Everything GREAT About The Truman Show!

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The Truman Show! One of my favs errrr I mean…watch the video to see what I think! Ha! You'll never know until you watch! Here's everything right with The Truman Show!

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8:48 It gets even better. The reason she has the makeup bib and comes into the room all flustered is because they had to get the actress ready unexpectedly and in a rush. They never expected Truman to show up at the travel agency considering all the work they put into scaring him out of ever traveling, by sea (father’s death) or plane (radio announcement about the falling stage light, poster on the travel agency wall, etc.) Truly, this film is a masterpiece.


Fun Fact: Jim Carrey was getting tired of doing comedies and wanted to do a serious movie to show that he's not just a goofball.
And when he read the script for the Truman Show, he loved it so much that he agreed to do it for a fraction of what he normally charges.


For those saying that Truman will never get a moment of solitude, the ending where both guys' quick attention span cause them to change the channel is the right bow to cap off the gift of this storytelling.


I'm surprised you didn't highlight my favorite quote in the whole movie. It's hard to catch because Carrey quickly whispers it, but as he is talking to Christoff, he says, "You never had a camera in my head." This is a fantastic line that shows that Christoff and the audience, despite watching him his whole life, didn't actually know who Truman was. Life is like that for everyone. We judge others based off of what we see, but we don't actually know who they are on the inside and what enigmatic mechanations are going on inside their head. What we think a person actually is will most likely not be who they truly are, no matter how close we are to them and how much we watch them, and that was the beauty of that single line.


I always saw the final "Good afternoon, good evening and good night" plus the bow was not just to get the final snarky line, but to even create some doubt that maybe he was in on it the entire time and thus devalue all Chrisoff's work


Truman's final line is exceptional writing. In that moment, the facade is broken, the truth is bared right in front of Truman, with Christoff wanting nothing more than for him to abandon the hope of reality for his artificial Eden. But in that moment, where Christoff desperately wants what he's always wanted, for Truman to respond with real emotion and feeling, Truman feeds him his catchphrase. Truman is finally an actor in the show, and like all actors do, he exits the stage, abandoning the role for reality.



I really wish they kept the deleted scenes where they reveal Marlon is extremely guilt ridden by what he has done to Truman becoming alcoholic and drug-addicted outside of the show. There's also a scene where he finds Truman at the end but decides to cover it up and let him escape. I think it would have helped flesh out how the actual cast is affected by this, especially those who have had to be there from the start.


11:55 - Upon rewatch I've come to interpret Truman's response to Marlin's line as the gut-wrenching realization that Marlin just inadvertently confirmed that he is indeed in on the ruse. Once he came to realize that, Truman knew that *no one* could be trusted. Not even his conveniently returned father.


Okay, but can we talk about what a mind-blowing series finale the in-universe Truman Show had?

Truman starts breaking the fourth wall, tries to escape, talks to God, says his catchphrase one last time, and exits stage right. He even takes a literal bow for the audience.

10/10, best ending ever, both in-universe and out.


About that "killing Marlon" thing: there are actually two cut scenes from the movie that would have made him more likable.
The first is a scene where the producers and Christof are talking about what to do when Truman has a child, and they want to move to a two-channel setup - one channel devoted to Truman himself, the other to his child. Then Marlon, in a tone of voice that tells you he really isn't okay with this, says "So, if Truman dies, we go back to the one channel?"
The second is near the ending, when the search party is looking for Truman. Marlon actually finds him, in a disguise. Truman looks at Marlon, scared. Marlon looks at him for a few seconds, then turns around, and yells "Truman?! Where are you?!", letting Truman escape.
I understand why they didn't put these scenes in the movie, but I would have still liked to see it.


Fun fact: When constructing her character's backstory, Laura Linney decided there was a clause in Meryl's contract that stipulated a $10, 000 bump every time she and Truman had sex.


This film didn't predict reality tv, it predicted family vloggers



Always made me laugh. Truman and Marlon talking and Truman feeling slightly awkwards, Truman going to "sleep" and escaping, Sylvia softly gazing at the TV, Sylvia trying to explain that everything is fake; even the sand.

"You never knew what was in my head." 10/10 Truman Experience.


I did the “skip to the title card” thing with a friend who knew nothing about the movie. He figured out Truman was on TV when he walked into the elevator, but didn’t realise he’d been on TV his whole life and was the only one not in on it until they outright reveal it in the movie. It was fun watching him slowly put the pieces together!


Great analysis as always Cinema Wins! There is a small but horrifying detail you missed... When it shows Truman with his rear comically in frame he is digging a hole. Later in the movie he escapes through a hole in the exact same spot implying he was planning an escape from the start. Probably one of the most detailed movies ever made.


Not necessarily a missed win but something I noticed before Truman's final line, is that the music keeps repeating the same chord like 4 times after Kristof says his line, because Truman is "missing his cue" by actually thinking about what he wants to say. Just thought it was a neat detail.


I will always be amazed that Ed Harris got the role of Christoff on a Friday and started filming on the Monday after Dennis Hopper pulled out. Christoff feels like a fully thought out and realised character and Harris nails the role.


This film was special due to the mix of comedy and drama. Many consider it a tragedy due to the ending, though I argue the opposite. The tragic truth isn't what Truman leaves behind, but what he had to fight for to get that freedom.


17:15 - You're not wrong, the whole cinema gasped at the boat hitting the wall when I first saw this film. You see the fake background on the second watch only.


It's criminal Jim Carrey wasn't nominated for Best Actor for this film. His performance as Truman was pitch perfect, it's one of my favorite lead actor performances of all time.
