Should you cut Damaged hair Or Grow it Out 🤔

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So in today's video I am talking about damaged hair..
Should it be cut out or Should one just let it grow out?

I've been getting some mixed questions and answers on tdiscord this subject and decided to make a video..
There are some ladies that just want to allow their damaged hair to just grow out and there are some that will and have decided to cut their hair while their hair is growing..

Our hair is growing as long as the Lord is pumping breath in our bodies as I stated in the video..

Our hair comes from the scalp not from the bottom at the ends of our hair are very delicate we have to be gentle with them we have to keep them nervous and we have to know how to treat and nourish our hair.
If we do not a lot of things will come up on the shore as in damaged split ends and broken hairs..

It's better to cut off any damage hair that you have in order for it to grow healthy..

If you do not the problem is going to continue to occur..
Trimming your hair while growing it out will actually encourage hair growth by getting rid of any damaged or broken split ends..

Well you don't need to go get trims every 6 to 18 weeks ladies.

Just look and check your ends every 90 days or head to a salon someone who you trust most times if you are keeping up with those trims you just may need a small dusting even if that..

Please take care of your hair scout massages are very key because it produces the natural sebum that we have in our scalp you don't have to load your scalp with tons of grease oils and Butters this will clog the pores..
Just lightly oil the scalp if needed but I will suggest you doing scout massages everyday

I hope and pray that this video will help you with the health of your scalp and your hair.
Thank you ever kindly for watching God-bless you🙏🏽💞💞💞
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Yes let the dead things go, in all areas of your life!


Agreed! I check my ends and dust those splits when I see them. Health over length every day!


Love your channel! I had to cut my damaged ends off at the end of 2020 and by September of last year I had full recovery after I had a silk press done on my natural hair. The result was fuller, more healthier hair. I went from ear length to collarbone in 9 months.


Those damage ends needs to go and it will grow back beautiful 😍 great sharing dear ♥ healthy hair goals


Excellent video!! Trims are an essential part in retaining hair length💇🏾‍♀


I'm gone cut that hair right off!!! lol I feel you get to a certain point where you have to eliminate scarcity mindset if you want to grow in all areas of life. It's worth it in the end.


Yes, that is true! With a proper regimen, and a proper hair cut, you should be able to go 3 months without a trim. Ideally, you should get to a point where you do not have to cut more than 1 1/2 a year. For those who choose to transition split ends off, the trims should be more frequent.


Hey Sapphire.. The Bible tells women not to cut their hair..To each his own.. I just made the conscious decision to listen to the word on this subject...I thank you for sharing your views about it.. God Bless and enjoy your day 💜🙏🏽💜


Very informative hair tips hun loved it and took notes 🤎🙏🏾


Been keeping my split ends for years, my hair is stuck at shouder length, i have decided to cut it short because split ends are going all the way up to the shaft, will start proper hair routine and see if I will be able to grow more healthy hair and keep my ends well.


Great hair tips there, yes un clipped ends makes the hair look bad, deters healthy length. thanks for sharing mommie. God bless you!


Thank you very much. I've been cutting my hair short for the past 2 years because of breakage and split ends. I just don't know how to take care of my hair.


I just cut my damaged ends off last week. I was trying so hard to let it keep growing out but had to let go.


yes agreed! we must cut dead ends! holding on it just makes it worst!


great info, thank you for the video!!!


I think we share clips it off thank you for the tips


It’s best to cut it all off or else the undamaged hair will get affected eventually. Damaged hair is dead so just cut it off hun, you will not regret it. The hair normally goes back to the length you cut it in less than a year.


Ok so I don't even condition my hair at all so it's really frizzy and damaged so I'm planning to get a buzz cut and use conditioner and oils, will my hair be less damaged then? (I'm a guy)


Ma'am, please can I Perm it before the cut? At least I get to enjoy a permed hair as well.
