10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 17)

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Learn to think biblically about everything, including doomsday prepping.

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:25 {Is Doomsday Prepping Biblical?} Should we as Christians be stockpiling food and supplies for some future global catastrophe? Some of my Bible study sisters are constantly talking about this and have started preparing for impending doom. Scripture tells us, “Do not worry about tomorrow” and "Be anxious for nothing.” But at the same time, I don't want to be caught off guard. Should Christians be stockpiling just in case?
2. 17:42 {Navigating Difficult Pregnancies} What are your thoughts on terminating a pregnancy due to a “lethal” condition like anencephaly? This seems like euthanasia. Applicable passages might be Genesis 9:4-6 and 2 Samuel 1:1-16.
3. 31:29 {Praying for the Sins of Others} Do we in any way need to (or can we) pray for the sins of another person, such as a family member? This topic was a recent one in some chats I am in. The verse cited was Leviticus 26: 40.
4. 36:45 {Was Mary Asking Jesus for a Miracle?} When Mary told Jesus that the wedding was out of wine, was she asking Him to do a miracle, or a more prosaic fix? I was taught that she asked for a miracle, but I wonder due to her other actions.
5. 43:26 {Thinking Biblically about Dating} I’m a late 20s Christian man struggling with anxiety in dating. As things progress, I tend to overanalyze everything to determine if I can marry the girl, and things end about 3 months in. Any scriptural advice?
6. 49:50 {Blasphemy in the Sermon on the Mount?} In The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to God as the audience’s Father. How was this not blasphemous in the way that Jesus claiming to be the Son of God was a big deal in the Passion narrative?
7. 54:22 {Asking Others for Help When Needed} I have an illness that leaves me physically and mentally fatigued. My wife and I need a lot of help but struggle with asking. How do I ask for help in a way that is God-honoring and not selfish?
8. 1:00:10 {What Exactly Is Sin?} What exactly is sin? Is there a difference between sins against the flesh and sins against the heart/spirit? Does 1 John 5: 17 have anything to do with that? Is sin only sin when it causes death?
9. 1:06:36 {What does “Woke” Mean?} I have heard you use the word “woke.” Please define it. Since being hijacked from the Black community, it seems to mean different things.
10. 1:21:45 {Salvation before the Reformation} Were people saved before the Reformation? It is hard to believe everyone went to Hell during that time, so I've heard people use this to argue in favor of Catholicism. Is this a valid argument?

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I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think Biblically about everything. My website

Show up when the livestream starts (you see me actually on screen) and post your question in the chat. It helps if you reference one or two specific verses if they are relevant to your question and if you put a Q at the beginning of your comment in live chat.
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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 - Intro
1. 0:25 {Is Doomsday Prepping Biblical?} Should we as Christians be stockpiling food and supplies for some future global catastrophe? Some of my Bible study sisters are constantly talking about this and have started preparing for impending doom. Scripture tells us, “Do not worry about tomorrow” and "Be anxious for nothing.” But at the same time, I don't want to be caught off guard. Should Christians be stockpiling just in case?
2. 17:42 {Navigating Difficult Pregnancies} What are your thoughts on terminating a pregnancy due to a “lethal” condition like anencephaly? This seems like euthanasia. Applicable passages might be Genesis 9:4-6 and 2 Samuel 1:1-16.
3. 31:29 {Praying for the Sins of Others} Do we in any way need to (or can we) pray for the sins of another person, such as a family member? This topic was a recent one in some chats I am in. The verse cited was Leviticus 26: 40.
4. 36:45 {Was Mary Asking Jesus for a Miracle?} When Mary told Jesus that the wedding was out of wine, was she asking Him to do a miracle, or a more prosaic fix? I was taught that she asked for a miracle, but I wonder due to her other actions.
5. 43:26 {Thinking Biblically about Dating} I’m a late 20s Christian man struggling with anxiety in dating. As things progress, I tend to overanalyze everything to determine if I can marry the girl, and things end about 3 months in. Any scriptural advice?
6. 49:50 {Blasphemy in the Sermon on the Mount?} In The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to God as the audience’s Father. How was this not blasphemous in the way that Jesus claiming to be the Son of God was a big deal in the Passion narrative?
7. 54:22 {Asking Others for Help When Needed} I have an illness that leaves me physically and mentally fatigued. My wife and I need a lot of help but struggle with asking. How do I ask for help in a way that is God-honoring and not selfish?
8. 1:00:10 {What Exactly Is Sin?} What exactly is sin? Is there a difference between sins against the flesh and sins against the heart/spirit? Does 1 John 5: 17 have anything to do with that? Is sin only sin when it causes death?
9. 1:06:36 {What does “Woke” Mean?} I have heard you use the word “woke.” Please define it. Since being hijacked from the Black community, it seems to mean different things.
10. 1:21:45 {Salvation before the Reformation} Were people saved before the Reformation? It is hard to believe everyone went to Hell during that time, so I've heard people use this to argue in favor of Catholicism. Is this a valid argument?


I, inadvertently, prepped for doomsday by accepting Jesus as my Savior.


