Why Your Feet Are Getting Bigger as You Get Older, with Seattle Podiatrist Larry Huppin

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Are you worried that your feet are getting bigger as you get older? Well, they probably are! In this video Dr. Larry Huppin explains why almost 100% of us have bigger feet and must wear larger shoes as we get older. Weight gain and pregnancy can both lead to increases in foot size, but even if you have never been pregnant and weigh exactly what you did in high school, your feet are still probably getting bigger – or at least you need bigger shoes. Learn why your feet keep growing and what you can do about it.

Dr. Larry Huppin in a nationally renowned authority on orthotics and biomechanics, and a podiatrist in Seattle specializing in treating all foot problems, but with a focus on mechanical issues. He has practiced podiatric medicine in Seattle for over 20 years and has a special interest in helping patients achieve complete relief of any foot problem without resorting to surgery.

We are located at:
Foot & Ankle Center of Washington
600 Broadway, Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98122
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My feet grew 2 sizes in less than 6 months back in 2019 ! I'm still in shock🤯 🤯 Wore sizes 44/45, but now I wear 47 (european), 13.5 US 😭😭


Wore a pair of old dress shoes a couple of days ago that I have not worn for about 5 years because I changed to a non-corporate career, they use to feel like they fit perfectly and could walk on them all day, but was shocked when they felt tight and narrow and gave me sore small toes after walking on them for 30 mins. I’m over 40 and put on a bit of weight over the years so I’m guessing my feet stretched out a bit, but you just don’t think about these things.


Now here's something interesting. I'm 41 and have always bought at least a size up for any sneakers sports related. I was vegan all of last year and went back to full meat eater a few months ago including a lot of raw meat. Was playing basketball and noticing my feet were pushing on the shoe where there used to be leeway. I despise playing in any shoe too small like I would in my childhood because it actually 'causes pain in different parts of my leg. Well I starting experiencing that pain. My running shoes are now tight also. So i'm trying figure if it's age or did switching back to meat and now eating it raw consistently, trigger the foot growth. I do know a story of guy who claimed to have grown two inches in height in his 30s when he was doing some diet of blending steak and butter all the time. I've already bought bigger shoes, it was just so sudden so wondering if the food triggered it?


I started hiking in 2016 ON and OFF, usually around 18 miles. I got very serious a year ago and started hiking more frequently and longer distances, minimum 18 miles, but often 25, 31, 38 and will try +44 miles soon, in one go, no breaks.
I have the feeling that my feet grew, is that possible? (I'm 47).
Or is it possible that my feet got more muscular, tendons stronger, ... by the long hikes with a bagpack? Anyone else experienced that?
All my regular shoes feel too tight now and before they had the perfect fit.
Thanks you for your help and replies


"Are my #feet getting bigger as I get older?" Well, yes. Here's why. Foot & Ankle Center of Washington 


Plz answer this Ik I’m late but I’m 5’7 size 12 I’m only 14 everyone says I have big feet and I’ll grow taller is that true??


😢😢 my feet yes grew in 6, 7 months. My cute heel sandles look like and older lady is wearing them when I look down now...😭. I guess it's time....


Does having growing room in my shoes affect feet growth?


I’m already flat footed from birth, my weight is the same, and I’m a man and not pregnant. This doesn’t explain why my feet are getting longer lol
