INFJ in the eye of a clinical psychologist: special edition. Rarest personality type in the world

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This episode is a special edition because it came from a very detailed and insightful comment from the community, special thanks to Dr. Robert Acton. Please subscribe and comment below and share your thoughts.

Here we go…

“I am a Clinical Psychologist with 30 years of experience dealing with people. I was branded a INFJ quite some time ago. I never really accepted that evaluation because placing 'labels' on people puts them into a box. It limits their potentiality and personal growth. At worse, it can destroy an individual’s self-determination and freedom. I have never encountered a 'classical' INFJ before. Why? Because certain characteristics of this personality type have many subgroups some of which overlap other MBTI personality types. That being said I will describe the characteristics of how an 'orthodox' INFJ thinks, behaves and responds in strict accordance with the MBTI Personality Test. Be forewarned, I find some INFJ 'stereotypes' rather funny. And will approach such in a humorous fashion. INFJ's poses a wonderfully unique sense irony and will immediately recognize the silly 'stereotypes' others have attributed to them.... So, let’s break some myths about INFJ personality Types."

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"Avoid getting into heated arguments with a INFJ unless you are prepared to be intellectually, emotionally, or psychologically castrated" ah, that's hilariously true.


AHAHAHAH “INFJ’s like nature because a squirrel does not complain about its daddy issues.”

So true.


Everyone: "INFJs are always trying to connect dots even when there are none"



“They have never actually seen the box.” 💯💯 This is one of the best descriptions of the INFJ I have ever heard!! 🤣🤣🧡


Fell off my chair laughing hysterically. My wife almost wet her pants. We are both Psychologists. Loved the offbeat, mildly sarcastic and incredible humorous way this author attempts to break down the stereotypes of certain INFJ’s. Making them more human and estranged. I'm a INTJ that picked up dozens of characterics laced throughout the video applicable to my MBTI typology. Good stuff. YouTube needs more of these whimsical observations. No more stuffy, 'holier-than-thou' videos portraying the INFJ as a weird and mystical beings. This video brings them into genuine perspective. Bravo.


This was the biggest INFJ roast ever. I love it!


No hugging anytime thank you. Unless your are one of the chosen few.


I'm 82 years old, an INFJ and have Aspergers syndrome. My life saving solution was and has been to develop a sense of humor and believe me ...I laugh a lot!


To all my INFJs out there, do you also feel negativity and pain further down than you do joy and pleasure? Because I feel joy only on the surface, even when I know I should be excited, it just doesn't go very far down. But when I feel pain, it goes into my soul. Does anyone else get that?


"Question Authority, " & the "unfriend button, " both really resonated with this diehard INFJ.


I'm so happy bcz this comment section is the only place where I get to see like-minded people 😂
*INFJ reunion*


I always thought I have some psychological problems but after getting to know that I'm an INFJ, I can atleast breathe now thinking I'm not alone here struggling with the whole world and the human beings


The part of "Satan can't deal with a INFJ pestering him for all eternity" had me.


For most of my life I wondered why my behavior and response to situations was so different to those people I would spend time with. My thoughts and insights were unexpected by others and it made personal and work relationships difficult at times. I was the oddball that stood in the corner observing others at the party or would spend hours in solitude walking the countryside. I was weird. Then I ended up taking an MB test. "You are an INFJ!" the tester screamed with delight. I had never heard of such a thing. The tester excitedly gave me YouTube video information that she said would tell me all about myself. She was right and I was astonished that anyone would make a video about me. As an INFJ I struggle with the inner turmoil that we accumulate over time but the most amazing thing is that I truly appreciate my life and the life of all living things in a way that provides a daily feeling of awe and respect.


When a YouTube video understands you more than anyone you’ve ever met 🤣 I was laughing at how spot on everything was the whole video.


"Because trees don't talk!" - brilliant, I'm gonna use this one :))


The fact that we dread the thought of being reincarnated is so true its scary


As an INFJ, I'm sitting in a box next to Schrödinger's Cat, offering her solace and peace of mind.


At 76 years old have just found out I am an INFJ. Have door slammed a neighbour because she broke my ethical codes continuously. Always think outside the box. You can never find true wisdom if your mind is constrained in a thinking box imposed by society. Complete loner and love parks, empty beaches, wind, rain and the sky. Don’t think I have ever met another INFJ but that’s not surprising as only one or two people out of 100 people are INFJ’ s. Totally solitary but I love it. Yet walk everyday and get to interact very briefly with plenty of people. But, don’t try to enter my world unless I invite you in. That said I am ready to help anyone in need in an instant because it is very important to me to do so.


I believe INFJ ‘s were born ENFJ’s. One becomes an INFJ over a course of time during early childhood secondary to some form of traumatic abuse. An INFJ’s Trust with others was tainted. When I feel safe, I’m the life of the party 😳. Much more to be studied on this personality type.
