50 Facts You Probably Didn't Want to Know

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Sometimes when Simon wakes up, he finds he recorded 5 videos and started 2 new channels while sleepwalking.


Thanks for pointing out that strokes can happen to literally anyone. I had my first TIA (mini-stroke) at 21 out of nowhere, and was initially misdiagnosed. Later, I was correctly diagnosed- with a brain tumor. Luckily, I've since had it surgically removed and have made an almost- full recovery.


I have willed my body to the body farm at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, I have met Dr. Bass several times, he is a fascinating man, thank you for including this in your show, I must tell you that I listen to a few of your channels, being confined to a nursing home, I need the stimulus that I get from you. Thank you so much, have a good weekend.


“And I am never eating figs again” 😂
I appreciated you personalizing it for a moment.


The marsupial is called anti-kine-us. There one of the first animals in Australia to learn how to eat the introduced cane toad. They tip them over and rip up the bellies, avoiding the poison ducts. They're also the size of a mouse. Basically a very tiny bloodthirsty roo and super cute to boot.


There are probably fewer insect parts inside a fig than in the flour bread is baked from. And these wasps, when alive, are smaller than aphids. Cultivated figs are self fertile, so do not need wasps. And all flowering structures are called inflorescences, the fruit of the fig is called a synconium.


Simon doing his best to change the official pronunciation of acetaminophen.


Another fun fact about constipation:

My mum is a nurse and I have asked what some of the grossest things she's encountered were, and here's one of her favorites. A young man was in a motorcycle accident and couldn't/wouldn't poop because of the pain. He got so badly blocked up that he began vomiting poop which can be extremely dangerous, so Mum had to glove up and get her hand up there to literally pull the poo out of him. On the day she first told me this, I realised I could never, ever be a nurse. Same when she described the smell of necrosis.


Number 25 is terrifying! Open Heart surgery on a baby with no anesthesia! What were the nurses and surgeons thinking?


Having worked in an office setting for many years, learning about the sponge situation was an eye opener. I washed my mug daily, but there were times when I got sick and couldn't understand why. Now I have an inkling. Did someone else on the evening shift use my mug, wash it in contaminated water with a contaminated sponge? It does raise a frightening question.


About smelling toast ... people don't realize how far cooking smells can travel. I live out in the countryside and was puzzled why I could often smell bacon and other foods cooking during the hours before dawn. It turned out that when a breeze was blowing in the right direction, the smells of breakfast foods being cooked by an early rising neighbor a quarter of a mile down the road were detectable to me. Only a few molecules are necessary.


0:20 - N°1 - Dangerous painkillers
1:25 - N°2 - The fig/wasp lifecycle
2:45 - Mid roll ads
4:15 - N°3 - Cheese addiction
5:10 - N°4 - Chlorinated water is odorless
6:25 - N°5 - Eyelash mites
7:30 - N°6 - You're never too old to die
8:25 - N°7 - You're never too young to die
9:10 - N°8 - We're running out of antibiotics
10:25 - N°9 - Have your pet spayed or neutered
11:30 - N°10 - What a way to go
12:30 - N°11 - Is that a banana in your pocket ?
13:05 - N°12 - Cannibalistic medicine
14:15 - N°13 - It wasn't just bones
15:20 - N°14 - Beaver glands
16:30 - N°15 - Skeleton are fun
17:40 - N°16 - Lake superior never gives up her dead
19:00 - N°17 - Zombie woodpeckers
20:10 - N°18 - Spiders are getting bigger
21:05 - N°19 - Tooth in eye surgery
22:20 - N°20 - A toothy grin
23:25 - N°21 - Keep your ducks entertained
24:15 - N°22 - A disappointing evolutionary trait
25:00 - N°23 - Happy deathday
26:00 - N°24 - Don't forget to buckle up
26:50 - N°25 - No anesthesia needed
27:50 - N°26 - Terryfing genetics
28:35 - N°27 - Koala STD's
29:40 - N°28 - Koala's eat poop
30:50 - N°29 - Uncanny valley
32:10 - N°30 - Broken arrows
32:55 - N°31 - Courageous brain parasites
34:10 - N°32 - Sad rescue dogs
35:00 - N°33 - Ground current
36:25 - N°34 - Cadaver orgasms
37:15 - N°35 - Body farms
38:15 - N°36 - Suffer like i did
39:25 - N°37 - Hypothermia research
40:35 - N°38 - How about a little tongue ?
41:45 - N°39 - The blue fugates
42:50 - N°40 - Dying for a bathroom break
43:45 - N°41 - Webcam gate
45:10 - N°42 - Elephants & you
46:00 - N°43 - Gender reveal massacre
47:00 - N°44 - Just bring a thermos
47:50 - N°45 - Based on a true story
48:45 - N°46 - Mass produced crochet
49:55 - N°47 - Locked in syndrome
51:10 - N°48 - Enter sandman
52:25 - N°49 - Misinformation is nearly impossible to avoid
53:35 - N°50 - The most dangerous animal in the world


"It turns out baby ducks are psychotic little quackholes." - Simon 2024


The eye tooth thing goes crazy. Medical science is incredible like how did they figure out this was a viable option?


Birds don’t vomit into their chicks’ mouths; they regurgitate from the crop, where the food becomes a sort of porridge. On the other hand, mother wolves and presumably other predators genuinely gorge themselves on meat from a kill or found carrion, returning to the den to vomit the meat for their offspring.


I really like these longer (~50 items) collections that you've been producing lately. I'm looking forward to more!


The layers of that latex allergy joke was *chefs kiss* excellent.


Any chance you guys could do a Sideprojects on precious metals? Silver, platinum, palladium, gold, rhodium, iridium and osmium? Not on value like some crypto-bro channel, but on the history, uses, desirability, rarity and what makes them unique and special? I have a fascination with the elements and this would be right up my alley. Maybe someone else might be interested too, who knows lol


I've seen so many videos of things they claim that you don't already know but it always ends up being stuff you already know. This video, actually has quite a few facts I didn't know and I love that!


I have seen a male duck pick up ducklings and fling them several feet because they are in his way. That was a learning experience.
