10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 11)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 1:32 {Discerning the Spirit’s Voice} Is the confirmation of the Holy Spirit distinguishable from an evil demon or psychological self-deception?
2. 29:50 {Do We Give Off “Energy”?} Is “energy” in the esoteric form of the word biblical? I was recently told in a Christian forum that I was “giving off [blank] energy.” Is this biblical?
3. 36:36 {Who will Sit on the Thrones?} In Matthew 19: 28, Jesus states the 12 disciples will sit on 12/24 thrones in the regeneration. In Revelation 4:4, 24 elders are sitting on the thrones. Who are the other 12?
4. 39:08 {Proof of Transubstantiation?} If Jesus identifies Himself as “the Word” and Ezekiel literally ate the Word of God (Ezekiel 3:1-3), is this a good case for Ezekiel being an analogy to the Catholic transubstantiation of the Eucharist being true?
5. 47:28 {Tongues/Prophecy for Believers or Unbelievers?} Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 14: 22-24? Verse 22 states that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, and prophecy is for believers. But vv. 23 and 24 then go on to, seemingly, describe the exact opposite.
6. 50:57 {God’s Name in Vain} What does it mean to not mention God's name in vain?
7. 56:13 {The Spirit With, In & Upon Us} When David is anointed in 1 Samuel 16, the Bible says that “the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.” How would this be similar or different from us receiving the Spirit now?
8. 1:00:32 {Can a Pastor’s Wife be an Unbeliever?} Do the qualifications for pastors/elders in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 disqualify a man who has an unbelieving wife?
9. 1:09:56 {About OT Quotes in the NT} How should we understand inerrancy for New Testament passages that appear to quote the Old Testament, but no clear reference can be found? (e.g., James 4:5, Matthew 2: 23).
10. 1:14:49 {Grieving our Loved Ones when Not Sure of Salvation} My mom just passed away and I am unsure of her salvation. I know she prayed with the hospital's chaplains. My kids ask if they will see her in Heaven. How do I talk to them about this?

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1pm Pacific time.

I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think Biblically about everything. My website
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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 1:32 {Discerning the Spirit’s Voice} Is the confirmation of the Holy Spirit distinguishable from an evil demon or psychological self-deception?
2. 29:50 {Do We Give Off “Energy”?} Is “energy” in the esoteric form of the word biblical? I was recently told in a Christian forum that I was “giving off [blank] energy.” Is this biblical?
3. 36:36 {Who will Sit on the Thrones?} In Matthew 19: 28, Jesus states the 12 disciples will sit on 12/24 thrones in the regeneration. In Revelation 4:4, 24 elders are sitting on the thrones. Who are the other 12?
4. 39:08 {Proof of Transubstantiation?} If Jesus identifies Himself as “the Word” and Ezekiel literally ate the Word of God (Ezekiel 3:1-3), is this a good case for Ezekiel being an analogy to the Catholic transubstantiation of the Eucharist being true?
5. 47:28 {Tongues/Prophecy for Believers or Unbelievers?} Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 14: 22-24? Verse 22 states that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, and prophecy is for believers. But vv. 23 and 24 then go on to, seemingly, describe the exact opposite.
6. 50:57 {God’s Name in Vain} What does it mean to not mention God's name in vain?
7. 56:13 {The Spirit With, In & Upon Us} When David is anointed in 1 Samuel 16, the Bible says that “the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.” How would this be similar or different from us receiving the Spirit now?
8. 1:00:32 {Can a Pastor’s Wife be an Unbeliever?} Do the qualifications for pastors/elders in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 disqualify a man who has an unbelieving wife?
9. 1:09:56 {About OT Quotes in the NT} How should we understand inerrancy for New Testament passages that appear to quote the Old Testament, but no clear reference can be found? (e.g., James 4:5, Matthew 2: 23).
10. 1:14:49 {Grieving our Loved Ones when Not Sure of Salvation} My mom just passed away and I am unsure of her salvation. I know she prayed with the hospital's chaplains. My kids ask if they will see her in Heaven. How do I talk to them about this?


My wife is not saved. She tunes in for Bible study with us (my immediate family), we read the Bible together, and she sees the change in me since I surrendered to Christ and His will. I have faith that God is working on her heart. As her husband, I am responsible for her. We are one flesh. As her neighbor I am responsible for showing her love, mercy, faithfulness, kindness, patience. It is a difficult situation at times. Any insight into scriptures or extra-biblical resources pertaining to my situation are most welcome. Thank you in advance for taking the time


Thank you for answering my question, Mr. Winger! I’ve always been told “be discerning, ” but not how to be discerning– notably to the degree you explained it. Your videos have greatly been helping me along my path of following Christ and I’m extremely grateful for both you and the Holy Spirit communicating this to me. God bless your ministry!


