STAR WARS: RISE OF SKYWALKER Clip - Lando's Fleet (2019) Disney

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STAR WARS: RISE OF SKYWALKER Clip - Lando's Fleet (2019) Disney

PLOT: When it's discovered that the evil Emperor Palpatine did not die at the hands of Darth Vader, the rebels must race against the clock to find out his whereabouts. Finn and Poe lead the Resistance to put a stop to the First Order's plans to form a new Empire, while Rey anticipates her inevitable confrontation with Kylo Ren.

CAST: Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Anthony Daniels, Kelly Marie Tran, Naomi Ackie, Domhnall Gleeson, Richard E. Grant, Lupita Nyong'o, Keri Russell, Joonas Suotamo, Ian McDiarmid, and Billy Dee Williams.

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#StarWars #RiseOfSkywalker #Disney
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“Let’s fly, Lando.”
Welcome back Wedge!! It’s a small cameo but it’s a heartfelt one.


"The biggest problem in the universe is no one helps each other"
-Anakin Skywalker


“It’s not a navy sir it’s just……people”

3 years later and this line still gives me goosebumps, the hosnian system didn’t inspire anyone, no one came to help on Crait but finally the galaxy as a whole is saying we’re done letting you rule us with fear! And in the end isn’t that what this series is all about?


"Hit those underbelly cannons! Every one we knock out is a planet saved!" That, and the arrival of Lando's fleet just gave me goosebumps!


Lando's also laughing because he FINALLY got his ship back.


The best part of this movie? Seeing John Williams cameo and Denis Lawson return as Wedge.


Lando grabbed the biggest transceiver he could and broadcasted that the Empire was coming back and the rest of the galaxy wasn’t gonna stand for it.


Literally yelled out “wedge!” in the theaters! My wife looked at me like confused “what?!”


Remember back in episode 1 when Anakin thought that no one in the universe helped each other? Well, this beautiful moment put those thoughts to rest. This isn't just a cavalry. This is a galaxy-wide collection of people who have had to put up with the Sith's crap for God knows how long. They're tired of it and they want it to end. And end it they did.

In my opinion, this was a nice little nod to where it all started, where it all ends.


Ima be honest. I love how we actually get to see how much faster the falcon is compared to other ships. Like I don’t recall them ever really showing how much faster it really was. Like the original trilogy the ties would keep up easily with it which is kinda weird considering it’s not considered to be that fast of a fighter. So seeing it completely torch poes x wing when they were trying to save Finn was coo to see.


The sequels have their moments. Not many, but they have them. And Wedge’s cameo makes me so happy. If Luke was Rogue Squadrons Maverick, Wedge was Iceman. The only guy to go up against two Death Stars and the Final Order and live to talk about it.


The greatest fleet of a generation. Long may this always be remembered.


Still makes me smile and well up at the same time. Amazing moment


Good ol’ Wedge, coming back from his retirement to lay some hate. And he’s wearing what I think is his old Rebel flight uniform.


Don’t really like TRoS, but damn it, this is one the best scenes in Star Wars. All the people of the galaxy appearing and rising up is so fundamentally Star Wars, it’s the perfect thing to happen in the finale. (Also Wedge is there and I’ll always love a Wedge appearance)


I was holding it together until I saw Wedge. Then, I got something in my eye...


0:45 this moment right here brings a smile to my face, goosebumps to my skin, and a tear to my eye.


Just seeing the millennium falcon leading the assault is just so amazing. The falcon is just so iconic and it’s my favorite ship out of all of them. Just wish Han was the one piloting the falcon in this scene along side Lando and Chewie but just seeing Lando pilot the falcon was amazing too. I know he missed his ship.


It would have been super cool if several of the groups checked in like the rebel wings did while approaching the Death Star in A New Hope. "Defense force of the... checking in", "... fleet checking in.", "... forces here to assist.", " ... of the 3rd fleet checking in", "Mon Cal battle group... checking in.", then the voices start to speak over one another as their are too many that have come to help. That would have been stellar.


Don't know why but when Finn screamed "Lando, you did it!" I was expecting him to say "you did it, you son of a b*tch! You fu*kin' did it!"
