Dear Sensitive People

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Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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The reality is the people who call us "too sensitive" are not sensitive enough.


The people that call us too sensitive are insensitive. Imagine if you were totally insensitive to pain... every time you're chopping veg you'd be at risk of chopping one of your own fingers right off without even noticing. Humanity is the hand and we are all the fingers. We are all connected. We need sensitivity for the survival of the human race.


I have always felt that the sensitive and compassionate people should rule the world.


Thank you so much for this video. I have been thinking about how hard it is to be a sensitive person in an insensitive world a lot lately. The wounds are so hard to keep recieving. Sometimes I feel like I just want to go live in the middle of now where with my pets and the few people I have in my life. Your advice and encouragement is so needed and appreciated. Thank you


I’m very sensitive, and my whole life people always made it seem like it was a bad thing. Thanks!❤️


Thank you for making me cherish this part of myself. I genuinely thought this was my biggest weakness. I am now looking at myself in a completely different way. 💜


Yes, we need to flood the world with goodness.


Most of my young adult life i thought hypersensitivity and empathy was the norm… now i know it’s not but that’s what makes me proud of it. Stay strong all you sensitive souls out there. ❤🤗


Thank you Teal. I'm a 55 year old man that has fought being overly sensitive my whole life. I still cry or get choked up multiple times a day. Everything from driving past a funeral, to seeing an elderly couple holding hands at the park, to seeing an animal on the side of the road, to having a baby smile at me in the store... and on and on. I'm just affected so deeply by things and I have fought it tooth and nail my entire life to no avail. Maybe it's time to just embrace it rather than fight it.


As an empath in this world I've looked at my sensitivity & painful self awareness as a big weakness. This world will chew up and spit out kind sensitive people. This is one of the few times someone has made me feel better about it. Thank you Teal.


It echoes in me and suddenly make me wanna cry. We all need to be told it’s okay to be who you are


As a person who is repeteadly referred to as "too sensitive", I agree with you completely. In fact, I think most people are not as sensitive as they should be. However, let's not confuse compassionate/caring sensitivity with inability to self-regulate emotions, which is not helpful for the person or their surroundings at all. Sensitivity without emotional skills and wisdom cannot stand alone as a merit.


So rare to hear someone encourage others to embrace and maintain their sensitivy. Thank you Teal Swan. I agree wholeheartedly with your point of view.


Thank you Teal I find a lot of us are medicated because we are too sensitive then people complain when you are sensitive. Beautiful message. I had wrote a blog on this subject when I was living in Europe. 🙏🏼


This is my Littlest. Out of my 3 Girls she is Full On Empath and 1000% open and emotionally absorbent. I have a hard time walking the fine line of teaching her strength to handle the emotions without stifling them😔 She's such a Gift to Everyone she encounters.💞 Gods Bless her and her Sensitivity and all those akin to her.💖🤘🏻


When you realise your sensitivity is a strength and not a weakness, and begin to lean into it and develop it further, that changes everything.


There’s a difference between being “too sensitive” and not caring about people and situations that don’t benefit or serve you or others. Strong people are sensitive people about the right things. ❤


Its amazing to see this video because ive actually been fighting w this lately, trying to become less sensitive because it hurts so much and everyone around me is much more "i dont give a ****" attitude and theyve said I need that....I'm just sooo thankful for you and this video!! 😊


"what you need and want represents the collective of what human beings need and want"


This touched my “overly sensitive” heart. Now that I have sensitive children, I can extend some of the compassion I feel for them to myself. This video is profound. I will be sharing it with my children.
