The TRUTH about your Sensitivity (NO BS)

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I discuss WHY your sensitivity is unique to you and why it isn't the same as other players.
The goal of this video is to discuss why it is not the best idea to rely on other players, content creators, pros or streamers' sensitivities as there are multiple variables which can influence how your sensitivity feels. This includes if it is high sensitivity, low sensitivity, high sens or low sens.
I hope that this video helps you in having a better understanding of sensitivities in general, and if you already know the information I share, then that's great! This video is intended to help all players: beginner, intermediate, advanced players and provide a guide to players who may not be as familiar with what I explained in the video.
I appreciate the love, it really makes my day, thank you ❤️
#valorantguide #valoranttips #valorant
The goal of this video is to discuss why it is not the best idea to rely on other players, content creators, pros or streamers' sensitivities as there are multiple variables which can influence how your sensitivity feels. This includes if it is high sensitivity, low sensitivity, high sens or low sens.
I hope that this video helps you in having a better understanding of sensitivities in general, and if you already know the information I share, then that's great! This video is intended to help all players: beginner, intermediate, advanced players and provide a guide to players who may not be as familiar with what I explained in the video.
I appreciate the love, it really makes my day, thank you ❤️
#valorantguide #valoranttips #valorant
The TRUTH about your Sensitivity (NO BS)
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The Honest Truth About Being Sensitive
Signs Of A Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) & What To Do About It | BetterHelp
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Are you too sensitive? Should you change? | Marwa Azab | TEDxOakland
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My Advice for Sensitive People
The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Spot These Personality Traits
The gentle power of highly sensitive people | Elena Herdieckerhoff | TEDxIHEParis
How To Make Sensitivity Your Superpower | Laura Karasinski | TEDxModulUniversity
Understanding The Highly Sensitive Person | Alane Freund | Talks at Google
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Only Highly SENSITIVE people will Understand🥺 #shorts #psychology #connectthedots
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