10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 3)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:03 {What if God Has No Free Will?} Does God lack free will Himself, since He cannot act outside of or contrary to His nature? If so, doesn’t that make His actions questionable?
2. 20:31 {How Did John have Materials to Write?} Were papyrus and writing supplies expensive? How did John, banished to the Island of Patmos, have all the necessary items to write down his Revelation?
3. 23:22 {Should we Infer Doctrine from Scripture?} Is it wrong to base doctrine on inference? Is it ever legitimate? E.g., the context of Hebrews 12:1 says nothing about saints watching us from Heaven, but some say it’s implied by the word “witnesses.”
4. 31:43 {Where is the 2nd Coming in Scripture?} Where does it say in the Bible that the Messiah will have a second coming? Does Jesus tell His disciples that He won’t be fulfilling all of the Old Testament prophecies just yet?
5. 36:29 {Did Jesus Always Have Power to Heal?} Regarding when Luke 5: 17 says, “The power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal,” did Jesus not always have this power, or does Luke emphasize it here because of what happens next? What’s your take on this?
6. 42:01 {Do Our Prayers Affect Others’ Salvation?} Do our prayers for the unsaved actually increase their chances of being saved, vs. if they didn’t have anyone praying for them?
7. 48:52 {Our Sinful Flesh vs. Spiritual Warfare} How can I discern the difference between demonic influence and my flesh when it comes to sinful struggles?
8. 52:52 {Which Scripture is God-Breathed?} In 2 Timothy 3: 16, when it says “All Scripture is God-breathed…” what would the author have meant by “Scripture”? Because as far as I know, books like Jude and Revelation hadn’t been written yet.
9. 55:00 {About Asexuality} Is asexuality real? I know believers who say they’re asexual (not sexually attracted to anyone). I think this may be true of me, but could it just be God guarding my heart from lust over the years?
10. 1:01:25 {Physical Appearances of Jesus Today?} Does Mark 13: 21-23 refute present-day claims of Jesus physically appearing to people, or is this a misapplication of the text?

Quick announcement: I've got bad news and good news. The bad news is that I'll only be doing 10 questions each Q&A. The good news is that I'll be doing the Q&As every Friday instead of every other Friday. I take

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:03 {What if God Has No Free Will?} Does God lack free will Himself, since He cannot act outside of or contrary to His nature? If so, doesn’t that make His actions questionable?
2. 20:31 {How Did John have Materials to Write?} Were papyrus and writing supplies expensive? How did John, banished to the Island of Patmos, have all the necessary items to write down his Revelation?
3. 23:22 {Should we Infer Doctrine from Scripture?} Is it wrong to base doctrine on inference? Is it ever legitimate? E.g., the context of Hebrews 12:1 says nothing about saints watching us from Heaven, but some say it’s implied by the word “witnesses.”
4. 31:43 {Where is the 2nd Coming in Scripture?} Where does it say in the Bible that the Messiah will have a second coming? Does Jesus tell His disciples that He won’t be fulfilling all of the Old Testament prophecies just yet?
5. 36:29 {Did Jesus Always Have Power to Heal?} Regarding when Luke 5: 17 says, “The power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal, ” did Jesus not always have this power, or does Luke emphasize it here because of what happens next? What’s your take on this?
6. 42:01 {Do Our Prayers Affect Others’ Salvation?} Do our prayers for the unsaved actually increase their chances of being saved, vs. if they didn’t have anyone praying for them?
7. 48:52 {Our Sinful Flesh vs. Spiritual Warfare} How can I discern the difference between demonic influence and my flesh when it comes to sinful struggles?
8. 52:52 {Which Scripture is God-Breathed?} In 2 Timothy 3: 16, when it says “All Scripture is God-breathed…” what would the author have meant by “Scripture”? Because as far as I know, books like Jude and Revelation hadn’t been written yet.
9. 55:00 {About Asexuality} Is asexuality real? I know believers who say they’re asexual (not sexually attracted to anyone). I think this may be true of me, but could it just be God guarding my heart from lust over the years?
10. 1:01:25 {Physical Appearances of Jesus Today?} Does Mark 13: 21-23 refute present-day claims of Jesus physically appearing to people, or is this a misapplication of the text?


