Psychosis Or Spiritual Awakening (YOU'RE NOT CRAZY)

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Psychosis Or Spiritual Awakening (YOU'RE NOT CRAZY)
In this video I discuss psychosis or spiritual awakening aswell as my experience of a drug induced psychosis. This is not medical advice, and if you are experiencing psychosis symptoms, discern whether or not you should go to a medical expert. This video is to bring awareness to psychosis and spiritual awakenings. If this video resonates with you I would love to hear in the comment section down below. I am sending you all positive and loving energy.
Peace, love and happiness!

#Spiritualawakening #Spirituality #Psychosis
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My drug induced psychosis was the scariest experience of my life. Especially after a narcissistic relationship it fucked me up. But it led to an amazing awakening


True awakening is realising ITS BOTH. You are crazy AND enlightened. There is no one or other. Holding the dichotomy is literally maddening and enlightening.


Bro literally thought I was Jesus but not and I felt like I connected so deeply to others. Thankfully I was brought to the ward because I needed to be grounded and balanced emotionally


It all started with a dream about a guy. 3 weeks later i meet him on tinder. We talk, i get weird signes, i google, i find twinflames, never felt so much magig and passion to someone. I cant deal with it. We havent even met. I show my worst side( still dont know why) he blocks me, asylum. Spiritual awakening(?) Still dont know what happened there. Many unexplainable coincidences(?) that was 2 years ago. Since then im questioning everything.


I went thru schizophrenia what I called it for a year, maybe longer I have never heard of awakening b4.I never went to hospital but then I took meth and it shot me into the spiritual world scared me straight .I never did drugs agin but after this I started asking life questions learning myself asking what is this all for.then I got hit w the depression for a week straight I wouldn’t talk .and then it was like a calm came over me I started understanding thoughts emotions words actions all create my world that I was afraid of so I could flip it to create love peace and harmony. We all have creator in us we are never alone we. Have our guides that help us thru this life.and if u have questions ask for the answers and u will hear them internally . Meditate, be still and look within .
Peace and love to all


mental psychosis inevitably leads to soul awakening 🦋


You are part of everything, everywhere! What you describe is partly enlightenment, but you need to clear the baggage dude! You may also want to see a Shaman, just in case. They can take away any stagnant energies you need to lose. I'll give you my special technique= Bring up the thought/feeling that scares you the most. Now squeeze out love from your heart and send it to the pain...You may also give yourself a loving hug at same time. That's the last thing most would think of doing. Too busy trying to run away from stuff instead of running up to it and loving it better! Drugs can often bring up your worst fears...{so you can heal them.] This is the world's oldest medicine- loving hugs. we are taught from mother to infant as babies. God bless to all. When you think you are on your own, Someone cares. reach out to them. God keeps on winking at you, bro...!


BRO I had the same exact experience there’s definitely something there’re not telling us I felt like I was being watched and every single person in the universe was me


Appreciate this video man, they prescribed me meds for phycosis but I feel like I’m just woke like you’re talking about.


Thank you so much for sharing this! Like what you said, the derealization that I experienced was one of the most traumatic things I’ve ever experienced.

But that experience was directly connected to trauma from deep in my past. And my experience with the psychosis lead me into so much healing. After the fact, I learned, I could let go of so much of what I was trying to control.


I had the same experience. After an LSD trip I had a spiritual awakening/ drug induced psychosis. Thank you for this video.


There is infinite wisdom always ready to be remembered. All is already inside you.
And I have news for you. You ARE God. We all have a divine spark inside of us that keeps us connected to All That Is.
We have 4 bodies. Physical, Astral, Etheric and ego. Learn of these bodies. Open yourself up to the wisdom that exists in all of us.
We all have Christ consciousness waiting to come forth. But you must be open to receive it.
Balance. Fasting. Nature. Sleep.
The view from the mount does not descend in to the valley.
The lips of wisdom are closed except to the ears of understanding.


I've been questioning things my entire life, especially the past few years. I've also seen spirits since I was a child. And I go to therapy, and I'm on meds. But who knows lol.


Pretty much ...words right out of my mouth. I survived 2 psychosises


The best thing I ever did was consume psilocybin. I’ve only gone on a trip a handful of times but every single time my entire world view changed. The one time I was able to communicate with my cats telepathically. I was literally able to call them to me without making an actual sound. My dogs tried to get me to go to bed. I think they believed I was unwell. It was very interesting. Mind blowing stuff. Your mind is blown wide open.


I got this during an intense acid trip and i was crying but it was a good experience cuz it lead to an ego death i now get the same thing when i smoke cannabis its scary sometimes but makes me feel greatful


Thank You. Thank you so much. I have been going through the exact same thing WORD FOR WORD, and there's no one in my life I can talk to about this. I have always known there was something different about life that I thought no one was able to see but me. I spent days not sleeping, driving myself crazy, thinking about how I would tell the world (as a 16 year old) that I was a GOD.


the ancient Greeks used to consider bipolar disorder as a divine gift from the gods! A divine gift! Wow! That’s WAY different than how we are looked at today. How fascinating. “Mania” and “melancholia” were among the first two diseases ever categorized. Even Socrates and Plato understood that mania was a divine state with various characteristics such as “erotic inspiration” sent from the god of love or “proteptic inspiration” derived from the Muses. They even go on to say that the god Apollo is the source of this divine inspiration! If the greatest minds of all time said that that’s good enough for me ✌️


Thank you for the great information is exactly what I was looking for I had experience a similar experience 6 to 7 years ago and didn’t know what really was happening to me but until this present day there are times when I start experiencing anxiety and panic attacks due to that similar experience I had More videos like this would be wonderful thank you


Holly is exactly what happened to me, glad i'm glad i'm finally coming to understand it more and me it was made worse because i was obssessed with the bible at the time and trying to understan the whole Jesus concept, i could read the book oof matthew over and over again and would get astrong feeling that there are some missing dots and riddles that i was meant to figure out.but i gotta say it wasn'T all that bad because it made me realise that no one is greater than me in this world except the creator himself
