Why you should or should't give 2 weeks notice when quitting your job

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2 weeks notice is a courtesy to the employer. Not a right, not a law. There’s no penalty unless you signed some sketchy contract.


Two weeks notice is a sign of respect. If no respect is given, then none should be returned.


I've decided to resign effective immediately once I get my final offer. Those would be THE longest 2 weeks of my life trying to work and prepare for my new position. Instead I am doing what's best for me and taking a 2 week mental break. We gotta do what's in our best interest just as the company does. And I say this as an HR employee


Many companies nowadays are so arrogant. If you work for one of these toxic companies, not only should you not give them any notice, just quietly clean out your office over a couple weeks time, then just stop showing up. Don't even bother telling them that you left their employ. Let them figure it out. And don't answer their phone calls if they try to call you to find out what is going on. F* them!


Frankly, I’m 65, and I leave a sealed resignation letter on a Friday at the end of the work shift, then start the new job the following Monday (with offer letter received prior).
No good has ever come out of giving a two week (or for that matter any) notice.


Depends entirely on the situation.

If your boss shows you respect and treats you like an adult, return that respect with a proper two weeks notice when you're ready to leave.

A rude, nasty, disrespectful boss that treats you like garbage on the other hand? Promptly put that job in the trash where it belongs. If a boss treats you like that to your face, imagine what they'll say about you if a prospective employer calls them.


I do HVAC. It typically takes a year for an HVAC company to find a replacement. Me putting in a 2 weeks does nothing at all. Not only that, I once put in a 2 weeks notice and was fired immediately. NEVER put in 2 weeks. They will never put in 2 weeks before laying you off or firing you.


I don't share my personal social media with current jobs. Totally separate emails. Private accounts


All states are at will states. Do they give you two weeks notice when they fire you? Nope. And if you get a bad reference send off a ceise and desist letter from a lawyer.


Working in health care, I always give a month's notice since it's difficult to find staff these days. I have been taken off the schedule after giving notice though.


I only worked at a place for 1.5 month. I quit and wrote an email to manager a resignation letter. It was so awkward BUT it would been even more awkward going in with prior notice, and having to talk to ppl about it. Sooo awkward!
It was overtly toxic there and wasn’t benefiting me in any capacity.


Is giving a 2 week notice a people pleasing thing ?


Employers are at war with employees. It would be foolish to give them a two weeks head up on what your plans are.


Not giving 2-weeks notice, it depends on the job and people. If enjoyed my time in a job that I am leaving, I’ll provide the courtesy of a 2-weeks notice. Cheers!


Make relationships with colleagues and inform them of your intent to leave abruptly, if you so choose. They will provide a better reference than any kind of random HR rep that any future employer that calls would ever provide. Remember that to any company, If they can replace you tomorrow after firing you today... you're not an asset, you're a warm body and a number. It's better to have a former co-workers word contradict HR's word in any situation.


I got fired the day after I put in my 2 weeks 😩


In South Africa it's a 4 week notice (if you've been at a company for more than one year)... A notice period is torture - the boss wants you gone and starts ignoring you, your coworkers start to treat you perhaps more coldly, you need to do a handover to staff that doesn't have the capacity to take on more work or train a new starter who's not familiar with any system or intel yet... All while you have no invested interest in the company's success... Most managers never leave a job past a certain age, so just ensure you have a great understanding with your coworkers that you might have on your LinkedIn etc.


Screw them. Look out for yourself, they do it for themselves. Chances are you're leaving to better yourself because you're limited where you at currently. So f it leave


I worked in a terrible work environment so no way was I going to give a 2 week notice. The day I got the news that I was accepted at a new company I knew I wouldn't continue working. I came in the next day a little earlier than normal and talked to my boss and respectfully told him that I have a better offer available. Companies don't give you 2 weeks before firing you and leaving you unemployed with bills to still pay.
