When Your Two-Week Notice Goes Wrong (Quitting Your Job With Grace)

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When Your Two-Week Notice Goes Wrong (Quitting Your Job With Grace). Giving a 2-week notice is considered a common courtesy when quitting your job. But don't let your boss walk all over you. Quit if you need to without a notice.





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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve got a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

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I gave a two weeks notice to a job once and they said well you're all done right now and I was out the door with my last check 10 minutes later. They overlooked I was the only one that handled about a dozen things and had the nerve to call me the next week when no one could figure any of it out. I told them well I don't work for you anymore in case you forgot. Good luck.
They ended up having to hire two people to replace me, paid them both more that I was getting and still lost their biggest client which was about 30% of their business because no one could get it together as well as I did.


I had a job I really liked but after being their for 4 years I realized their was no upward mobility chances for me for a long time so I searched and found a new job where I could grow and move up. I put in my notice and the next day I was in a meeting with my regional manager. I explained to him the only reason I was leaving was the lack of chances for moving up in the company. He offered me a pretty nice package to stay but I said again it’s not about now it’s about my future. He said well thanks for your honesty. Please hand over your keys and other company property. We are terminating your employment. I did as asked and immediately filed for unemployment. I took those two weeks to fully relax and spend some me time which I had not done in a long time.
Since then I vowed to never give notice again.


I worked at a place where it was commonly known that if you were to HINT about leaving on a certain date, the management would approach you like the Gestapo and have you out the door. After a few of these, you learned you would keep your mouth shut, use up all your vacation and sick days and THEN tell them to go pound sand.


I had a guy put his laptop and a resignation letter in the drawer of his desk. He sent an email saying he had an emergency and had to go back home to take care of family. Took a week to find the laptop and letter. It was a classic exit. Irish goodbye.


When I was first starting out in the workforce I was always told by older people that you need to give a 2 week notice to be respectful. When I had found a better job with more pay, I gave that notice, and of course I was walked out an hour later. After that, I have never given a 2 week notice again and employers have gotten worse and do not value our time. they will lay us off in a heartbeat without warning but yet they think its unprofessional to not give one.


2 week notice generally becomes a 20 minute notice before they escort you out.
I.e. don't give notice unless you're prepared to stop working that day.


When my old manager gave her 2 weeks notice, our boss reacted so poorly and unprofessionally (ie grabbing her arm and saying things like “Do you know what you’re doing to me???”, dumping additional work and menial tasks onto her, etc.), she chose to leave before the 2 week period ended. After my manager left, I was the only other office employee. After about 3 months of hell and emotional abuse from my boss, who took her residual anger out on me, I chose to quit. Both my manager and I worked demanding full time jobs for little pay, no benefits, and in my case, an expensive, long commute. Knowing how things went with my manager after she gave her 2 weeks notice, I was so fearful of my boss’s reaction, I didn’t even give her the two weeks, I emailed my resignation letter over the weekend, and didn’t return Monday. I would never, ever quit a job like that unless the situation seriously warranted it. Good riddance.


I've never understood why we're "required" to give a two week notice when the employer can fire you on the spot and walk you out the door.


A very good indirect example illustrating why not to get too friendly with work people.


Listen here when I put in my 2 week's notice I had a manager try to ask even my coworkers. Listen you dont owe anybody any explanation on your career or next move. They will fire you without notice or explanation.


I once worked in a very toxic work environment. I had an accident at work and was out on worker's comp for two months. During my rehab I applied for another job and I was hired. My start date for my new job was the day I was to come off worker's comp. I submitted my two week notice by e-mail and on my last day of my notice I threw all my company equipment, ID, smartphones, etc...and dropped it off at work.
Most companies are ruthless. It doesn't dawn on employers that employees can be just as ruthless. In the end, it has to be all about you.


What a good timing for this video, as I type up my letter of resignation from one federal agency for another


Just yesterday, my wife left a note to her manager, regarding how terrible she is at it and how terrible the company was, in an envelope along with the keys at the front desk, and blocked everyone from being able to contact her!😂. 🎤 drop...


Anytime for any reason. Thats how fast they fire you.


The last couple of times I gave 2 weeks notice to an employer.... the employer effed me over. So fock 'em! No more 2 weeks notice!


Be careful as well if you're actually planning to work the final two weeks and need the pay. I would suggest not submitting your two weeks at the end of the month (payroll) or at any other time when the employer could cut you loose early, like near a holiday, etc. This happened to me and I lost the final two weeks of pay at the old company.


I gave no 2 week notice to my previous employer. The disrespect from my supervisor caused me to terminate her employment as my manager! I went in prior to normal office hours and left my resignation with my security badge on her chair... walked out and never looked back. I started my new job the very next day!


Agreed 100% with this video. No need to burn bridges by not giving notice at all, especially if you’re going to a company in the same industry. But, don’t forget either that you can walk away at any time if pushed to it.

I personally have NEVER told where I’m going and how much I’m set to make until well after I’ve already sat down in the office of my new job for at least a week. Keep it brief, professional and to a minimum when sharing information to your employer.


A company I had worked for for 16yrs had laid me off with no notice previously. When I left my next job, I used the same approach.


I can't imagine why that person wants to leave their job...
