The SECRET OP Champion to CLIMB FAST on PATCH 12.20 - League of Legends

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I bet that after this video if Taric hits 5% pick rate, his win rate drops to 49%


Guys, if you watch videos like these you must remember one thing. SC is releasing their videos first on their website. They are getting published on youtube 2-3 weeks later. So it might be possible that they are talking about taric from older patches. On 12.17 his MR got nerfed quiet hard and his E has one more second on CD, but he should be still good imo.

A big reason why he's not getting played that much is, that his skills require a lot of spatial thinking. He's is actually really hard 2 play, i will watch this video and maybe SC proves the opposide.. :D


Some notes from a Taric player:
- Skill ordering is correct in this video
- You can change presence of mind for triumph based on preference. The reason is that the extra healing will allow you to exit the fight in a lot of cases.
- Going for the health rune is often more valuable than double armor.
- Lucidity boots = more e + flash = more engages. Depending on your elo it may be more valuable.
- Experiment with different runes. Taric likes resolve primary & precision secondary, but there is no good keystone for him in resolve.
- Historicaly since his rework Taric has never been weak. You just need to play like a leona, his kit is very forgiving.
- Armor of the fifth age or pool party.


One small correction I have about Taric's passive is that, for his Q, it actually refunds an entire charge, not just a single second of its' cooldown. This is stated in his Q's description.


Ah yes, a Zed who is low health in lane and suddenly full health without backing, while taric only did raptors. I do remember those times in 12.17


I opt not to get Fimbulwinter. Seraph's is a better pick in most situations for Taric.

Fimbul will drain mana to provide a shield on an 8 second cooldown. Seraphs provides more effective HP in the same amount of time from spamming heal and does not drain your mana. This means you heal allies more too.

Unless the enemy has enough frontloaded damage to kill you before you can heal up (or has enough Grievous Wounds sources to cut your healing), Seraphs is the better pick.


I tried maining Taric in silver earlier this season and your comment about him being misunderstood is so on point, however, mostly to his detriment. "2.5 seconds of invincibility is OP" which is true if your teammates understand to GO IN when it's on them. 9 times out of 10 I'll ult someone with Taric and watch them use it to run away. Otherwise people generally don't understand that the prolonged fights will favor us and chicken out too soon. He's incredibly frustrating to play in low ELO.


Gotta try Tarik out, started playing Maokai top after the buffs and while my damage was nothing to write home about it was hilarious to see other champs attack me and just heal everything up while fighting... And then I faced a Tarik top and felt exactly the same as my enemies, while realizing he could heal not only himself but others too, get a shield and be overall more useful in teamfights, if it wasn't for Maokai's Ult I would've been pretty useless in teamfights in that match considering I was still learning the champ, but that did seem fun and want to try Tarik now for sure


For me as Taric OTP. Im really happy to see a cool video. Really good guide and help.


Not true at 7:05. Extra stacks can be incredibly useful in a fight, as you don't always want to be spamming Q. Chaining a Q aa into an E, means you now have 4 stacks and double the normal healing at no extra cost. And W's ratios are godawful, you get very little for maxing the ability. It's very dependent on how fights go.

Also not true at 9:00. Lucidity boots are one of Taric's best options, with some of the highest winrates among boots.


One thing to note: The runes are not "scaling CDR". The shard is a flat ability haste (not scaling per level)


I've been coaching Taric Support and Jungle for years now and I have to say there are a few inaccuracies in this video when it comes to itemization and build. It definitely is stronger in lower elo's where enemies do not know how to kite Taric and he is allowed to walk at them and start chaining his auto attacks.


Taric is decent but I feel that at low ELO, he would not be that good. Low ELO ADC's are one of two things, passive or braindead aggressive.
For a taric, you need a mix of both. If you're passive, you're doing your CC, shield, cool.. but your ADC won't pop off because they're passive.
And on the other hand, aggressive ADC is nice, you can pull off CC's, but the ADC doesn't know when to back out and we both may die.
Another issue is the fact your team won't know Taric's kit. Instead of positioning where they can CC instead of Taric or when they have his R, they back out despite Taric's CC or R on them.
Also, another reason maybe why Taric is played a lot as support in high ELO is because he synergizes REALLY well with Kalista and she's a highly picked, high winrate champ in high ELO.


I’m just glad Lightrocket is finally getting some recognition


I don't like left handed champions.


Thks skill capped for leaking my secret.


real answer is rammus top lane for low elo. they will just keep auto attacking you and end up killing themselves.


this guide looks like somebody who first time played taric made a guide. Like the runes are wrong, the skill order is wrong, the item build is wrong/situational good. Tear is also optional in many matchups.


that taric attacking the dragon is absolutely nasty.


AS a main taric, He is one of The Best sup to deal damage
