Do DINKs Have More Fun (and Money)?

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Carefree (and kid-free) travel isn’t the only reason DINKs are living their best life. In this episode, Rachel and George get real about the cost of kids and how to know if you’re ready.

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Today’s Happy Hour Special: 🍸 Isn’t She Lovely?
• 1 1/2 ounces vodka
• 3/4 ounce fresh grapefruit juice
• 1/2 ounce lemon juice
• 1/2 ounce elderflower liqueur
• 1/2 ounce blanc vermouth
• 1/4 simple syrup
• 1 ounce club soda
Instructions: Combine all the ingredients except the club soda in a shaker with ice. Shake until chilled, then strain into a collins glass over fresh ice. Top with club soda, and enjoy!

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How about SINK (Single Income No Kids). This can apply as well


Cloth diaperer here! Spent about $500 on all the supplies with my first. 3 kids in, haven’t spent more, the addition to our water and electricity is negligible. Major savings win! 🤷‍♀️


I think the easiest phase of parenting was between 5-12 years old. They can make their own lunch and dress themselves, but aren't yet driving around with who knows whom.


I have two toddlers going to daycare part time and I pay 25K per year for them. Daycare in the US is insane!

I'm calling BS on the $310, 000 to raise a child to 18. Or $17, 000 a year.

That would mean 3 kids alone would be costing $51, 000 a year. Or $4250 a month. Who on average is spending anywhere close to that on their kids alone?


11:05 kids aren't easy and they're not always fun. Some have special needs, some have physical and/or mental health issues, some try to commit suiCide, some are ungrateful wretches, the list is endless; some of these issues have nothing whatsoever to do with being a "good" parent. As a mom of two adults, I have seen my share of not-so-fun things from my own sons, as well as their peers. Having kids is not for the faint of heart. Real life isn't like a Hallmark movie.


“Do it first. Then you’ll figure it out.”

Very opposite mentality they preach with regard to money.


Happily childless, and will be staying that way


Dink here 😅10 years happily married and not planning of having children. I love kids, they are beautiful but not for me.


DINK here! Plan to have kids in a couple years. But for now, we are loving the freedom.


Ticks me off when I hear even if you can't afford kids, you'll find a way. As a child whose family had to do this, don't do this. It scars the child forever.


😂 Laughing all through out this video. I love that Goerge exudes strength for his wife. ❤❤ Thank you both


What George said about having a purpose you never knew about is absolutely true


DINKWAD here and child free by choice. I've honestly just never had a strong maternal instinct my entire life. As an adult, I didn't want to have children just because it was the social norm. I have a dog that I project the small amount of maternal instinct I have onto, and while I love him to pieces, I enjoy the freedom it provides us. I also have a niece and nephew who have my whole heart ❤️ I just never had that strong feeling to have a child of my own. I have a lot of respect for people who have children. What is good for one couple is not necessarily good for another, and that's ok! ❤❤❤


DINKWAD here 🐕 I love it. Child free by choice, retiring early to travel the world with my hubby ❤️ kids are like holiday decorations, im glad other ppl have them so I don't have to


We did cloth diapers exclusively for 2 kids! I paid $300 total ever to diaper 2 children. It was worth it, never an issue washing at home! Always sparkling white, no smells after cleaning! Also breastfeeding was worth it. The pump was covered by insurance, lactation consultant who helped with loads of issues we had was covered by insurance. It was a 24/7 sleepless, painful for the first 6 weeks, tough job but not paying for formula was worth the struggle to me.


Kids don’t have to be expensive. They don’t eat much for a few years and diapers aren’t really that expensive when you consider everything else you’re spending money on. 1/2 the cost of one meal out. Once you have more kids, there are plenty of ways to save. Compared to friends who only have 1 or 2 kids who buy all the nice clothes and strollers ect., we get so much used stuff we hardly buy clothes, toys or strollers. I’ve been able to find them used it for pretty cheap. Bob double stroller got used for $100 (retail over $600). You don’t want new things with kids anyways 😅 upgraded our car but paid cash (5k) for an older suburban. I love it. No payments and fits everyone. So it can be done cheaper. We homeschool so also have a lot of activities paid through our charter school. People who chose not to have kids don’t know what they are missing out on and may regret it later. Children are a blessing and far better than material things that’s for sure!


Wow I needed to hear “You’re never going to be ready” earlier. I always felt like I had to reach all these goals before having kids and then I reached my early 30s and had to start before it was too late.


It's so true what George said, back in the day you had big families to help on the family farm, etc.
Currently so much, including flying all over the world, is so readily available, people have this reason for not having kids.


We have one kid and are torn about a 2nd. It really annoys me when people tell you to have more kids? Are you helping? Are you paying for anything? Your only contribution is telling me to have a kid. It's really undue pressure and I'm not here for it.
