New Madrid Seismic Zone: Why The Middle Of The U.S. Could Be Hit By A HUGE Earthquake

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The west coast of the United States is accustom to earthquakes. But lying deep underground in the middle of the United States, is a little known area called the New Madrid Seismic Zone. At some point, this area, which is in the middle of the North American plate, will shake the entire region causing extreme damage that people aren't expecting. Here's why this region of the United States is so seismically active and what will happen when the inevitable earthquake does hit.

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The quakes that hit New Madrid in 1811 and 1812 made church bells ring in New England.


I have lived in Oklahoma for less than five years and have felt more earthquakes than thirty two years living in the SF Bay Area.


I grew up in New Madrid county. My dad would ride us along the levy and tell the tale of the earthquake and how the river ran backwards. When the water level is low you can see the ruins of Old Madrid.


A fear of mine (I live above Louisville, KY) is that we are sheltering in the basement during a tornado warning and an earthquake hits.


Anyone else seeing this one-month-old video after our earthquake on the east coast in New Jersey on 4-5-24? Now I’m concerned…


Oklahoma residents: "YAY! We survived the tornado!"
Famous last words before the earthquake


I live in the New Madrid zone, in Northwest Tennesse. I live about 35 miles from the Mississippi river. The lake that was formed in 1812 is called Reelfoot lake. It is located in Lake County of Tennessee. It is one of the largest natural formed lakes we know was formed by an earthquake we know of. This was what caused the Mississippi to run backwards. The lake has a depth of about 15 to 20 feet in the deepest areas. Where most of the lake is shallow. No more that 7 feet or less. The area of the lake was logged for cypress trees long ago. After the eventual outlawing of cutting cypress trees the area became part of the lake. The best way to experience the lake is tour boats at certain boat docks. Also, fishing is very big part of the region. This lake is also home for hundreds of nesting American Bald Eagles. There is an eagle nursery that helps injured and sick eagles to get well to be released back into the wild. A unique and amazing place to see. Also, the name Reelfoot was given to the lake because the Reelfoot Indian Tribe called this region home. Their whole tribe was wiped out in the region during the earthquake of 1812 and resulting flooding of their habitat. We remember them for the nature loving and hunters they were. A tribute to those who lost their lives to the aftermath of the quake of 1812.


I grew up in OKC. I'm 71 and live in Arkansas now.
When I was five years old I was walking to school when all of a sudden the ground started shaking and threw me down. I ran home and asked my mother what happened. She said it was an earthquake. I don't think there was any fracking going on in the late 1950's, but I could be wrong. Ny the way, the last earthquake y'all had was felt felt clear up to where I live in northwest Arkansas.


I was sitting on a milk crate while on our country stores phone being told that my mom's sister had passed away when a small quake hit ( New Madrid ) that moved myself and the milk crate two feet across the floor and split the wall on the side of the store.


I've lived in Oklahoma my whole life, and in the past 5years I've felt far more earthquakes than ever before. And supposedly they've stopped fracking and waste water dumping.... This past weekend we had a flurry of quakes, and they were very noticable. There was 7in one day.


Memphis native here. I felt a few quakes thanks to the New Madrid zone, including one in the 70s which sent us running from a building where I worked downtown. Cars bounced and the parking lot moved like waves during the aftershock. I live near San Francisco now. Yep. The University of Memphis has a seismology department which studies earthquakes in that region.


Something people tend to forget about earthquakes east of the Mississippi is that the rocks here are older and more dense. Faults in the rocks on this side have had time to heal, unlike the west coast. That means the seismic waves travel much further here. That's why an earthquake here would be so much more devastating, even at a lower magnitude than on the west coast.


The New Madrid sizemic zone is much more scary to me than anything in California.


The timing of this is interesting since we are close to the total eclipse event and the one in 1811 followed a total eclipse


I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and I remember there being an earthquake a few weeks ago. My whole apartment was shaking for a minute or so and I thought it was the wind at first, until I looked outside and realized it wasn't windy. That's the only earthquake I can remember actually being noticeable in recent years.


No where is totally safe…it’s always something.


We used to live in Middle TN and our insurance agent put the fear of God in us about New Madrid. Also, Madrid is pronounced with a different accent-, as in MAD-drid.


How to start preparing.

Take three days during the work week and turn off your electric and water. Make do with what you can and write down things you needed and didn't have or tasks that were difficult. After you have this list, research alternatives
Eat, wear and consume cheaper. Choose cheaper meals to create room in your grocery budget to put back food. Wear second hand clothes or put a spending freeze on clothes shopping in order to make room to buy what you'll need for the future (especially if you have small children who grow frequently). Consume less electricity, gas, propane by finding alternatives. This may mean using a crock pot, hang drying clothes, using candles at night and opening windows for sunshine during the day etc. With the wiggle room you've created in those bills you now have some money to buy more food storage, medical supplies or invest in a small solar unit.
Make an edc bag. This is something you will carry all the time (on your person or in your car) that could provide you with what you and your family need for 3 nights. Think about what you may put into an overnight bag if you were to stay at a hotel. This will ensure even if something happens and you're out you're able to shelter in place
Understand how to take care of medical emergencies at home. Remember that in a major event, ems could be down or unavailable for sometime. While this is never the first line of defense in an emergency, understanding how to manage medical emergencies (high infections, deep wounds, pneumonia, asthma attacks, shock, 2nd and 3rd degree burns, poisoning, radiation sickness, torn ligaments, allergic reactions, excessive bleeding) while you wait on help can be life and death.
Food, water, temperature control are your highest priorities. If faced with a major event where services are limited for more than 3 days, having stored food as well as a way to cook, a way to filter and store water, and a way to keep yourself cool or warm can be life altering.

Please remember as we are entering or for some of us are already in uncertain times, having this foundation gives security as well as lowers stress. It allows us to feel more in control and gain a more positive perspective on not only our lives but the world. I'm willing to answer any questions from my own experience in the comments if you feel overwhelmed!


There is absolutely a minor fault line in northern Oklahoma. The USGS had published a paper I had read that said it was initially inconclusive the waste stream injections had reawakened the fault, but I felt earthquakes there in my 16 years BEFORE the industry had taken off. You might need to take another look.


When millions of people disappear instantly they will say it was alien abduction. But it will have been Jesus who came to rescue his Church before the 7-year Tribulation. Believe in Jesus as Savior and be saved 🙌 Romans 10:9, Ephesians 2:9
