Breakups suck 💔 #relationship #breakup

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Omg no way.. I’m a silent watcher of yours and I’ve always admired how you respected your boyfriends privacy and didn’t include him in the videos but still managed to show ur love and affection! It’s sad that you guys had to part ways.. I’m no expert on love but what’s meant to be will find your way, Faye! Thank you for inspiring many of us here and know that it’s okay to take a deserved break 💗we’re here for you✨


OH God, my boyfriend also broke off our 3-year relationship, and then my 3 closest friends betrayed me. It hurts, it hurts so bad. But it's been a year since, so I moved on with myself. Now, I only focus on my studies, my health, and my career. And yeah, I'm still single and don't have any friends (because I have some trust issues). Sometimes my life gets boring, but I'm happy because living alone is much better than living with fake people. I don't know if you need my little advice, but just focus on yourself and keep yourself as busy as possible. During this time, you might go to bed crying and maybe starve because of the memories, but you will eventually move on. I BELIEVE IN YOU. 💗 BE STRONG. 💗


You're stronger than any heartbreak. This breakup may be a temporary setback, but it won't define your future. You've got this!💝


awh faye, im sorry ☹️💗 you’re not alone in this, you’ll get through it <3


Think of things you have. you got a great family and friends and "besties". Stay strong and blessed


Feel however you need to feel, and eventually the feelings will become more positive. You got this!!!


Time heals everything. Just focus on yourself


Boyfriend or no boyfriend doesn't make any difference, you're still the most amazing woman we know. You're very strong keeping yourself together and focus on yourself, give yourself some rest days (keep yourself busy with fun activities) and do healing activities (meditation, cooking, etc), this is probably the best time to keep yourself motivated and learn something new. We believe in you Faye! You're a queen 👑❤


No problem Faye we are there for you! You're more than a sister!!!!🫂💗
I hope you heal soon, Your so talented so just focus on ur future Gurrlll 💌


GIRL, UR TOO GOOD FOR HIM. I think you're perfect


Faye, you are a queen and will still remain a queen even without a boyfriend.
Take your time girlie, eat your fav food watch a good movie and then comeback even stronger.
Love you ❤


God always has a better plan for us. Stay strong sis


My psychology teacher (who is also a therapist) told me once that during emotionally tough times, you must focus on venting out your feelings in whichever way you want. This is because bottling it up can cause any outburst (which is bad). So my advice is to write down all your feelings and eventually, you'll see yourself feeling better. Stay strong, Faye.


Cheer up girl sometimes some people and places can't keep going with us... but u should not let this effect u cause u are amazing just the way u r.... and u will always have us by ur side..❤


Call a friend... cry your heart out.. Don't bottle up your emotions.. Do what you love


just broke up with my bf of 2yrs. sobbed for hours but i know it was the right decision. praying for you girlie.


உங்கள விட்டு ஒருத்தர் போறாங்க னா அவங்கள விட சிறந்தவங்க அந்த இடத்துக்கு வர போறாங்கனு அர்த்தம் ..
..if you want to cry please cry out loud ..we all are with you. Stay strong bestie ...💪


I've never been in a relationship and I have no idea what to tell you other then the fact that it will all be alright at the end, just flip the page and concentrate on whatever is most important, and that at any time if it's too overwhelming then always remember that you have a family of 1.2 Million people ready to help you out, ilysm Faye and I promise that it will all end soon, lysmm!!


Hey Faye... Remember lily... A no from somebody is a yes from somebody better... Also take your time... Spend time with yourself... Go on solo dates... Blurt out your thoughts on a piece of paper and go on with ur life with a smile... We all are here for you 💗 u r stronger than you think... Focus on yourself


Faye bestie, people come and people go, this is the most important thing to learn, no matter how much important those memories were, we know that we won't be able to forget them, but the point here is, there are better things to improve right now in your life, and just remember we all are here to support you ❤ It's okay to emotionally drain during these times but you gotta stay strong, and don't forget that we love you always
