50 Facts You Didn't Know About The Lord of the Rings

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What are we holding on to Sam?
That there is some good in this world Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for.

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I really want those 20 hours of footage at helms deep as an independant movie so I can just binge a 20 hour battle


It’s heartbreaking to think Tolkien jr hated the movie adaptations as so much love and respect was poured into them. There are many people who likely picked up the books (or audiobooks) after watching the movies who never would have otherwise. It’s also probably the only movie trilogy where literally everybody was flawlessley cast. It could never have worked had a single main or even supporting cast member been replaced.


The fact that Andy Serkis wasn't even nominated because of some bullshit mo-cap rule is ridiculous. He blew Gollum/Smeagol out of the water


#29; slight correction. The stunt woman could afford the horse, but due to her position on the crew, she believed the horse would have been bought by a socially higher up crew member before she'd get the chance. She relayed her fears to Viggo, whom as part of the cast was one of the first to get a chance. He purchased the horse, and when the stunt woman confronted him about it, thinking he'd swiped the horse from her, that was when he presented to her as a gift.


Knowing That Sam joined Frodo in the undying land is a great closure to me, now i can die in peace.


The one movie trilogy to rule them all.


I feel bad that Christopher Tolkien didn't like the movies. I love the books and I think that Jackson did his upmost and did justice to the books. He opened up the story for a whole new generation, who loving the movies will hopefully go pick up the books and read.


I sincerely want to thank peter Jackson for giving this masterpiece to humanity


Here are some more.
1. Christopher Lee not only met JRR Tolkien, but he was actually friends with him. Tolkien told Lee if they ever made a live action version of the Lord of the Rings he wanted him to be in it.
2. JRR Tolkien wrote the books because he believed that Britain had no mythical stories of their own. All the British myths that were around were based on other countries stories. So he decided to write something himself.
3. JRR Tolkien wrote quite a bit of the story to Lord of the Rings whilst he served in the British army during the first world war. He used to keep a notebook which he wrote things in.
4. A lot of people believe JRR Tolkien is British but he was actually born in South Africa
5. JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis used to be friends and help each other with their writing. They had what they called their own book club.Their friendship later soured.
6. Orlando Bloom was a huge fan of a TV show in the UK called Midsummer Murders. It is a detective series. After he did the Lord of the Rings trilogy and after the first film was released, he made it known to the producers he was a fan of the show and would love a part in the show. He got his wish and they put some Lord of the Rings references in the episode.
7. To get the cast to know each other before they started shooting. Peter Jackson arranged for some of the cast members to travel together to New Zealand. Dominic Monaghan was told he would be travelling from the UK with Actor Orlando Bloom. They never met but as soon as Dominic saw Orlando get on the plane he knew it was Orlando and they became great friends on the flight.
8. JRR Tolkien started writing the final book The Silmarillion, but died before he could finish it, so his son finished it.


As soon as you said “the best trilogy ever made” I instantly liked, I always say that lord of the rings is and always will be the most amazing movies ever made.


So much love and respect towards Tolkien was poured into this, can’t say the same for the soulless Amazon fanfic


It’s also spooky that J.r.r Tolkien died 1973

1 ring to rule them
9 for mortal men
7 for the dwarf lords
3 for elven kings


Fact number 51: The current Queen of Denmark, Margrethe the 2nd, has illustrated the Lord of the rings and the Hobbit books under the name Ingahild Grathmer.
Queen of Denmark, Margrethe the 2nd aka Ingahild Grathmer sent Tolkien her interpretations of scenes from The Lord of the Rings in the early ‘70s. The hard-to-impress author absolutely loved them, and was taken with how similar they were to his own sketches.


It is truly insane how much work went into the making of this trilogy


I'm so glad they went with Cate Blanchett to do the intro monologue, she absolutely killed it. I'm sure Ian McKellen would have done really well too, but it's just hard to imagine anyone topping Cate.


I wonder how many people went on to read LOTR and become huge Tolkien fans because of these movies. I believe Christopher Tolkien may have over reacted to the nature of the films.


"What are we holding on to Sam? That there is some good in this world Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
Hideously relevant in


There isn't a chance that Amazon can produce anything as good as what Jackson accomplished, even with all the money in the world.


If movie theaters played this trilogy every year, I'd go see it on the big screen every time.


Making the Weinsteins trolls is pure genius 😂 so much respect

*Edit: lol I came back to this comment after 11 months and have never thought this comment would have been seen lol*