Doomsday prepping is such a weird phrase. Just put things back for hard times. Job loss, government shutdowns, weather, etc.


“It is better to preach five words of God’s Word than five million words of man’s wisdom.” Charles Spurgeon


Anyone else just having a tough time with life and their walk with God? God bless anyone who is


Worrying and preparation are different. Just like faith and carelessness are different


Thanks, Pastor Mike. I AM prepping. Not out of fear that God won't provide. I prep for the people that HAVENT PREPARED, and plan to use those shared moments to share the gospel.


“Let’s say I am wrong about that.” That is why so many of us appreciate your take on things. You look at every side.


You can prep without being paranoid or fearful but it is something to guard against. Even if the end of the world happens Christ is still King. An easy thing to forget.


At age 71 and on social security only I can't afford to prep. I do have extra canned goods but sometimes I can't afford groceries. I have Dr bills, rent, utilities, medicine and all. I put my faith in Jesus. When, and if, the time comes His will be done..


Christian prepper here - not only is it wise to prep given the times we are in, but also the LOVING thing to do for your family and friends. When things get bad, you will be able to provide for your loved ones and will also have an opportunity to share the gospel/God’s love with them.


About 2 or 3 years ago, I got an urge to prep and wasn't sure what I was prepping for. I had ideas but nothing solid.
Turned out my husband would lose his job and the money and food we had saved kept us going for the 6 months between work.
I think it is wise to prep, not to a crazy amount and it shouldn't consume you. Just a healthy amount with money savings, food and water storage, being able to defend yourself. If the Lord gives us much, then it is good to be wise with it and not just spend crazy.
Even while we didnt have my husbands income, we could still give


I was personally faced with the "your baby probably has a fatal condition", and I was leaned on pretty hard to terminate. That beautiful child is now in her mid 20's, employed as an engineer after completing her masters' degree. She has very mild epilepsy that might be related to the anomaly that caused some initial tests to be abnormal, but with good sleep hygiene and some modern medicine she has no trouble driving and living life.

Having said that, I also have the perfect scenario that you presented in Q.1, and it is not rare. It is called ectopic pregnancy, which is a pregnancy outside the womb where the baby's placenta has attached to other organs (like intestines, kidneys, etc.0. It's often diagnosed because of pain to the mom, and blood work shows that the baby is not forming a healthy placenta, and is doomed to die. It will generally prove fatal to mom if left untreated. Even very pro-life physicians will advocate for a termination when the situation looks hopeless. There are very *rare* cases where an ectopic pregnancy is viable, and the mom is then offered the opportunity to continue with the pregnancy under close supervision, and with a cesarian delivery done if mom gets into serious trouble or the child is close enough to the "due date'' to be delivered into this world.. Hope that helps.


Re. Marriage and happiness. Mike is correct that happiness is not the goal of marriage, honoring and serving God is. But, if both spouses are aimed at the true goal, happiness will follow.


Good prepping advice. Power goes out at our house 2-3 times a year, so I bought a generator and keep fuel on hand and stable. I keep 30-40 gallons of fresh water, and am increasing food stores to a few weeks. But at a certain point, it becomes a lifestyle, and I think that starts to get unhealthy, so this is where I stopped.


Preparedness for realistic situations is really a matter of being a responsible and good citizen.

When you look at natural disasters, the vast majority of people who need to be rescued are those who have not made a plan. They are the people swarming stores looking for water/gas/food at the last second, often buying more than they need in the moment further exacerbating an imminent supply problem.

Having a reasonable surplus in advance of a realistically foreseeable disaster - natural forces of course being the most realistic - means when the storm passes you are part of the solution, not part of the problem. Knowing you have already seen to your own family's needs you can serve and bless others who are in need.


Christian nurse here. Anencephaly is the lack of the brain, usually the brain stem is there or part.

I remember 1 Christian couple who bore their child to term.

Anencephaly doesn’t interfere with the life of the mother under normal circumstances.

Their baby died shortly after birth but the parents held him as he died.

When he died, his organs were used to save / help several other babies.

Not all babies with anencephaly die - it depends on how severe it is.

You have to be careful with organ donation because some eager doctors will say the child is “brain dead” which isn’t a defined condition and they’ll take organs while the heart is still beating.


The best preparation for anything is to put your trust in Jesus Christ as your savior!


Nothing I've read in the Bible or learned from history tells me that everything is going to be ok. (until the 2nd coming)
Everyone needs to at least be prepared for the typical natural disasters in their region. The least anyone should ever have is a weeks worth of food, water & medicine.


On prepping- my husband and I have been mildly interested, not so much preparing for some sort of apocalypse, but more general preparedness. Once, I joined a couple of "prepping" FB groups... but it was bad for me because of allll the fear promoted in that group. Fear that makes people mean, not godly. When someone asked in the group how they could hide the smell of cooking food so that nobody knew they had food to eat (in some future apocalypse), I knew I had to ditch that group.
We still do lots of things that would be considered "prepping" - we even freeze- dry foods, but we won't be ruled by fear.