My aunt was praying for years for my grandfathers salvation. He would tell my grandmother to tell their daughter to stop praying for him because his mind was so troubled he couldn't sleep. Of course she didn't stop praying. And he did get saved


Nothing on Netflix, Amazon Prime...or even Blockbuster Video circa 2002 comes close to how jazzed I get when a "new one" is out. 🎥 🍿


I am so grateful to God for this ministry! I know everyone at Bible Thinker is storing their treasures in Heaven. I cannot wait to celebrate glory with all of you! <3


For the 23yo who is asexual, I am about your age and I wrestle with the same question. I gave up the label due to various circumstances (mostly my pride / desire to form my own identity instead of letting God shape me), but the feelings are still there so I relate to you a lot. I think Mike nailed it though, he used the scripture I am aware of and spoke accurately about our culture. That should be of great comfort. However, if you’re like me, then you also desire a relationship and marriage. This is something I am wrestling with right now myself, but I recommend looking at what Biblical marriage looks like, which Pastor Mike partially covers in his women in ministry series. It’s helped me a lot because that version of marriage is so beautiful, and has let me process it. In any case, keep Jesus at the forefront :) he loves you and he knows you, he’ll help you through it all.


I watch these at the gym. It’s insane to me how consistently through this random question live stream I have so many questions and over arching themes click together from seemingly unconnected questions. I’ve even found sometimes I’ll be resistant for whatever reason to finishing one of these videos. Everytime this has happened it’s because I’ll have something pop up throughout the week that you answer directly. These are seriously such a blessing to me and I am so grateful for God sending me to your channel! We love you Mike! You are constantly helping me on my faith journey, God bless!!


I love the new 10 question format, Mike's answers are more thoughtful and have more detail. Love this ministry!


Oh brother Mike. You are a blessing in my life. I can’t even think of the right words to explain it. What big of a blessing you are. You have changed the way I read my Bible. And my thinking process. I thank God for your faithful service in his kingdom. Be blessed 😊


Re: John's exile on Patmos. Mike's answer is definitely correct, but I'd also add that exile was not as completely restrictive as prison.

Napoleon, for example, in his exile to Elba, lived in a minor palace, complete with servants, lands, and access to some of his wealth. He just couldn't leave the island.

While John certainly wouldn't have those lavish amenities, he also wasn't living in a cave wearing rags. He likely had a residence and regular interaction with the other island residents (Patmos isn't some tiny deserted island). So it would be relatively easy for him to receive visitors or obtain supplies.


Mike - Brother in Utah. Really appreciate your honest, biblical approach to rightly interpreting God's Word. Yes 10 questions is better. 😊


They are not witnessing us, but rather are witnesses for us of their faith! Hebrews 12! A perfect summery! Thanks Mike👍


I like that you are doing this every week now!! This is a great idea to do 10 questions weekly. I really look forward to listening to you and I learn so much. Thank you, Mike!


Thank you Mike for your steadfastness 🙂


Thanks Mike for your explanation of Hebrews 12:1, makes so much sense.


We are soooo thankful for you and your ministry. God chose you for this platform in His free will. And you said yes!!!!


Mike I enjoy your Friday lessons. Thank you for always showing your answers through the Bible.


Thank you! This was really helpful. Even if you could only do 5 questions each Friday I would love it


I guess my comment keeps getting filtered because of some phrase in the verse I'm trying to share. Anyways in reference to 13:20, see Exodus 9:15. God says He could have done differently.


Thank you so much Mike, you have helped me so much over these last few years and I praise and thank Jesus Christ for you! May He bless you and give you rest!


Love your work. Be encouraged in the wisdom God shares through you, it is impacting many.

To your first question, I thought of Exodus 32:9-14. God relented after discussion with Moses
