zhen.
Po treated Zhen as an equal, teaching her all throughout their journey, and earning her trust, before eventually taking her on as a proper apprentice at the end. Chameleon, meanwhile, despite referring to Zhen as her apprentice, never actually taught Zhen anything she knows, like her sorcery techniques, and instead treated her as a glorified servant, and was more than willing to kill her off without a second thought.


Week 181 of Asking For Everything Great About Dead Man's Chest


14:00 This is also a nice callback to when Po tried to reason with Shen back in Kung Fu Panda 2, with Chameleon responding in a similar way.


a lot of people complained that the past movie villains didnt seem in character, even outside of not speaking. my theory is that the spirit world gives those sent there peace and clarity. kai didnt have that cause he was sent by the wushi finger. his later proper death likely made him fully one with the spirit word. tia lung was send by the finger too so was alive and prob why he still retains much of his normal personality.



I’m surprised you didn’t win the Chameleon constantly changing her shape whilst fighting Po using all of the warriors’ abilities and physiques to her advantage. I only saw the film once and I still remember the moment she hides behind Shen’s feathers and then punches Po through said feathers with the fist of a different much larger animal! I kind of giggled in awe of that scene! 😁


"I can't say the name of my ultimate favourite, but I will say it gives some very important instructions"

Spat out my drink.


First time I've seen praise for this movie since it came out


That cover of Hit Me Baby One More Time was amazing.


4:26, I’m surprised that the movie finally explicitly saying what species Shifu was wasn’t a win. I know DreamWorks executives already said he was a Red Panda but this is the first time that’s acknowledged in one of the movies proper
