10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 25)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:33 {The Changing Morality of the Bible?} Why does God seem more wrathful in the Old Testament and more forgiving and loving in the New Testament? Does the Bible have changing morals?
2. 33:29 {Balancing our Time Wisely} How can we find a healthy balance between time with God and entertainment, like reading non-Christian books?
3. 37:34 {Burned Works = Unsaved Soul?} Regarding 1 Corinthians 3: 15, how can someone be saved if their work is burned up? Wouldn’t the frailty of their work suggest that their faith wasn’t true in the first place?
4. 46:57 {The Point of the New Covenant} What’s the point of the New Covenant when salvation has always been through faith?
5. 54:53 {Who is Asherah?} Who is Asherah? I saw a video that claims she’s God’s forbidden wife. Who is she, from a biblical perspective?
6. 1:00:21 {How Much Detail do we Confess?} When we, as Christians, confess our sins to God, how detailed should we be? Two verses that come to my mind are Psalm 139: 23-24.
7. 1:05:28 {When & How Much to Give to Others?} My wife’s nephew is transgender, is here illegally (USA), and recently got married to a man. He asked my wife if she could help pay for his immigration paperwork. Am I wrong for saying no?
8. 1:12:43 {Be Quiet & MYOB?} In 1 Thessalonians 4: 11 we are told to be quiet and mind our own business. How does that play out in a time where there is so much wrong in the world and in the Church? How are you doing it? You are the best!
9. 1:26:33 {Strengthening our “Study Muscles”} What are some ways to make reading the Bible easier? I’m not saying I want the Scriptures deluded or anything, but I’m not a very good reader and I just end up getting frustrated and quitting.
10. 1:31:33 {Was Jesus Silent?} In Mark and Matthew, Jesus remains silent which amazes Pilate, but in John, He delivers explanations. What are your thoughts on this subject, and how would you handle it when presented?

Bonus Q for Fun! 1:34:28 Why do you and so many other pastors like the LOTR so much?

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I do this live stream most Fridays at 1pm Pacific time. You're welcome to join.

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:33 {The Changing Morality of the Bible?} Why does God seem more wrathful in the Old Testament and more forgiving and loving in the New Testament? Does the Bible have changing morals?
2. 33:29 {Balancing our Time Wisely} How can we find a healthy balance between time with God and entertainment, like reading non-Christian books?
3. 37:34 {Burned Works = Unsaved Soul?} Regarding 1 Corinthians 3: 15, how can someone be saved if their work is burned up? Wouldn’t the frailty of their work suggest that their faith wasn’t true in the first place?
4. 46:57 {The Point of the New Covenant} What’s the point of the New Covenant when salvation has always been through faith?
5. 54:53 {Who is Asherah?} Who is Asherah? I saw a video that claims she’s God’s forbidden wife. Who is she, from a biblical perspective?
6. 1:00:21 {How Much Detail do we Confess?} When we, as Christians, confess our sins to God, how detailed should we be? Two verses that come to my mind are Psalm 139: 23-24.
7. 1:05:28 {When & How Much to Give to Others?} My wife’s nephew is transgender, is here illegally (USA), and recently got married to a man. He asked my wife if she could help pay for his immigration paperwork. Am I wrong for saying no?
8. 1:12:43 {Be Quiet & MYOB?} In 1 Thessalonians 4: 11 we are told to be quiet and mind our own business. How does that play out in a time where there is so much wrong in the world and in the Church? How are you doing it? You are the best!
9. 1:26:33 {Strengthening our “Study Muscles”} What are some ways to make reading the Bible easier? I’m not saying I want the Scriptures deluded or anything, but I’m not a very good reader and I just end up getting frustrated and quitting.
10. 1:31:33 {Was Jesus Silent?} In Mark and Matthew, Jesus remains silent which amazes Pilate, but in John, He delivers explanations. What are your thoughts on this subject, and how would you handle it when presented?

Bonus Q for Fun! 1:34:28 Why do you and so many other pastors like the LOTR so much?


The idea of our treasure in heaven being seeing the people we poured into and how that helped them is so beautiful. Whether thats the treasure or not, maybe at least that’s part of it, a good reminder to always pour into people and grow in the lord with others! How beautiful our Christian relationships are now and what they will be in heaven!


I am reading through the Old Testament and I can see the love and patience God showed to Israel


You are so right about the average Christian thinking they know the Bible and this leading them into error. I remember when I graduated college, I decided to carefully read through all of the Gospels and they totally transformed the way I understood Christ.


"Let us reason together " says it all... Patience and long suffering is our God! Amen!!


The book of Jonah is a perfect example of God's grace.


Man question 8 about living a quiet life and working with your hands is something I struggle with. I’m 22 and capable of working but it is difficult to find a job in my country but I have applied for jobs and still am trying. In the meantime I am dependant on my aunt and uncle for assistance, but I do want to follow this Scripture, it weighs heavily on me. Thank you for another great stream! If anyone can, prayers in this area would be immensely appreciated!


I love that you pointed out the meaning of Matthew 24:40-41. We have often heard it taught that this is a rapture passage. No - it is a prophecy concerning the destruction and removal of the wicked from the earth.


Bible thinker was one of the 1st channels I found and started watching in 2019 when I was saved and still my favorite! Mike's gonna be like a brother celebrity in heaven 😂
Thanks brother for doing the work of God!


Going to try the three days with no youtube, X, TV. Start right after the show. Pray for me.


I often witness to others that the only way to truly understand scripture is to stop leaning on others teachings or there own understanding. Go to the source. Go to God in prayer. In fasting and sit down with the Bible. The Holy Spirit leads us into all truth. We can have help from others that truly are sealed with His Spirit but we also need a personal relationship with Christ. We must be on His word to renew our minds.


Praying you get well, Mike. Praying that God gives you energy and hope. Praying for your protection. Thanking God for you, brother.


Another thing that I have had to remind myself when it comes to the is topic is the fact that the Old Testament records millennia of God’s relationship with humans while the NT is only a few years. God’s patience and long suffering is more obvious when looked at this way.


The understanding I have is that God is gracious and patient with us until we have hardened our heart permanently toward Him. Only then does He harden His heart toward us and understandably so.


Wow....incredible timing! . I randomly met a woman on a bus 3 days ago and she has completely bought the idea that God in the OT is different from God in NT. She believes that is proof the Scripture has been manipulated. I briefly talked to her about the risks of believing that since she has been led to believe in multiple past lives and reincarnation I told her no verse in the Bible supports that belief but she holds that is not sufficient since the Bible has been manipulated. I told her she should not extract fragments to make them fit her positions and should ask the Holy Spirit for light and help to interpret the Bible correctly.


Thank you for doing what you’re doing Mike! I have enjoyed every video I’ve watched, because of how honest and well researched you are.


Thank you Mike for helping me to think more Biblically.


Hope you get to feeling better!! Thank you for your perseverance. Look forward to Fridays and can't wait for hebrews!!


Thank you, Mike. Wonderful and so helpful.
God bless you all. Thank you, Jesus!


Woohoo! Every one of these gives me something that makes me feel like I’m on the right track and something to convict me. Thank you.
