How to Restore USB Flash Drive to FULL Capacity (Fix Corrupted USB Drive)

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Do you want to know how to RESTORE your USB flash drive to it's full capacity??? Also, fix your corrupted USB drive issues??? Like when you plug your USB Drive into your PC it's not recognized by windows or the space on the USB flash drive is wrong! Cleaning your USB flash drive using diskpart will create a new partition on the flash drive allowing us to use the full space of the flash drive once again. Also, your corrupted USB drive most likely will be connected to your PC and recognized. Be sure to follow the steps and run diskpart as admin. If you are running into issues where you can't type into diskpart, unplug your drives and try typing again. ...

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My 2TB USB was showing 120MB of available space with nothing on it. I actually had found these exact instructions written out on google but didn't feel confident in knowing which drive was the USB so I had asked my partner for help to delete the extra partition. He fiddled around with it for 2 hours doing everything other than the instructions I had found, before telling me I should just give up and toss it because he had deleted the extra partition but the wrong drive amount was showing 😭
I knew there had to be another way! Turns out the way I was originally going was actually the correct one and I should've just trusted myself! Thank you SO MUCH for this; such a lifesaver!


Just the fix I was looking for without downloading extra software. Spot on. Thank you.


I spent 48 hours straight at my pc trying to fix a really rare issue, thank you so much man


You are the best. Very few videos on YouTube are as straightforward as yours. I accidentally deleted the partition on my drive and this fixed it! Liked and subbed.


This actually made the risk of creating linux boot drive or installation disk a complete no risk endeavor. Thanks.


You are a legend, thank you. So many "free" disk cleaners/ partition editors that will only scan for free and it was this simple...


Exactly the thing you need after you're done using a USB drive to install Ubuntu. Thank you!


jeez why arent yo famous?!! i just found this video in accident because for some reason the extra space in flashdrive was not being used. This was a big help. because my pendrive suddenly stops when its about to reach its capacity. THANK YOU!!!!


Thank you Your Six and You Tube. I was done using it for a recovery disk and took out the wrong partition and killed my 1TB USB. Less than 4 minuets of help and "Bam" we are back in business. :)


This is one of the most important videos I have watched this year


Sir, thank you for sharing this video. You have helped me out. My 128Gb USB stick was showing only 32Gb in properties. Recently it had been out to a friend for file sharing and lately in my smart TV. I followed all the steps that you clearly demonstrated and my USB stick now has full capacity again. Many thanks.
All the best, Martin


AWESOME, You're a lifesaver.
At first I it was a 250G USB Flashdrive
After a while only 32G was available
Watched this video and - like - a - magic -
I now have 250G back to normal
Make more vids, your help is very much appreciated


you just lifted a ton off my shoulder, thanks friend.


Just what I needed. Quick and easy directions, Worked perfectly.


i have this problem with my USB FLASH drive for almost a year, with the help of this video my USB FLASH drive is FIXED. thanks a lot sir


This tutorial is so amazing! Thank you so much!


YES FINALLY THANK YOU SO MUCH, I recently flashed a iso of archlinux onto my usb drive but I never seemed to be able to install it due to computer issues and stuff like that so when i tried to use it obviously the usb didnt work because a iso was flashed onto it, I didnt know how to clean my usb without damaging anything and when I tried to open it it came up with errors all over the place, thank God this worked! 100% better than other tutorials out there.


Thank you so much man, I've been struggling with reformatting my USB after using it as a boot drive for Linux


Oh my god thank you! This is the only working tutorial I found and I was so scared my USB wouldn’t work anymore!


Thanks buddy. I really appreciate it. Keep helping the community. Cheers !
