3 Ways to Recover Deleted Files from a USB Drive

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CMD Method 02:08
Restore Previous Versions Feature 03:46
Recover deleted files with a Data Recovery Software 05:51

Before we start, let's take a moment to talk about the actions you should take to increase your chances of successful data recovery:

1. Stop using the flash drive immediately after discovering that your data has been lost.
2. Disconnect the flash drive from your computer and store it somewhere safe until you have time to start the data recovery process.
3. Don’t attempt to copy data from the flash drive to a different location because you would most likely only make everything worse.

Solution #1: Restore Deleted Files from USB Drive Using CMD
1. Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.
2. Open the Start menu, type "cmd", and hit Enter on your keyboard.
4. Finally, type "ATTRIB -H -R -S /S /D X:*.*" and hit the Enter key (Again, replace “X” with the drive letter of the USB drive).recover deleted files from flash drive
5. Wait for the process to be completed.

Solution #2: Use the Restore Previous Versions Feature
1. Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.
2. Open the Start menu, type "This pc", and hit Enter on your keyboard.
3. Right-click on your USB flash drive and select "Properties".
4. Go to the "Previous Versions" tab and look at the list of available recovery options.
5. Select a previous version and click "Restore".

Solution #3: Use a Data Recovery Software
Today we will be using the latest version of Disk Drill to recover data. It’s is one of the most popular and well-established data recovery software on the market.

Steps to recover deleted files from a USB flash drive:
2. With your pen drive connected, launch Disk Drill
3. Click the "Search for lost data" button next to it.
4. Select which files you want Disk Drill to recover and click the "Recover" button.

#USBdrive #Windows #macOS #recoverdeletedfiles
Рекомендации по теме

02:08 CMD Method
03:46 Restore Previous Versions Feature
05:51 Data Recovery Software ✅


Dude, you are a life saver. I was trying to clean out a different hard drive from another computer and went in over my head. I wound up cleaning out my external HD with all my personal files and I FREAKED OUT. I'm still in the middle of getting my files back but I wanted to say you save my family history of my grand kids growing up. I'm a life time subscriber. You have no idea what you helped me recover.


Thank you for this, i had some very precious files on a disk drive which i thought i'd lost forever, you're first method worked. People like you who share their knowledge so freely restore my faith in the world. Thanks again.


OMG i CAN'T THANK YOU ENOUGH. All my pictures from almost 5 years got deleted and I was able to recover everything again. Thank you.


I accidently deleted all my work files from my USB. My heart literally fell out of my a**. I was completely devasted after option 1 and 2 didn't work. I installed the software from the link and I got everything back!! I'm crying. THANK YOU SO


Dude you saved my life!! God bless yooo. I borrowed a drive from my neighbor full of images of their daughter which was the only copy they had. Somehow it got deleted. Your video not only saved my day but my friendship with them as well. Can't express how happy I am now.


u saved my life 😭 can't live without my old pics


You're such a life saver. I almost give up to restore my files, because the first and second way didn't fix my problem but on the 3rd one. It was successful.


I can not thank you enough for helping me. It was the first book I wrote that I lost. I was up all night trying everything to restore it. You saved my sanity, I didn't want to edit it all over again.


This happened to my mother 10 years ago
She called the IT guy and told Jim that she was copying and it all disappeared. He sat there and he said both USB drives are not working anymore, and he right click formatted them both without even asking her. Too late now. Those were all the photos of our family since marriege for the first 10 years of our lives. 4 children and parents. All gone just like that
My poor mother is so traumatized she doesn't care about anything getting deleted anymore because of how valuable what was deleted was. She cried for 3 weeks then.


I accidentally deleted a couple of photographs from my USB drive which I'd already wiped off my SD card in my DSLR camera. It wasn't the end of the world but I was so so disappointed. I got them back using the Windows File Recovery tool and I'm so grateful to you for the carefully written explanation with pictures. Just popping on your video to say thanks very much! My husband was well impressed and I've been able to show him how I did it too.


Thank you. I didn't know about "History" on PC & have now enabled it (off by default). It may save me one day! Cheers.


thank you so much!! i was panicking because i accidentally deleted a lot of my projects and paperworks, i recovered them!


Just downloaded the disk drill and it's awesome watching my files come back. Thank you. I recently purchased a 2 tb USB HP from Lazada and noticed someone else had made the comment about having this issue. Looks like they were right and will try to let them know in a customer review to check out this video.


First one worked. I've waited forever to use USB drives and recently got one and THIS EXACT THING happened today. Why? I saved everything with meticulous attention to what I was doing and then later in the day, HOURS of work gone. Thanks for sharing have been a huge bummer to lose all that work and start all over.


Thanks a million! I tried so many ways before I saw ur video. I recovered videos which were almost impossible to remake.
U deserve more than just a 👍


I had finished my After Effects Portfolio and I somehow deleted the whole thing after just finishing it. I'm so grateful for this video. You have no idea. The whole project was due two hours ago but I'm glad I have it. Thank you!


OMG I was in an accident and the Tesla cam appeared to overwrite a saved Dashcam footage. I was able to recover the video by following your video. I think every Tesla owner should know about app. Thank you so much!


Really helped! Option 1 worked - we were quite terrified when the data got lost. I could tell it was still on the USB because the space on the drive was occupied but had no way of accessing the files. Thanks for the tip 👍🏾


Accidently deleted footage off my camera. Tried the first and second method didn't really work out. Downloaded the data recovery software and it worked. Thank you
