MY FIRST LOVE WHO CHEATED On Me Now Wants Me Back 15 Years Later

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First Love From College Who Cheated On Me Now Wants Me Back 15 Years Later

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► Title: First Love From College Who Cheated On Me Now Wants Me Back 15 Years Later
► Category: new reddit stories, storytelling, storytime, cheating wife, wife secret date, infidelity, cheater gets caught story, cheating failed, infidelity in marriage, revenge on cheating wife, cheating spouse
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as soon as it started " she has 3 kids with him" . Meal ticket anyone?


Would NEVER take her back. She lost her looks, has baggage and cheated before???? HARD PASS


Here's how to handle this situation should you ever be OP:

1. The moment she contacts you after years, tell her you can't talk to her while she's still friends with those people that split you up.
2. Insist that she fully severs ties with those people if she ever wants a chance with you again. Dangle that carrot.
3. The moment she burns bridges with her friends and family, ghost. Go full Casper.

This is the way.


This guy gave it way more energy then it deserved. Good on him to not take her back though


A 16 minute video could have ended at around 0:27 by replacing "I decided to answer her" with "So, I blocked her".
Why do men put themselves through this? Block people. It's like easy. What possible motive is there to message, talk to, or meet in person someone who left you for dead and is back with three kids 15 years later? Friend calls - block. Father calls - block. Asked to me - block. Debating with someone desperate isn't going to do any good. You have a 36 year-old mother who is now desperate to find someone to support her and her three children. As long as you talk to her, she'll talk to you. You can call her every name in the book and she is thinking "He's talking to me, there's still hope." Block her. Takes 2 seconds.


After hearing the actions of this woman, I think that she was cheating on her husband.

If he's a pathetic excuse for a man, I guess the ex-husband is, too. Any bets on if this friend is married or involved with her own "pathetic excuse for a man"?

I loved the line about "moving on and forgiving her". The last time I looked, forgiving her wasn't necessary for him to move on. And it sounds like he did move on.


If you "really love tell that friend "Honey that boat set sail 15 years ago".

But...why are you talking to any of them?


She used and abused him. Now she has zero options while he is dating several younger women who have no kids. Yet her “friend” calls him a loser? These people are toxic and entitled.


When she wrote about her cheating husband, that was the moment for OP to reply that her husband cheating reminds him of when she cheated.
Meeting that woman over dinner later was dumb and weak. If to meet her at all, just over a coffee.


How sad must your life be to want someone you cheated on 15 years ago?!


Should have not gone to meet her at all, or even calling her. As a person who was in a relationship with a manipulative woman, I can tell you IT IS PURE HELL. You are getting drained Emotionally and Pschologically every single day. And the longer you are in that kind of relationship, the more lies will be told, more toxic it will get and your life will never be the same anymore. I am surprised I lasted 13 years with that kind of woman. Well thats because I am a very naive and weak willed person. I only had the courage to say enough is enough when I lost everything. From money, to friends, to everything.


For some reason I imagined the ex and all her friends looking like Nikki Minaj.


OP should listen to his aunt and cousins


How was this even a question? She is only trying to use him as a safety net. A cheater will continue to cheat and she didn’t care about him after she tore his heart out. She behaved spitefully, as a grown woman, she made her decisions and now she has to live with the consequences. She’s only trying to manipulate him emotionally and even doing creepy shit like sniffing his neck as she forces a hug.

15 years down the line and never really spoke to him or about him? Yeah, okay. Why is OP so dense to even see this as a question?? How is this so confusing??


Truth be told: I got angry when I read what the ex’s friends and family said, if I was the main protagonist, it would have looked like this:

Toxic losers: “just forgive her”
Me: “ Says the people that ASSUMED I was the Devil himself, keep your sins they’re not mine.”


Holy crap that last story though. What is wrong with that woman? She listened to those bitches who told her that the OP wasn't any good for her. Instead of breaking up with him, decided the best course of action was to start sleeping with and kissing other people. Got married to someone who her friends said was best for her, a man who gave her three children, and then up and left her for a younger woman whom he got pregnant. What made her think contacting the OP would be a good idea? Did she think his life was on pause and that he would take her tired used up ass back?

I'm actually disgusted with her. She gives women a bad name. No, not girls who think they are women but real women. We all make mistakes, we are human, but no one in their right mind would try to call someone up after over a decade in an attempt to win them back after what she did. We'd chalk it up to a learning experience. Desperation is not a good look on anyone.

Edit: Okay yeah, that woman and all her friends are trash. It's not the OP's fault she repeatedly laid down with dogs and got up with fleas.


Keep up the narrations rSpace! Good job in this video!


That girl is crazy but op is an ultra drama queen.


This guy saying you left me for dead over and over is so annoying 🤣


I would say i feel sorry for her, but no, in fact i don't. I used to know many girls like that, and after a while they all became just like their friends, manipulative and oportunistic to say the least, or maybe they always were that way, and I just never let myself see it this way. If I was OP (never will be since i cut of all ties) i wouldn't even answer her to begin with.
