10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 22)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:40 {The Bible Doesn’t Exist?} Can you please respond to Abraham Piper’s claim that the Bible doesn’t even exist?
2. 12:03 {Jesus’ Deity in Scripture} In Luke 4:9-12, Satan uses the term "Son of God" yet Jesus responds with Deuteronomy 6: 16. Is this a possible claim that Christ is God, similarly to how He takes God's names for Himself?
3. 20:52 {Lack of Works = No Heaven?} Why do we only talk about what will get you into Heaven (faith or works or both)? The Bible seems to teach that only faith can get you in, but lack of works can keep you out. Any thoughts?
4. 24:01 {Are Sinful Desires Sinful?} James 1: 15 speaks about your desire giving birth to sin, but if you have an evil desire, isn’t that already sin?
5. 37:48 {Are Natural Disasters from God?} We recently had a tornado touch down here in upstate New York. How does one explain to a non-believer that the tornado was not from God? Was it man-made?
6. 45:40 {Does Hebrews 1 Prove Cessationism?} Is Hebrews 1:1 supportive of the idea that there are no prophets since the 1st century as God only speaks from Jesus Christ?
7. 54:14 {Does Blas. of the Spirit Debunk Calvinism?} Is the fact that we can commit Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit proof that Calvinism is false?
8. 58:58 {Jesus & the Samaritan Woman} Was Jesus pointing out the sin of the Samaritan woman, or was He letting her know He understood her circumstances, considering women had little control over their marital status?
9. 1:09:34 {Modalism & Oneness – Truly Saved?} Are people who believe in Modalism or Oneness doctrines truly saved? Should I allow my kids to participate in events at churches that believe in Modalism?
10. 1:15:44 {Receiving the Holy Spirit} When does a Christian receive the Holy Spirit? The apostles, it seems, received the Holy Spirit twice (John 20: 22, Acts 2:1-4). Others had different experiences (Acts 8: 14-17, 11: 15, 19:1-6).
BONUS Q! 1:24:01 What language do you think we will speak in Heaven?
I take YOUR questions from the live chat on anything related to Christianity and thinking biblically about everything.
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:40 {The Bible Doesn’t Exist?} Can you please respond to Abraham Piper’s claim that the Bible doesn’t even exist?
2. 12:03 {Jesus’ Deity in Scripture} In Luke 4:9-12, Satan uses the term "Son of God" yet Jesus responds with Deuteronomy 6: 16. Is this a possible claim that Christ is God, similarly to how He takes God's names for Himself?
3. 20:52 {Lack of Works = No Heaven?} Why do we only talk about what will get you into Heaven (faith or works or both)? The Bible seems to teach that only faith can get you in, but lack of works can keep you out. Any thoughts?
4. 24:01 {Are Sinful Desires Sinful?} James 1: 15 speaks about your desire giving birth to sin, but if you have an evil desire, isn’t that already sin?
5. 37:48 {Are Natural Disasters from God?} We recently had a tornado touch down here in upstate New York. How does one explain to a non-believer that the tornado was not from God? Was it man-made?
6. 45:40 {Does Hebrews 1 Prove Cessationism?} Is Hebrews 1:1 supportive of the idea that there are no prophets since the 1st century as God only speaks from Jesus Christ?
7. 54:14 {Does Blas. of the Spirit Debunk Calvinism?} Is the fact that we can commit Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit proof that Calvinism is false?
8. 58:58 {Jesus & the Samaritan Woman} Was Jesus pointing out the sin of the Samaritan woman, or was He letting her know He understood her circumstances, considering women had little control over their marital status?
9. 1:09:34 {Modalism & Oneness – Truly Saved?} Are people who believe in Modalism or Oneness doctrines truly saved? Should I allow my kids to participate in events at churches that believe in Modalism?
10. 1:15:44 {Receiving the Holy Spirit} When does a Christian receive the Holy Spirit? The apostles, it seems, received the Holy Spirit twice (John 20: 22, Acts 2:1-4). Others had different experiences (Acts 8: 14-17, 11: 15, 19:1-6).
BONUS Q! 1:24:01 What language do you think we will speak in Heaven?
I take YOUR questions from the live chat on anything related to Christianity and thinking biblically about everything.