4:50 "but they were all of them deceived"
I love when Mike can't help making a LOTR reference


I have been specifically asking God this week to help me discern the difference between God’s voice, false prophesy & self deception. This is so timely..I’m very thankful for this ministry.


I am a missionary in a Muslim majority country working with a highly resistant people group. I have to comfort myself regularly as friends here die and I'm pretty sure they died without Christ. I remind myself of God's love for them, His goodness and his justice. I trust Him to do what is good and right.


Know you've been dealing with a lot of warfare lately brother, praying for you and your ministry! Just wanted to let you know you're appreciated! Keep going! Much love!


I was praying in my car on my way to pick up my kids and I was crying out to God and asking him for something and saying I’ve been waiting x amount of years. And I needed this or that and that I couldn’t understand why it was taking so long and the a song (my Savior, my God Aaron Shust) came out “I am not skilled to understand what God has willed, What God has planned…” I instantly stopped complaining while praying and just started to trust more in Gods plan and the time I had to wait.


Thank you, Mike. You are loved and appreciated. God bless you, my friend. After years of being a lukewarm Christian who dabbled in new age nonesense and the Bahai faith, you helped me after I returned to Christ a few years ago. I study my Bible daily and am so thankful the Lord was still there for me. God is good. 😊


"This kind of stuff (supernatural happenings) is super rare in my life"

A refreshing thing to hear from a pastor.


Re:Q1: Years ago, a friend and his wife were praying about a major life change. At each step along the way prayed about it and asked God if they should continue. As things fell into to place easily and smoothly, they took it to mean they should continue on that trajectory.
They were at the most crucial, pivotal point. This step was going to be hugely expensive and very difficult to change course after that. They were praying to know what God would have them do.
One morning they were in McDonalds (of all places) and noticed that a man kept looking at them, then looking away and whispering to lady at his table. Finally the man approached my friend’s table and said, “You’ll probably think I’m crazy, but God wants me to tell you to continue.”
Then man went back and ate his Egg McMuffin. He did not expand or speculate or question.
My friend and his wife continued. And it was a good thing. 😊


I was going to hike one day and I asked God to show me any snakes. I had never asked him before but that day I had fear in my heart. I started hiking and forgot about the prayer. On the way back to my car I looked down and there was this tiny snake across my path. I started laughing because I felt that was God and his humor. I can’t declare it was Him but it surely felt like it to me. I sure got a good laugh at of it.


I totally relate to getting addicted to “getting a word” and evenfeeling jealous or inferior if other people “get a word” and I don’t. Thank God, by His grace and in His compassion, he slowly brought be out of that environment. I didn’t even know I need to be brought out and that’s what he was doing the whole time. God is SO good!


Dear Pr Mike, your videos are very helpful and a blessing to so many. Only PLEASE have subtitles for deaf folk like me!


Taking the Lord's name in vain - I was recently exposed to a teaching that claims the original text in Hebrew for 'take' meant as in 'taking someone's name' - almost like a marriage covenant, in the context of taking their surname and joining their family. Through this meaning, to take His name in vain would be to claim to be a Christian - a child of God's, and in God's family - and yet not truly be one in all honesty. It's about false representation - not simply blasphemy. (This interpretation helped me reconcile its importance at being included in the 10 Commandments) Thank you for your service Mr. Winger!!


Thank you Mike Winger for helping us to think biblically! For Mike and staff and all the believers reading this—May the Lord bless you and keep you! May He strengthen you and draw you ever closer! To any unbelievers reading, I urge you to repent and believe the Gospel, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! ❤✝ His love for us is beyond comprehension —praise the Lord!


I love your answer for question 10. I also error on the side of hope when someone asks me about love ones being in heaven. We don't know what happens the last moments of death and if they cry out to Jesus in their last breath as the man on the cross did, God is faithful to receive them. But we must remind them that it is only through faith in Jesus that one is saved. He is the only way to the Father. Accept it or reject it but there is no other way and to believe otherwise is self deception.


As someone who literally just lost her very procrastinating prodigal father a mere hours before watching this Mike Winger video I can attest that God is so good in confirming with his Holy Spirit where his sheep are at, he doesn't lose even one.

All this week the Lord was confirming to me what was coming and every moment worked out in a way only God could have worked it out. I'm praying this for this dear lady! Jesus come and be our comfort in this time, please bring this lady who asked question 10 peace in her heart in regards to her mother's salvation.

As I told my niece, "Grandpa is moving in with Jesus" and she enthusiasticly responded with "Yeah!" May we all respond with such childlike faith and joy to the hope that we have in Jesus's salvation and his kingdom.

Thank you so much Mike for your wisdom as always.


Sam see thumbnail... "Easy topics today"... Sam click... Sam immediately blown away by this verse Mike showed us... I should read more of the Bible then 😅. Thanks mike for your ministry!


We love you brother, Mike. May God bless you and your ministry.
