Woman lost home insurance over a tree CA city says she can't remove

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A California woman's insurance company threatened to drop her over a large oak tree they said was too close to her Glendale home. After spending thousands of dollars in trimming brush clearance, Kerry McCalmont was still dropped, despite getting the all-clear from the fire department.

Living in a high fire hazard zone, Kerry was given a list of demands: remove all plants within 5 feet of her home. She complied, spending thousands on bush removal and tree trimming. But it wasn’t enough. The company came back, insisting she cut down a nearby tree.

The catch? It's a protected live oak tree. Glendale, like Los Angeles, Pasadena and many cities in Southern California, has laws protecting oak trees as “natural aesthetic resources.” These laws leave homeowners in a bind: insurance companies demand tree removal for coverage, but city ordinances won’t allow it.

Kerry now faces the prospect of losing her insurance in December. Despite the fire department confirming that her property isn't a hazard, she now faces an additional hurdle; insurance companies have now decided to stop writing policies for homes with any type of trees overhanging the property, including those not even in high fire zones.

KTLA's Andy Riesmeyer reports.

KTLA 5 News - Keeping Southern Californians informed since 1947.
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KTLA all I saw was you protecting the name of the insurance company.


They wanted to drop her... they're just looking for any reason.


These insurance companies are getting out of control, if ive invested yrs into it and than they decide to drop me for stupid reasons, they should be accountable, laws should do more for homeowners...


Crazy how people are blaming California and not the insurance company for knowing this information as they pressed the owner to basically make their house a heat zone.


Newsflash : insurance companies dropping policies in the desert area due to too much sand.


If the fire department says its not a threat the insurance company should not be allowed to drop her coverage. This is a problem with greedy insurance companies.


They're telling her to break the law or lose her insurance, huh? This should be actionable.


Trees lower the temperature around the neigborhood.


Even if she cuts down the tree the insurance company will find another reason to drop her. It will probably be that her home is now a fire danger because there isn’t proper shade.


Going thru this now too. They are looking for any excuse to drop CA homes.


Insurance companies need to be held accountable. They are such seedy companies. Its so invasive that they obtained images of her home without even letting her know, and its crazy that they arent even listening to the fire dept, the dire dept is the authority.


This world is so upside down now what was wrong is now right and what was right is now wrong just absolutely ridiculous and punishes people that do the right thing.


Apparently when you OWN land in California you don't actually own it and can't cut down trees on your OWN Property WILD


Yet Glendale has a shade tree program whereby they will plant a shade tree near your house to shade it to conserve electricity use in the form of air conditioning!


I have news for the lady, they didn't cancel her insurance because of the tree, they canceled her insurance because they want out. I have farmers insurance on my homes. They told me the same thing so I had a tree crew come in and cut down every tree near my house. They canceled me anyway. . I'm expecting the same thing to happen on my main home. I have a giant old growth oak tree that hangs over the house that I suspect they'll want me to cut that tree down. I'm getting ready for a canceled policy and a move to California Fair plan.


Insurance companies are dropping people all over California. It is just an excuse to drop her coverage. It has happened to many, many others in California. State Farm is one of the worst offenders. This is one reason why the state offers fire insurance.


I’m an insurance agent for Farmers Insurance, and I’ve seen so many homes with no option BUT California Fair Plan: they only insure fire. If your agent recommends CA FAIR as an only option, inquire about a DIC policy where another insurance company will insure the liability portion of your home.


If the fire department says there’s no issue, then we need the insurance commissioner to force insurance companies to accept it. Insurers just want to jack up the rates.


Here's my question if it's an issue with safety of the home shooting those repairs or changes to be covered under the insurance policy. You pay all this money over all these years and then they suddenly want to drop you over some BS that by all technicality should be covered under the insurance. I believe that insurance is should have a cap that if you reach a certain point of paying them and you have not made any claims on your policies then you should not have a deductible any longer and if they decide to cancel you then they have to pay you back at least 33% of what you paid in over the years


why the reporters dont look into the finances of the insurances, they always get paid but never get paid out... why is it that when they had to pay a few dollars now they raise the prices... its greed
