The SECRET OP Strategy TAKING OVER PATCH 12.21 - League of Legends

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What I took from this guide: BAN BEL'VETH EVERY GAME


8:14 I found it was cute he tried to Q over the wall without an ult


Tried this after watching the video on the website, having never played Bel'Veth before.

Easiest games of my life. Also taught me to invade aggressively and dual other junglers a lot more, as I realised I've been way too passive in pressuring the enemy jungler.


The good old days where trying off-meta things can uncover hidden OP things. These days, trying off-meta things only gets you reported and banned.


feel like it get countered by something i do everygame.
For instance if i'm blue side and starting red, i go next to the pixel bush top side, start my back a 0.54 and put the ward down at 1.00, then swap to red trinket, i will 100% see the belveth cross the river from raptor to invade me, so i can just ask for help or just go into vertical jungling depending on match up and mid/top prio.

If she dies from this invade, it's basically game over for her.


So it’s Shaco’s old strat on a hyper carry


It was my Platinum friend teach me how to objective in the early days of season 8. Simply remove them from the game in early game, and it's free win. That still works in every game, provided the jungle champion you pick is a great duelist. Bel'veth just 200years champ with new unique buff after objective that's why this was so effective more than ever.


So the strategy works. I never play jungle, especially never Bel'Veth. I played a bit of Yi jungler back in season 5-6 but that's about it.
I completely annihilated the game I just played 1v9 style. However: My teammates flamed me the entire way through ._.
Probably just a low elo thing, but it seems like people completely lose their mental when a jungler plays to get themselves ahead.


Skill caped, i want your opinion on LS´s take on belveth saying that it is garbage to run conqueror because it doesnt sinergize at all with the kit and instead should go lethal tempo


I've been doing this for a while now.... lol Rammus eats you alive, Kayn and Lilia are just as strong as you at level 2 and can get away. Any champ that can jump over walls can evade this too. I main kindred and bel and I can easily kill the Bell as a lvl 2 kindred and save my smite for gromp every blue start.


I was pretty bad with Bel'veth... But after watching this video, I've gone 9-2 and promoted into gold 1. 🤩


Sudden Impact > eyeball collector
Coup the Grace > last stand
You need early damage, if You don't have both of this runes, ur enemy can live


So I ran into a couple problems while doing this strat in plat 1, first enemy jungle or support warding pixel bush and spotting me on my way to their gromp and second, when I arrive, their gromp is almost full hp, so it's kinda awkward that I'm not able to smite it right away I kinda have to damage it while the enemy jungler runs away and calls for help from the support.


its not the strategy op, its the champ


She either is a broodlord from SC2 or guardian from SC BW but for some reason she spawns locusts like a swarmhost from SC2 ;)


I was trying your strat and there were 4 people on lvl 2 chasing me and killing. Like almost all the team immediatly went to help enemy jungler. You can't win that shit no matter how you try...


Wait, so we just accept that if enemy laners leash we lose the game, right? I mean, with leash the guy will smite his second camp before we even get to him


>I queue into ranked.
>lock belveth vs lee sin jg
>clear raptors steal his blue and start gromp
> enemy bars walks into jg and starts fucking me up. Enemy adc flashes wall to finish me off
> lee sin takes my blue gromp.
>behind rest of game while enemy perma wards my jg

So that was fun


the strategy: actually play jungle with some IQ


Deaths dance on everything, on shaco, on soraka, on that one minion that always hits the wrong target. Because riot doesnt know how to balance their game and healing, deaths dance it up. Just build it. Riot has bruiser players to comfort.
