South Africa’s Collapse Finally Exposed | Rob Hersov

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Rob Hersov about the political and economic crisis in South Africa; how corruption and mismanagement under the ruling African National Congress (ANC) have led to the country's infrastructure and economic decline; the impact of racial laws like "expropriation without compensation" targeting white South Africans; the need for international intervention, particularly from the U.S. and Donald Trump; the resilience and entrepreneurial spirit of South Africans; and the importance of global support to help the country rebuild; and much more.

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Rob Hersov
Libertarian Entrepreneur & Investor


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In one generation they took the wealthiest country in Africa, and what they couldn't steal, they neglected or destroyed.


I'm a South African ... we're circling the drain.


You can’t fight racism with racism
South Africa is a perfect example


the ANC has absolutely destroyed South Africa.


I am South African. Still live here. There is nothing left and -if we dare complain, we are called racists…
I am so tired.


As a black South African, I completely agree... the ANC ruined our beautiful country 😢


I was born in South Africa in 94, Pieter-Maritzburg. we left for England in 2003, my dad was a farmer. Things were turning bad and he sensed it, so grateful he got us out of there. I lived in England for 10 years and now I’m settled in Australia for the last 10 years but not a week goes by when I don’t miss my home and culture, I miss my family (what’s left of them) I went back 7 years ago and my heart was just broken instantly, I will never get over seeing how much everything had changed.. it has left a sadness in my heart that won’t go away.

Sometimes I wish we had never left, but farmers were being murdered left right and centre and I know if we stayed that would have been us.

Like Johnny clegg said ‘who has the words to close the distance between you and me’

Praying for South Africa ❤


I am a coloured South African, the old days under apartheid had its drawbacks, but we had Law and order we had jobs wehad civility, our children received good education and it was safe

. Today it is violence, crime, and the rule of law does not exist anymore.

The ANC totally destroyed South Africa, through greed, through corrupt activities, through crime, through violence, through ineptitude, only benefitting comrades no matter the cost to the economy..

And yes, South Africa today is more racist than it was under apartheid


When apartheid ended I was a student in university and I remember discussing the event with one of my history professors. We both remembered the enthusiasm for Rhodesia’s end of white rule and the professor remembered the end of colonialism in Africa. Our conclusion was that South Africa would follow the same path of decline. History can be a great teacher for those who bother to learn the lessons.


What people don't realise while watching this is just how much risk Rob has taken for South Africa. How he's literally putting his life on the line for the country he loves! Rob is the truest form of a patriot!


ANC alone didn't destroy South Africa alone, their voters helped destroy it.


I'm South African, and I can promise you that myself and many of my fellow South Africans will never give up our property, businesses and assets without fighting to the death. The ANC needs to understand eventually that the people of my country are not going anywhere. We are just as African as any other Africans. This is all of our land


I'm South African. This was accurate. It's impossible to paint a complete picture of the horror happening here in such a short time, but he did a great job - thank you.


I'm born and bred south african and was 17 in 94 and it is extremely sad to drive around and see the state of our country. Absolutely shocking!


I'm a black South African and i 100% agree with this guy


I'm an American living in South Africa and i can say that it's heartbreaking to see what's going on here


White South African here. Everything he says is spot on. It's a shame.


As a black South African, this guy is telling the truth. No lies


As a South African I completely agree, all our lovely children have left the country to get jobs overseas. My heart breaks. I'll never forget the post of a person thanking the nurse for putting the new born baby in a cardboard box because the hospital didn't have bassinets. ANC has looted SA.


I am so proud of Rob. Thank you for standing up for the voiceless people of South Africa. You are one in a Billion.
