Gluteus Maximus Trigger Points
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The gluteus maximus plays a significant role in stabilizing both the sacroiliac joint and the knee joint.
It does so by means of superior fibers, which attach to the aponeurosis of the sacrotuberous ligament, and inferior fibers, which attach anteriorly to the iliotibial band, providing tension down to the knee.
Because the gluteus muscles are also called on to support and stabilize our core - they are called into action without our realizing it when we are sitting at a work desk, or driving for long periods.
Overuse from simple every day activities can lead to trigger points in this muscle, and these trigger points may exist for long periods without manifesting in painful symptoms.
It is also hypothesized that gluteal trigger points could be a result of inhibition in the gluteals caused by spasm in the psoas, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.
The formation of these trigger points provides much-needed tension for sacroiliac support.
It does so by means of superior fibers, which attach to the aponeurosis of the sacrotuberous ligament, and inferior fibers, which attach anteriorly to the iliotibial band, providing tension down to the knee.
Because the gluteus muscles are also called on to support and stabilize our core - they are called into action without our realizing it when we are sitting at a work desk, or driving for long periods.
Overuse from simple every day activities can lead to trigger points in this muscle, and these trigger points may exist for long periods without manifesting in painful symptoms.
It is also hypothesized that gluteal trigger points could be a result of inhibition in the gluteals caused by spasm in the psoas, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus.
The formation of these trigger points provides much-needed tension for sacroiliac support.