Dying Light 2 - Before You Buy

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Dying Light 2 (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) takes the zombie formula and ambitiously adds complex RPG elements and a bigger world. How is it? Let's talk.

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In the first dying light, there were a few places my friends called "smoke spots" because zombies cant pathfind to you (even at night) and you can afk for multiplayer. I hope there are some places like that because theres an eerie ambience at night on a dark rooftop


Dying Light 1 was punching above it's weight even before The Following DLC dropped (which you absolutely should play right after the main campaign), and the post launch support is some of the best we've seen in the industry. I've got probably close to 400 to 500 hours in the first game, and I think I'll probably be doing that again for this one


A small thing I noticed that made me a bit sad was enemy's don't get stuck on spicked environment anymore like in the first game. Personal bummer


There has been a few bugs for me, but nothing game breaking so far I still love it. I genuinely hope they put as much love into this game as they did the first one. If they do I know I’ll enjoy it for many years to come


The content you guys produce, especially the before you buys are appreciated! I'll always watch a Before You Buy before any other review!


I've never really been a Zombie game type of person. But I thought I'd give this one a go. I'm playing on the Xbox Series X and found a few little issues but it was mainly stable to play. I'm now completely hooked. I love this game, I do like the story elements as not being a PS5 peep, I've missed out on these types of story-driven games and this is really my first look at this. I've been enjoying it so much I caught the first game on a 70% sale and have started to play through that as well. The first game is way harder and I seem to keep dying every few minutes by getting swamped by zombies, but I'm persevering.


Really appreciate your honest thoughts as always. Techland are one of my fave devs, so I kind of expected to love this already. Kind of disappointed to hear all the story changes they kept spending so much time hyping up, didn't really have much impact. The grappling hook, paraglider, etc kind of stuff is always welcomed in parkour games, gld the gameplay looks solid.


I remember when I was a kid playing Dying Light 1 the revelation of having a zombie that could follow you around the city and do parkour was absolutely terrifying. Something that will frame Dying Light as a series to me forever.


I actually _liked_ all the scavenging in Dying Light 1, so, having a ton of that isn't a downside.


My Brief Review:
I've got like 6 hours into the game and the tutorial is insanely long - if you're just trying to jump in with your friend, it's not gonna happen.
But it does a great job teaching you everything so the tutorial is chill in that regard.
I get so immersed by how REAL the world feels and start thinking about how I have to hoard everything, and then you get hit with zombies with health bars... which threw me off. Like the guy says in the video the gameplay is a blast regardless! Just weird going from something I feel I have to truly survive in to, oh that zombie is level 2 - oh boy!!
Definitely a fun game though and even better with friends!


I know it’s 4 months later, but I bought the game a couple months ago and played the whole thing in about 2 weeks, only a couple minor issues, but it was some of the most fun I’ve had in a video game. Now playing the first one for the first time, and I’m loving it.


I was always bored with “zombie” games and never really gave them the time. Then I played the first dying light and just absolutely fell in love with the game. The graphics were great, the characters worked, the story was intriguing. The game play made me want to keep playing to level up and get more gear, skills, experience. Even when people are too hard on these games and expect massive amounts expectations….it’s a game. First dying light was a great stress reliever that was more than fun to always play. Loved the blueprints and secret weapons you could fund. Dying light was top 10 for me !!


Whenever I want to buy a game, this guy is the person to watch. Bought many games cause of you and enjoyed them a lot.


I know this is older now, but me and my friend recently wanted to play a zombie game but we didn’t want the typical call of duty zombies, multiplayer game. We wanted some thing open world something we could put tens of hours into and play in progress together. then we stumbled upon dying light. I knew what dying light was, but I didn’t know it was Fully multiplayer compatible and what I mean by that is the campaign is fully multiplayer except for the very last mission. I know the game is almost ancient by now, but I won’t spoil anything just in case anybody is playing dying light one for the first time anyways after about 60 hours of messing around exploring, and occasionally doing story missions, we beat the game. The parkour was phenomenal and honestly most of our game was just running around, beating the shit out of zombies, and that’s exactly what we wanted. Then we got dying light 2 we heard it was extremely buggy in the beginning so we decided to wait a year before buying it, we bought it about a week ago and have beaten the game ever sense long story short I highly recommend this game. If you even remotely like dying light, you will love dying light two the parkour is better the combats better the map is better. The exploring is better the story is better it’s pretty much better in. Every single way possible 10 out of 10 great zombie game I highly recommend it.


I loved the first Dying Light and was hyped for the second. Initially I was not impressed with the artistic direction - I will be honest - the first cutscene left me feeling like more cartoony than I wanted but now I have played for a couple of hours and seen past that first impression I think it's fine and not as bad as I first thought.


I think people might have expected more from this game since the devs tried to lean a bit more into the RPG elements, but at its core its just more Dying Light (and that's all I want really). I think I found the issue of "NPC's getting introduced and forgotten quickly" a bit funny because that EXACTLY how Dying Light 1 worked out. there were like 44 (afaik) side missions in addition to the story, and between those there is like 5-ish NPCs that actually stick around for more than 1 or 2 missions, and even then 2-3 of those get forgotten once you change zones and none of them really play a big part aside from hearing their voice occasionally. I'm not defending it, I'm just saying the original game was just as bad for that.


I’m currently replaying dying light 1 to get into the mood. I loved the first game and consider it one of the best zombie games out there. The second game looks like a definite improvement on everything the first game did.


I love how I can always count on you guys for mostly unbiased reviews, and always on time fresh new content and reviews.


I was kinda hoping I'd still be kyle/crane in the 2nd one, but I guess aiden/ayaden is cool too. I just finished the story of dying light 1 started playing the following. Pretty awesome game, and I'm playing it on switch. For some reason I didn't buy it on pc or PS5, but it's still great.


To this day these are the only review videos I'll watch. No bullshit, straight to the review and with no bias with everything (so far) that I've seen in a review be the case in the actual game
