10 signs you're a highly sensitive person... full video for more #mentalhealth #womenofyoutube

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Too sensitive? Too emotional? Emotionally reactive? Are those words others have used to describe you or words you have used to describe yourself? We may often feel like we are too sensitive or too emotional for this world, or perhaps find ourselves comparing ourselves to other people who may seem more rational in how they operate and navigate the world. The truth is that we are all emotional beings with a wide range of emotions, and we can struggle in varying degrees with how we let them take over us or how we outwardly display them to the world; and in a society that can shame us for having strong emotions. But let's dive into what a highly sensitive person is, why highly sensitive people are the way they are, and how to work on emotional regulation. We can also see how empathy and deep understanding can be helpful in our life and relationships. And instead of asking yourself if you're too emotional or too sensitive or how to be less emotional or sensitive, let's just phrase it as we are highly sensitive people (or HSP as some call it) so we don't attach such negative language to it.
#emotional #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness
#emotional #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness