PTSD and Social Security Disability: Winning Strategies

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Over the past few years I have noticed a change in the way Social Security disability judges approach #PTSD cases. Like many “invisible illnesses” PTSD can arise from any number of traumas, including physical injury or abuse, long term emotional abuse, sexual abuse, in-theater combat stress, and even stateside military service experiences.

PTSD claims have become more difficult to win, unfortunately, because more people are claiming disability based on this condition and because both family doctors and mental health professionals are making the post-traumatic stress diagnosis more frequently.

As a result of the increased, and perhaps overuse of the PTSD diagnosis, SSD administrative law judges see more of these cases at various levels of severity. If PTSD has seriously impacted your capacity to function on a day to day basis, much less in a simple work setting, your case needs to contain conclusive medical evidence and your testimony must identify actual and potential problems with work functioning.

In this video, I discuss the elements of a winning PTSD Social Security case and how I prepare my clients.#ptsdandsocialsecuritydisability #anxietydisordersandsocialsecuritydisability

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=================== CONTACT ME =================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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One of my triggers is when my phone rings I feel like every call is bad news so I eventually never pick up my phone I’ll even erase the voicemail before I can see the audio text


wow. so i have to use drugs or the judge wont take me seriously? wtf kind of sick world are we living in?!?!


im a cancer survivor and I suffer from PTSD haven cancer messd me up mentally and physically and ive been fighting for my disability for 5 years im tired of people who arent disabled abusein the system and getting our earnd money and peaple like me have to suffer


I watch all your videos, even if they don't pertain to me. You're full of knowledge. Thank you, sir.


You have a better chance at PTSD if you have experienced homelessness and have history of drug abuse. It's almost a guarantee


I have my hearing for SSI on March 7, 2019 for PTSD, anxiety/depression, agoraphobia, nightmares, sleeping disorder & I don't like being around strangers or going out in public. I was raped at 14 while still a virgin, I was kidnapped & brutally beaten and had to have facial reconstructive surgery at age 25, and then in 2012 my son who was 19 committed suicide in his college dorm over a girl. So every woman's worst nightmare has happened to me. I am afraid to go anywhere alone in case someone stalls and almost kills me again. Also I am on approx. 6 or 7 different meds and I see my doctors every month. What are my chances of winning my hearing?


I just had My Hearing Last week everything you said I have in my Medical Records including a Witness Statement. I Hope I WIN my Benefits Lord knows I need them. God Bless You Sir 🙏🙂


How about PTSD from workplace bullying, which is a definite trigger of PTSD from the other experiences you mentioned in the video. There are no laws protecting targets of workplace bullying, especially if it's not inclusive of the protected classes (race, religion, gender, sexual harassment, age discrimination, etc.)


i am a veteran 100% PTSD and turned down for SSDI in Plano, Texas. I served 6 years Navy reserves out of Houston MEPS and five more active Army out of Dallas MEPS, and my SSDI Judge turned me down for SSDI because I dressed well at one of my VA mental health appointments and had reported a few times that my symptoms had been improving, at times. I wish I never would have not joined the military from, Texas. I have no friends anymore, no family contact anymore, i work as a dishwasher from time to time when I am able. i cant own a gun according to the Brady Law.
I have the disease, the stigma, deal with the symptoms and am seeking psychiatric treatment almost monthly for the last several years. The Judge's decision made feel worthless. It is especially bitter tasting after the Affluenza case out of Forth Worth around the time of my hearing. How can you say growing up rich with no rules allows you to kill a Family of four and get ten years probation. I believe that by Swearing Allegiance to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States, and following through, I tried. My life is different now. im different. i dont fit in anywhere anymore. what hurts most is when people make fun of me for talking to myself. i dont remember that happening when I was younger. I dont care. I stay alert because I have too. Maybe that's not such a bad thing. I love the USA.


I am having my first ptsd telehealth meeting for PTSD later this month, I just got out the navy and did two 9 month deployments with the Eisenhower. I am almost a year and a half removed from my service and I have been having the same reacurring dream about me being on deployment only I’m being chased through the ship while the red lights are on, it’s like I’m running and I don’t wanna turn around I just keep running, in the dream I hear “the ship siren” going off while I’m running. Now a days I don’t want to get much sleep at all which has made me irratable towards my family. Loud noises make me snappy and aggressive, it reminds me of the flight deck. I’ve tried to work a steady job but the and thing too loud is a trigger for me. What are my chances?


I was deployed in 2009, 2010, 2011-2012, and 2013. I'm not upset that you literally said everything I have issues with ptsd. But dam it hurt to hear it. Idk I'm just trying to support my family the best I can now and literally everything you've said is my life. Thanks for the video was very enlightening


Should I bring my therapist to the hearing


I was diagnosed with PTSD but I refuse to take medication. My question is with me not taking medication will that make me lose my case?


To court I am bringing my Papers from the doctor and my therapist.🌸🌺


I also ruined my 25 yr marriage because of PTSD.


Ok so let me get started I have been in special classes from elementary school middle school high school
I saw at age 4 when my dad ran over my sister and killed her I got rape at age 13
My ex used to hit me and my son almost died at age 1 also I work at a place we're the manager sexually hurastme then few years later my I get married I have a baby boy and a year later he get burn and gets rash to the burning center hospital so I been through a lot now my Dr has help me out with medication and to see a therapist and now she told me I should apply for disability and the reason why is because all this trama has cause me to get kicked out or not get hire
I am going through a huge depression and sometimes I wish I would just not wake up 😢😢😢😢😢😢 but I have to keep it up for my kids 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I like that you say Magically put in an easy job. Cause we all know those jobs we could do DONT EXIST!


I have PTSD from a sexual assault by a doctor and C-PTSD from other lifelong abuse. It so hard for me
To concentrate and I cry everyday. I get very anxious around others and it gets hard for me to speak. I am hypervigilant on a daily basis. I get jumpy from noises


Does everyone go before a judge? They've scheduled doctor's appointments for me. So far I haven't heard anything about going to a hearing.


I got a psychological evaluation Two years ago. Should I get a more recent one before the hearing??? 👙👑
