The TRUTH about your Sensitivity (NO BS)

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I discuss WHY your sensitivity is unique to you and why it isn't the same as other players.

The goal of this video is to discuss why it is not the best idea to rely on other players, content creators, pros or streamers' sensitivities as there are multiple variables which can influence how your sensitivity feels. This includes if it is high sensitivity, low sensitivity, high sens or low sens.

I hope that this video helps you in having a better understanding of sensitivities in general, and if you already know the information I share, then that's great! This video is intended to help all players: beginner, intermediate, advanced players and provide a guide to players who may not be as familiar with what I explained in the video.

I appreciate the love, it really makes my day, thank you ❤️

#valorantguide #valoranttips #valorant
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as someone who has gone through 3 mice and 4 mouse pads in the past couple years it is way more impactful than people make it out to be


This video is pure gold. You explained lots of the things we need to consider for fps gaming in under 5 mins. Good job!


this man don't even got 1k help him out guys tbh


Good video. I've been playing FPS for a long time and definitely understood this, but I will say I've never seen a video explaining it as clearly as this and I hope a lot of people see it and take it on board!


Finally someone talks sense about aiming, people need to know how many factors come into play when it comes to aim.
Sensitivity, mouse; mouse sensor, mouse grips (claw, palm fingertip, hybrids), mouse size, mouse weight, material used to make mouse(for a tighter grip), wrist/finger tip/ arm aimer,
table height, chair height, fatigue, humidity, whether your wrist/arm is sweating or not, anxiety levels or calmness and what not.
Great video man, well done. 👍
BTW I play a low edpi and realized I would aim better whenever the AC would be turned on (lol), turns out its because my arms dnt get sweaty and i can move smoothly.


best sens is the one you are comfy with, best mouse is the one you have - you can try all the combinations but its all down to preference and what feels good (ofc with getting results for you personally)


I used to play with a Red Dragon Cobra 2 FPS and then changed to a HyperX Pulsefire Haste, which is waaay more light, the difference was tremendous, It felt like I never played FPS all my life and took a long time to accept that I’d need to fit my sense all over again


This video is so useful. A few years ago in CS, i was playing 800 dpi on a g502. Eventually i got a 60g mm711 and was completely off on how i was playing. Eventually dropped gradually down to 400 dpi on light mice and 500 dpi on 85g or above mice to stay consistent.


Actually a useful video and not just a click bait. Hats off to you FPS Fox.

I myself has been what they call a "wrist aimer" since I played MOBA all my life and I've been used to using 2800 dpi x 1sensi light mouse on a cloth pad. Everyone just kept saying I should switch and get use to 800 dpi x 0.4 or whatever they recommended because their fav. pro player used it. It'll worn my hand/arm out if I were to do that.

Although I did took the advice and switched to 2800 dpi x 0.69 sensi (noice) and my aim has been a little more consistent or it could be the warm up before matches.

Thanks to the video I realized I do aim with my fingers too, left/right via wrist and up/down via fingers. And that I also realized that I've been fingertip gripping all my life because I have large hands/long fingers (I'd be pressing the buttons with my phalanges if I wanna palm grip).

One of the most useful videos for valorant or gaming in general under 5 minutes. Respect.


I’m so glad I found another channel I can start following religiously for Valorant advice. I’ve been constantly trying to improve and since I can’t play as much as I used to because of office work, I’m so glad you are creating videos that go straight to the point, concise and just the right amount of pace in your speech to keep me interested in what you’re saying.

Thank you for making these videos and it seems your channel is relatively new so I am really looking to forward to the other content you’re planning to put out!


I've been playing FPS for 2 years+, nearly 3 years and until recently only I find the most suitable setup for me.
Been using 4 mice, until 2 months ago I get my Lamzu Atlantis Mini, finally I feel that:" Damn is this mouse customized for me?"
For the pad, been switching from GSR to Artisan Hayate Otsu, and recently get a GSR-SE Rouge, and from that time my aim improved drastically. For those sweaty hands as me, I will recommend to wear sleeves to glide better and also avoid to drench your mousepads.
Now I switch my mousepads between different games, and yeah, it takes time to find your optimal setup. but it deserve the time.


These videos are such high quality and have so much detail. You will blow up soon. You definetly earned a sub from me.


Straight to point and well explained, Great video my friend <3


I learned this by going from a Death Adder to a Viper v2 Pro. It was about 23 grams lighter and I had to nearly half my sensitivity to make it feel comfortable.


also I remember a guy used a machine to precisely move a mouse so that he can test if 400 dpi (more or less) on one mouse is the same as 400 dpi on another and it was not, he tried on a few others and found that the range can vary up to around 30%


this actually helped dude, matter of fact i never looked in these stuff and like i didnt even think that those things wud matter, i appreciate it, I am def subscribing and recommending your channel to my friends, keep up the good work!


Your video completely changes my perspective on Sensitivity and shows some perspective i and many people like me never thought of
Awesome video keep it up 🙏


other essentials people could use to improve their aim is by using mouse grip tape in which helps have a better grip with your fingers and using better mouse skates since some default skates don't travel as much depending on the mouse pad surface one is using.


you talked abt mousepads

i have none, i play on my table. MY POWER IS BEYOND YOUR UNDERSTANDING


Very good video, I’d like to also point out about training your aim. I have done both styles of training my aim.

I first tried having my same in-game sensitivity and my Kovaaks (or whatever aim trainer you use) the exact same. I have discovered that all it takes to be a good aimer is to have good mouse control, your sensitivity doesn’t necessarily matter if you have good mouse control, you can have sensitivity ranges that you prefer and feel more consistent results on. But just about any good aimer can adapt to any sensitivity fairly quickly. This notion about needing to use the same sensitivity for years to get the muscle memory down is not worth it. I recommend that you find a sensitivity that you like the feeling of looking around on the most and training on that sensitivity to get better aim. Back on topic of what I was getting at. When you aim train (not when you are playing comp games or whatnot, but solely aim training) you should double your sensitivity and aim train on that. It will point out all the flaws in your raw aim immediately that you yourself can bare witness to. When you train on very high sens (9-20 cm 360) once you go to play your matches your aim will feel way more controlled and less shaky and you will be more consistent. Your brain adapts very quickly to sensitivity changes. Once I started training my aim on a 17 cm 360 when I play valorant on a 37 cm 360. I noticed the benefits immediately and you can see your own progress day by day, week by week. Of your aim becoming a lot more solid and consistent.
