PTSD Claims for Military Veterans - Why So Difficult

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Why do our military veterans have so much difficulty winning Social Security disability claims based on PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)?

As I discuss in this video, #PTSD claims like all #mentalhealthdisability claims are always going to be a challenge because there is no way to conclusively diagnose anxiety disorders. Your doctor cannot take an MRI of your brain and point to proof that you have PTSD or depression.

#SocialSecuritydisability #adjudicators and judges are trained to discount any medical condition where there is no objective proof. Many powerful members of Congress and cynical pundits contend that far too many disability claims are awarded based on unprovable allegations of mental health disorders and this narrative has influenced Social Security.

In the case of military veterans another problem can also arise due to the nature of the medical records in a struggling veteran’s file. Many ex-military members receive most or all of their mental health treatment at their local VA hospital. The VA system is huge and very bureaucratic and the treatment records produced are very difficult to use. #vamedicalrecords

When I request VA records for a Social Security disability client I often receive a package containing 500, 800 or even 1000 pages. VA treatment records contain excessive duplication - every time a VA patient sees his/her doctor the treatment record for that day will contain copies of treatment records from previous visits. A three page note for a particular day may be buried in 40 pages of duplicates from previous visits. That 1000 page record may contain 50 or 75 pages of unique information.

Social Security disability judges know how difficult VA records are to work with and they often do not have time to slog through the paperwork.

In addition to this practical problem, VA doctors and nurses tend to come and go so I often see a lack of consistency in treatment. VA clinicians also input their notes in to a VA medical database that is designed to minimize the severity of symptoms. And VA doctors are rarely willing to complete functional capacity evaluations.

My experience has been that military veterans who apply for Social Security disability based on PTSD or other mental health issues can greatly improve their chances of winning by seeking diagnoses and treatment outside the VA system, in addition to what they receive at the VA.

Despite the lip service politicians give to “taking care of our veterans” the truth is that ex-military personnel struggling with PTSD, #depression and #anxiety have an extremely difficult road when seeking #disabilitybenefits.

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=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262

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Рекомендации по теме

I'm a 100% Disabled Combat Veteran and I already had a feeling that it would be hard to get SSID approved with just a mental condition like PTSD. That's why when I applied I put other conditions like my back, severe migraine headaches, severe arthritis and other conditions along with PTSD and I was approved. I applied for SSDI in Jan.2017 and was approved in Oct 2018.


You nailed this. I have so many friends and people I have that struggle with ptsd. You gave great understanding and insight. I refer people to your channel every day.


Damn I’m a veteran with PTSD. I’m TDIU. Trying for social security. It’s not easy. My lawyer won’t even discuss the case with me.


Sir, Thank god for you. I did exactly what you said. Got a functioning capacity evaluation done and sent it to my lawyer and she was shocked and impressed. There's a lot of lawyers out there that do not know anything about this evaluation, but mines do now, and my veterans battles as well. Its like once you get out of the military some of us are left to figure it out on our own. If you wouldn't of never put this vid and the other one about PTSD in 2017 and beyond, I don't know what I would of done. All I'm going to say Sir is you are one amazing and caring individual. Because you didn't have to make a video about this but you did. I know you don't know me but if there's anything that I can do for you, just let me know. You don't find to many people like you these days. For some reason majority of everyone wants to keep the information for themselves instead helping a battle or person out. Thanks again Sir Thank you Thank you Thank you.


I'm 100% P&T just for PTSD and my physical injuries have me designated as housebound by the VA. I've been deeply wounded by how SSA has treated me dismissively. When they send a letter there is no explanation, just a statement. At least the VA provides a detailed response. I suffer daily dissociative episodes so working is just impossible. And I think it's truly shameful that SSA is allowed to summarily dismiss veterans like they do.


Sir, thank you for your detailed explanation and candid opinions based on your experience. God bless you.


I must be a lucky one then. I just got my CDR letter from SSDI Monday. My SS advocate gave me the medical source statement forms to get filled out and my VA psych doc had no problem filling it out for me


Thank you for answering. It's a shame how the country treats veterans after coming from war with issues, but we claim we love the military so much


What is considered a recent psychiatric hospitalization? 6 months, 1 year, 5 years


What about the C&P exams for PTSD completed by civilian providers?


Would it help a VA patient to get a physical copy of the records and parse them by hand to remove some of those “extra copies” before filing a claim or presenting to a judge?


Im not a vet but i have ptsd and spinal stenosis with 2 herniated discs. Not to mention i have mri ct and x rays. I also have a few other mental conditions. Why would i not meet a listing? My hearing is in April what are my chance's of a fully favorable decision?


Worst part for me was just the grueling WAIT!


Being in the military is great. U can say and do all kinds of stuff to get early medical retirement and cash checks. Serving minimal time and getting paid for the rest of your life is great.


how can I speak with u directly, my case is a unique one an I don't want anything misunderstood on either end. its very important that I explain my case to u upfront


What's been your experience with diverticulitis cases?


A little off topic but worth asking if you are on a CDR appeal can ssa attempt to have a medical expert dispute a CPD which was an allowance and paid? And why wouldn't they submit new medical evidence to the expert when they were sent prior to them seeking an expert opinion? And if Pro Se, can they use that against me to say ok if u can work your own case you can work. I have my 3rd hearing before the same ALJ at the end of next month im looking to beat the brakes off the agency and their so called experts. Also one more thing have you heard about biestek v. Berryhill?


Hi Jonathan love your videos my question is I had my hearing August 2018 got denied in November 2018 filed the appeal for the appeals council I had some medical condition come up where I believe I meet listing 8.04 in the blue book but the conditions didn't come up until after the hearing I have been hospitalized 3 times since September for the condition the evidence of this has been sent to the appeals council do you think I have a chance at winning or do I just wait to file a new claim after the appeals council?


mr JG i know you working on the medical review video for 3 year and 5 year but for a 3 yr ssa medical review will ssa send short form or a long full review form?
