8 Frugal Living Tips For Saving Money In Every Day Life

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8 EASY Frugal tips that work! In this video, I go over 8 frugal hacks i use in every day life to help get my savings rate up to 75%, without sacrificing my lifestyle . Everything from how to get FREE TV to saving on entertainment.
Saving money on the little things that don't bring any value or joy allows you to have the freedom and peace of mind to spend on things that will really make a impact in your life. Whether that is buying an investment or just not living paycheck to paycheck, optimizing the little things can be a great low impact way to save more.

Republic Wireless

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#FugalLiving #Frugal #SavingMoney

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Whats the best tip that has helped you in your life that you wish you knew sooner?


Frugality, especially in the beginning, is a common trait among many self-made millionaires.


Lucky for me, I do not like the taste of coffee. I do not drink alcohol and rarely drink soda. My beverage of choice is tea. I get 100 teabags for $4.99. Just on my drinking habits alone, I have saved a lot of money over the years. I eat most of my meals home. I cut my own hair, and do not dye it. 80% of my clothing comes from the thrift store. I am old now with no chance of getting rich, but I am glad for your videos, because I think the information you share will help those who are in position to use it. Thanks for the video.


Good stuff brother. I’ve watched a dozen of your videos. You helped me pay off $75k of my credit card debt in 3 months. Cheers!


I cut my own hair forever. Now im just going bald. I may be losing my hair but im getting more head


Just hit 3 years with the same smartphone. I used to replace mine every 2 years but I couldn't justify upgrading so soon anymore. Back in 2016 a new smartphone would have been very noticeably better than the top of the line phone in 2012...today I notice a lot fewer new features but the prices continue to go up and up. I will try to squeeze another whole year out of this one and I think it will do it no problem.


I've bought a ton of used furniture at the Salvation Army and got nice stuff.
My kitchen aid is beautiful and is a new refurbished one from Overstock.com. Whoever bought it, or got it as a gift, returned it. I paid a fraction of the cost and love it.


I don't cut or color my hair. I wash it with baking soda, And I condition it with Apple Cider Vinegar. Cheap, Non toxic, And no buildup of product on my hair!


I love Republic Wireless! We paid $140-$180 with Verizon. Republic is $35-$45. What??? It's awesome!


Cooking all your meals yourself may be time consuming but if you make cooking a “hobby” and buy good ingredients you can save tons of $$. Also...”potluck dinner parties” are good for enjoying socializing and at the same time saving money. Just clean your house and tell all your friends to bring food...or wine 😉


Glad I found your vids. You're very relatable and your videos are super high quality. Cheers!!


Yes on the coffee thing! Quality and convenience!


I have a $100 a year TracFone, use wifi TextFree for free texts, never been into cable and haven't paid for it in decades, buy quality new necessities (like appliances) on sale, don't drink coffee, grow hair past my waist, paid off two homes before retirement and have a pension. Always lived below my means, use credit card and pay off in full monthly to keep credit score high and reduce insurance rates for home and auto. Frugality isn't anything new, you just have to figure out that a loan today is a pay cut to your future self. Knowing how to cook and bake saves money as well.


This is the second video I've watched so far from your channel and I was definitely liking them but wasn't sure about subscribing... however if you keep the coffee talk up hell yeah brotha! Thanks for the tips never considered it now I will!


Nice video. Some great tipps and kinda motivating to see that other people are working on their "way of living" too.


We bought tough old oak antique furniture (in country stores) and when we moved we got as much or more than we paid. We didn’t pay depreciation or moving costs. We have been cutting each other’s hair for 30 years. It takes far less time. I’m also the groomer for our dogs.


Great video! We wish we budgeted better when first married. Now we're debt free and both work part-time.


Instantly recognized where you live! My husband and I are about 20 mins from you 😊 We love your content!


When i got my first home things i done were very similar to what you have just talked about. However with the appliances i looked for the appliances that came with the warranty that you could buy to insure any breakages, for instance 2 year warranty but you could buy extended warranty to 5 or 7 years. I bought those appliances but never took the insurance out on them (6 years down the line they all still work)
The sofa/furniture i looked at second hand designer furniture and bought that as over the past 5 years i havent lost anything on the sofas that i bought infact i have gained.
Overall it takes a little time but its really worth it, upon the point that something goes wrong or circumstances change you have items that are worth money too, not that i recommend that being the only reason but i do see it as smart buying


The small comforts help us live well all year round.
