10 signs you're a highly sensitive person... full video for more #mentalhealth #womenofyoutube

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Too sensitive? Too emotional? Emotionally reactive? Are those words others have used to describe you or words you have used to describe yourself? We may often feel like we are too sensitive or too emotional for this world, or perhaps find ourselves comparing ourselves to other people who may seem more rational in how they operate and navigate the world. The truth is that we are all emotional beings with a wide range of emotions, and we can struggle in varying degrees with how we let them take over us or how we outwardly display them to the world; and in a society that can shame us for having strong emotions. But let's dive into what a highly sensitive person is, why highly sensitive people are the way they are, and how to work on emotional regulation. We can also see how empathy and deep understanding can be helpful in our life and relationships. And instead of asking yourself if you're too emotional or too sensitive or how to be less emotional or sensitive, let's just phrase it as we are highly sensitive people (or HSP as some call it) so we don't attach such negative language to it.

#emotional #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
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I would like to add:
Can't deal with loud noise
Feel what others feel (psychologically that is)
Focus on others' needs instead of your own


I always think why I am like this.
Being highly sensitive actually hurts.


I've been described as empathetic and compassionate towards others, which I’m touched by. It often brings tears to my eyes 🥹💕! To recharge, I treasure my alone time in wholesome music and a good book. Prayer and journaling also help restore my soul ✝️🌸. While I'm not a coffee person, on the rare occasion that I do crave it, I’m quite sensitive to the caffeine. I’m a tea drinker ☕️
I stay steer clear of anything scary or vulgar! Once, I accidentally saw a commercial for the movie "The Human Centipede, " and it left me feeling physically and emotionally drained for days. Disney's Fantasia couldn't even lift my spirits afterwards. 🥲


I always had the tendency to be a highly sensitive person. But, a part of me knew that I had a quiet inner strength that one day I could channel. Now, I work in healthcare and that strength carries me through alot of the things that a highly sensitive person isn't "built for". The noise, the sad situations, seeing suffering... I see it all. We are built for it. We aren't all just wallflowers restricting ourselves to the safeness of our solitude. Once you find that strength to go out and face the world, you find that you can be sensitive AND strong❤️ be open to new experiences. Learn everyday while taking time to recharge in between like the video mentions.


Good luck getting the rest of the world to acknowledge this. Most people I come into contact with see me as broken or a misfit or someone to take advantage of.


I'm not overly sensitive to caffeine, but ALL the rest...yeah.


The dim lighting thing hit home. My family is always asking me if I’m trying to go blind by staying in the dark for so long but I just find it comforting. I thought maybe this was just a personal thing for me


I was always labeled a cry baby my entire life and I thought something might have been wrong with me. Now I know I’m not alone


Definitely me, plus I’ve done other due diligence on the topic and it fits me perfectly, now I just have to figure out how to navigate it.


Yes and all could be signs of CPTSD or Autism


Ive always been told by everyone that my sensitivity is annoying, not normal, bad, and I need to change. by everyone. Nobody accepts it. Ive been bullied about it all my life. even while in the US Air Force. Yes bullied. In the air force. I was sent to anger management for crying. by the military.


10/10….yap…that’s me and I have had a really tough life. It’s not easy living with this brain. 😮


I relate to all of these! And it's been a lifetime of trying to be like everyone else because its really hard work being an hsp.


Man, you're describing almost everybody


This is me to the core. I ask GOD to help me everyday. I can't go anywhere


intense fear of rejection ( I am over that now but I am 60 so it took long to do that. and caffeine not so BUT spot on for the other questions


I won, I won!!!
9/10 ... It would be all of these signs if I haven't been aware of crying & don't want to ... So no, I haven't been crying easily over the past few years ... 💯


Oh, Katie. I just want to hit buttons to support you, but man, did this hit me like a bat. Btw, thank you for the years of content.


Ten out of ten. Jeez. But I wish this was called something other than "Highly-Sensitive Person, " as it sounds like a fault.


5/10 trying to work through it one at a time.
