5 Ways to 'Fix' The Catholic Church

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I am so sick of seeing the novas order vs Latin mass arguments online. 😒


Having grown up Protestant, I was shocked when I became Catholic to find that Sunday school for adults was not “a thing”. We all need ongoing formation.


I separated myself from the universal church from after my first communion at 12 up until about two years ago when I turned 27. It was only after going through something devastating that it led me back to God. I think what I was missing the most through all those years was inspiration. The church always felt like routine, obligation, etc to me. To be fair to the Protestants they inspired me to look into my faith. When I read on the church history I came home to the Catholic Church. Now I know I’m where I’m meant to be. Amen.


As an 83 year-old priest, let me just say that this is courageous and brilliant! Thank you for this. Thank you for your ministry.


As a Ukrainian Greek Catholic, I say, "Amen" to returning to the original way the Sacraments of Initiation were originally celebrated. Not only is it the way the Orthodox do it, but it's how we Eastern Catholics do it as well. I was born and raised Latin Catholic, but I canonically transferred my membership in 2017, and have witnessed two Baptisms in our parish. The beauty of not only being there when an infant is Baptized, Chrismated, and Communed for the first time, but the community's participation, is a wonderful occasion indeed. We all, along with the parents and godparents, participate in the renunciation of sin and Satan, the Profession of Faith, and in the Promises of Baptism, thus agreeing that this child's faith formation is the responsibility of all of us. And when the priest Chrismates him/her, he anoints the forehead, eyes, ears, shoulders, hands, and feet of the child, saying, "Sealed with the Holy Spirit." And each time he anoints the child, we all affirm this by exclaiming, "Sealed!" Thus we reaffirm that we are all participants in this Child of God's faith formation. And when it's time for Communion, the newly Baptized and Chrismated child is the first to receive, via the priest placing a tiny droplet of the Precious Blood into his/her tiny mouth. Thus the child is recognized from that day onward to be in full communion.


"They'll never forgive us if we turn out to be just as worldly as everyone else." I think this might just be a perfect summation of the whole video and the crux of our problems. Thank you for bringing to light our true nature and purpose as a Church! People need this!💕💕


Mass is my sustenance. The body of Christ is so important to my salvation. I love attending mass


I am a Protestant. I would love if all Christian’s could come back together as one. We all believe and follow Jesus.


Why can’t we have both forms without either side feeling self righteous?”

Amen to that! And yet when I even suggested something tangentially traditional for our parish’s 150th feast day, my pastor turned to me, a then 20 year old college student and said, “a procession with the relic? That’s Lefebvrist.”

I think many who discover the EF have been burned over the years, and that simmering angst is really bubbling over. TC did not give both a path to not feel self righteous; it just intensified the issue.

Many blessings, Fr Casey!


I would also reform RCIA. Just imagine Peter converting 3, 000 but ending with: "...and step over here to sign up for RCIA next month."


I was just saying this to a friend. Catholics almost tend to love the church more than it loves Jesus. We talk about ourselves much, much more than we talk about Jesus and his love and his mercy.


I have frequently appreciated Breaking In the Habit. As a Protestant theologian, I disagree with the use of some scripture at times in the Fr's talks. But I fully fully agree with and encourage the church in these matters. Excellent and hopeful humility, washing feet, seeking to fulfill the ministry of reconciliation given us by Christ, these are what make the church stand out in a world hungry for the love of God (though they have NO idea of this). I love my Catholic brothers and sisters. Thankful for this message.


This attitude towards self-reflection and self-correction are absolutely necessary if we are to prevent the schisms that marred the Church, and which resulted in the Protestant reformation, as well as the mindboggling amount of denominations that have fragmented Protestantism ever since. Thank you, Father Casey, for this much needed intellectual honesty.


I think Marian devotion is sorely needed too. The world has fallen into much cruelty and darkness and as mother of all believers it’s her gentle touch that can help guide souls back to her son Christ. St. Mary, pray for us!


You need to tell this to the dioceses, not to us. Parishioner voices are often not listened to...


We have warriors who are fighting the wrong people. Nobody goes to heaven alone, the body of Christ is how we get there. One part of the body hurts, we all hurt. Embrace one another and love one another, dont let the evil spirits shred us apart like it already has to our country.


Your video is an answer to my prayers! I recently joined the Catholic Church, after being raised Southern Baptist. Fell away and was Agnostic for decades! Never considered another religion. One day at work I had the most clear, pristine thought, “you should check out the Roman Catholic Religion”. I’m trying to keep this short, but picture me going to mass for the first time and falling head over heels for Jesus and renewing my faith. This is a beautiful religion, I dont know anything about how it was, it is perfect to me right now, as it is. I am like St. Augustine bemoaning the fact I came to Catholicism later in life and lost all the years that I could have worshiped this way. Biggest surprise was that there isn’t more to do. I miss Bible study. Also it’s hard to get to know anyone. So I totally support break away Bible study classes. I studied the Bible at the Baptist church from kindergarten. So I hope your words catch fire. I have been concerned that so many Christian’s are leaving the Catholic Church so I’ve been praying for a revolution all over the world for them to come back. I don’t know what God’s will is for me yet. But the Holy Spirit directed me to the Catholic Church and I am so thankful. God Bless.


I'm a pro-Catholic Protestant, and I agree with your positive ways to make Catholicism more effective in reaching people with the Good News. Much of what you say applies to us as well.


One thing and only one thing I envy when I hear counselors online talk to callers who are evangelical or "born again". They always say "do you have a church?" If not, they suggest some and say they need community to help them. They always ask like it's one big family which I know isn't true, but it sounds so much nicer than nodding to people or having the clique's the Catholic church usually does with clubs or functions. Many say they have so many contacts for jobs, for Bible study, to help widows or children without dads or moms. Do you feel that way in your Catholic church? I know it's for reverence and Eucharist and communion with God but community sure helps tie it up in a bow.


I am an African from Cameroon. Very good. God bless you and guide you ❤
