3 Self-Defense Moves Everyone Should Know

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Self-defense expert and author of "Survive the Unthinkable" Tim Larkin stops by WSJ's offices with a step-by-step tutorial of three moves that every person should know, and hopefully never have to use, on an attacker.

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Рекомендации по теме

Well, done, Tim! Great to see you teaching like this.


I have done martial arts for years....this simple 3 move technique for the untrained to learn is great....so long as they practice this at home a few times a week so it becomes instinctive.

Well done Tim Larkin...!! Great basic moves to teach it.


WOW, Thank You So Much For This Video.


Köszönöm szépen a feltöltődést. Ezt. Meg egy. Kuzdosportba. Járatlan. Is. Könnyen alkalmazható.


Never underestimate the mental and physical vulnerability of the throat in any kind of self defense attack. I took the fight right out of a guy by grabbing him by the throat, squeezing and shoving him into some chairs which caused him to stumble. He responded with the typical, "I'll see you outside!" When I came outside I had a bicycle U-lock in my hand and he decided it was wiser for him to shut up and go on with this day.


Köszönöm szépen a feltöltődést. Kezdőknek cipő nélkül hatásosabb.


I believe if you strike someone's throat, solar plexus, in the same five second frame, it would be hard for him not to lose cautiousness.


Köszönöm szépen a feltöltődést. Ime itt a példa közép koro hölgyek is elkezdhetnek önvédelmi tanfolyamra jArni. Sosem árt. A. Rohanó világban


ok, for all you people saying "this would never work w a girl as small as her and a guy as big as Tim". That's the point of Krav Maga- to use the other persons weaknesses against them. Otherwise there is no hope for girls basically. And for the people saying that what theyre showing is wrong, its not. The thing is that there are SO many different scenarios. Tim was just giving an example if a guy approached u and didn't actually hold you. If the attacker held her arms, she would have to obviously use different moves. The main thing when facing attackers is just to fight like CRAZY. Attackers don't like hard targets. If you disagree or have suggestions plz let me know (nicely!) I would love to learn, thnx.


Köszönöm szépen a feltöltést. Ebből is látszik nem csak fiatal Lányok részére alkalmas az önvédelmi technikák. Hanem 3D fölött Nőknek akár Szingli ELVALT nem baj ha otthonosan mozog a kuzdosportok világában. Egy hatásos rúgás a megfelelő helyre ütés a megfelelő helyre. Minden NŐ hord magánál ridikult. Abban pedig számtalan tárgyat hord fujos dezodor kulcs csomó. Foltekert újság. Vizes flakon. Hajcsat. Lényeg egy kéz fej uteskor támadó golyóit megcsavarni két láb közti ellenfél játékát megszoritani. Szemből érkező támadás esetén a Nő két újjat két szemébe nyomhatja egy hatásos pofon az arcra támadót fejelni. Fel húzott térdel a támadó ágyék rúgás két láb kozze rúgás és ha cipő hátulról érkező támadás esetén nyugodtan cipő sarokkal támadásba lendulhetunk konyokel ütés a hasra arcra. Aztán ottvanak a női körmök amit szintén bevethetunk női táska meg utesre is alkalmasak. Ökölbe szorított kéz fejel egy hatásos Jóbbhorog bevitel a hasba. Esernyő ütés térdre. Nappal sem árt ha egyik kar szabad. Ha otthon mozog valamilyen harcba meg állhat és megkerdezheti az ellenfelét hogy miért követi ha küzdeni kell életbe maradás ér akkor kuzdjon fiatal Lányok még nappal se hallgasanak utazás közben mp3. Telefonon zenét mert nem hallják a veszélyt..NŐ a táskát ne a karján hanem akassza a nyakba. Így nehezen tudják letepni a táskát. Ekkor is cipő sarokkal vedekezhet ismét. Bankból kifelé jövet jobb ha táskát magunkhoz szoritsuk


Sorry but why would anyone give this thumbs down - what you don't like the fact people are fight back.
thank you for posting this.


I just came by to read the comments by the internet tough guys.


he constantly reiterates "follow through with all your weight"...doesn't take much when a forearm hits your throat unexpectedly. ..


wear running shoes will improve 100 % the blast of the impact and a powerful escape


That woman's best defensive move would be: Don't go to an abandoned area like that.


All I wish is that I could get my GF and her daughter to take self-defense seriously and not get comfortable in that "It'll never happen to me" zone. All rape victims probably thought the exact same thing. But then one day, an innocent young lady is going to the underground garage to get in her car after working all day and out of the shadows some fucking dirtbag grabs her by the throat. She doesn't know what to do and she can't scream because he's squeezing her

"In this morning's news, a 22-year-old Denver woman was raped and killed as she was leaving her downtown office yesterday afternoon. It was dark in the parking garage so the security cameras didn't pick up anything. Officer Thompson from the Denver Police Dept is quoted as saying, 'If only more women would take the time to learn some basic self defense moves, then I wouldn't have to see a pretty young woman, naked, beaten and violated with her throat cut. It doesn't have to end like this.' If you can help please call Crime Stoppers."


i m gonna use this on my roommate for listening to justin beiber without headphones .


John Wagner you're right A hit to the groin doesn't hurt nearly as much as one to the shin or face


when i see the thumbnail: i have to watch this


I'm a 6"5 guy from Norway, how the fuck is a (hypothetically speaking) a woman that size gonna stop me? Even if you're a Ronda Rousey type, there's no fucking chance! My opinion, carry a small weapon or some-sort. I love woman and I would never touch or attack one, but come on let's be honest for a second. For the ladies out there...carry a weapon!
