HOW TO REPAIR DAMAGED HAIR AT HOME without cutting it off

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Different ways to repair damaged hair without cutting it off
Reverse damaged hair back to life

How to repair heat damaged hair, how to repair chemical damaged hair


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Music: Play It Sam
Musician: Philip E Morris

How to repair damaged hair at home, how to repair damaged hair without cutting, how to repair heat damage on natural hair, how to repair chemical damage, how to repair damaged natural hair instantly
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One time I had heat damage, I used protein treatment and the rest, in no time my hair was back to it’s normal state, some people don’t know this that getting hair damaged from heat or chemical doesn’t mean they should cut off their hair


I have put way too much heat on my hair back to back and been neglecting it for years now and now I want to start treating it and wearing my natural state but it feels so dead and I want to save it at all cost without cutting because it’s long


Another damage is hard water damage. I had that damage and didn’t know I had it until I was going to cut off my fizzy ends for a second time. So Now for a year I have had no damage and other people are asking what to do for their hair. I clarify and add a moisture shampoo each wash. But most importantly I rinse my hair with filtered or distilled water after my washing and I only add it to my diy product or when I’m refreshing my hair. I hope this helps someone else.


I find this in the perfect time I was about to cut my hair but thanks to you I will repair my hair instead. I don’t have enough words to thank you but thank you so much. You look gorgeous, beautiful and your hair is so beautiful.


Routine I’m going to try: Clarifying shampoo, Aztec mask, moisture shampoo, protein treatment, hot oil treatment, air dry or cool dry with plenty of heat protectant
Edit: I also found a hairstylist’s method for clipping split ends without affecting length, that helped a lot immediately but this routine will strengthen the health of my hair in the long run!


I just had heat damage and I was considering cutting it . The hair isn’t shrinking at all. The ends are just straight. But let me hang on a little after watching this to see how it goes.


I just want to say this is my first video of yours. You are BEAUTIFUL and I feel so seen in your recommendations. I have been slowly healing my hair of heat damage. I have been in and out of depression over it.


Where did you go? I clicked right away. Glad to see you're okay. Missed you on here. I did an oil wash after watching yours and other creators too, I love how soft my hair felt. Did a little video on it, it got me super excited, thanks.🙃❤️


I damaged my hair after straightening it with a hotter straightener. It’s a bittersweet thing coz I’m still in school so when I’m getting my hair done I’m going to straighten it. I oil it using morning a oil and spraying mornings water for hydration. On ward ho to get our curls back


Omg! Thank you girl everything you said is what I’m experiencing. Bad breakage. It’s extremely dry and brittle.


Hello dear I'm watching fr Cameroon I did the cloves treatment for two weeks it was marvelous my hair added lenght and thicker thank u


Hello, first visit! Thank you. This has been so helpful. My daughter who has been natural her 18 years, recently started at the salon and has heat damage. Her beautiful coils all but gone. We have learned the hard way. From her experience I learned I have heat damage as well, not as bad as my daughter’s though. Fortunately I started researching before cutting. I will let you know how our journey turns out.


I had chemical damage from wearing perm for years. I do a deep conditioner every wash day and stay away from heat. I do lightly dust my ends about every two months. My curls spring to attention when washed. I rotate between aunt jackies coca repair and shea moisture manuka honey hydration mask. Use a hot cap if you have one.


You are right I noticed that by not combing or.brishijg my hair but using fingers to detangle.from my hair from the root and ends and doing big chunky hairstyles my overly processed hair is becoming fuller and the reverting back to its original state slowly I'm patient. I make sure I wash my hair and use the right treatments. I am beginning to believe you that I don't really need to chop it off because I was trying to talk myself into cutting it off but the progress is encouraging. It may not happen as fast as I would have wanted but I can see that my hair is looking healthy. I don't think I will use comb or brush on my hair than once a month, that is what I am beginning to do and it is working. I carefully detangle which is the key thing in this. I run my fingers through my hair and make sure it comes out smoothly. Watching your video just shows me that I'm doing it the right way. I didn't trust not using brush on my hair before plaiting it but after I check it monthly I smile that I am doing it the right way. Most videos YouTubers usually encourage people to trim the hair off or wait it out and trim it off but as it is... I made that mistake once I wouldn't again. Thanks


Thank you! You have the perfect texture and thick hair wow 😊😊


Subscribed today. Thank you very much for the tips.
Starting today to take care of my damaged hair. Will be back to let you know the results.
Keep up posting informative and straight to the point content.
I love the way your hair looks by the way ❤


she's so pretty, very informative video i learnt something new


I’m 13 and my stylist had her hot comb too hot and my hair is damaged so thank you


You are soo pretty and your hair looks so good, I had lots of problems with my hair and this video helped so much❤❤💙


I use FUDGE DAMAGE repair conditioner and IC Fantasia hair oil and Amla hair oil!
My Afro damaged hair is 90-95% repaired, softer, less tangly and 100% less breakage! Tender headed kids, try a bit of Rewind, soothes painful, tangled roots. Knots and tangles just fade away! Add a bit before toning, this FUDGE Seal HOLDS your style, and stops my DYE fading! Normally my Garnier cheapo dye just fades, but 4 weeks later, only my hot roots have dropped the hair dye, the rest of my hair was still black! FUDGE Time Machine hair repair is a revelation for Afro hair! Try it!
I also use Kativa Keratin post treatment kit, only the conditioner and hair mask. The Kativa shampoo made my delicate hair very dry!
And IC Fantasia hair oil really makes your Afro hair soft!
Big props to Pureplex hair repair, Redden Extreme hair repair, Internet Volumiser gel and BB Blonde hair repair only £3 at Home Bargains stores...These bargains hair repairs led me to FUDGE Time Machine, I'm grateful 🙏. Go buy FUDGE Time Machine hair repair Now! Just buy one, I got the TOP LOCK first and WOW! IT WORKS! Before in my protective plaits style, my hair was dry, breaking and itchy. Now my Afro hair using FUDGE Time Machine hair repair is less itchy, less TENDER HEAD, no painful scratching, less shedding and less split ends! Obviously all those cheapo hair henna and hair dyes and perms ruined my beautiful hair, I regret! But I hated my greys hairs and loved black dye!
But with FUDGE Time Machine, my damaged Afro hair is much better! Uk 🇬🇧
