How Do You Get Published by the Big 5 Publishers? | Manuscript Submissions Tips

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Who are the Big 5 Publishers and how do you get published by them? Joshua Lisec, Ghostwriter of over 45 books, shares manuscript submissions tips that work.

So you want to know how to submit a book for publishing. But are there even publishers accepting submissions right now?

You've probably heard of the Big 5 publishers - Simon & Schuster, Macmillan Publishing, Hachette Book Group, Pengiun Random House, and Harpercollins Publishers. Can you just google "publisher submissions," "book submissions," or "novel submissions," visit the Big Five Publishers' contact pages, and submit a manuscript?

It's not that easy. Pengiun Random House submissions, Harpercollins submissions, Harpercollins imprints' submissions, and Macmillan submissions are all the same: "No Unsolicited Submissions." So what's that mean?

Most publishers' manuscript submission guidelines have you first get a literary agent, who takes care of the publishing submissions process on your behalf, whether you're working on a nonfiction book or have a novel manuscript submission.

You could look up smaller, independent presses on Publishers Marketplace, but the Big 5 publishers typically offer the best book advances and best book deals, even to first-time authors.

In this video, Celebrity Ghostwriter Joshua Lisec tells you everything you need to know about manuscript submissions, answering "how to find a publisher for my first book" once and for all!


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This video is indeed very helpful for me. As an author with vision issues, I understand the value of accessibility in the writing and editing process. I recently hired "Writers of the West, " a ghostwriting service provider with a team of highly competent ghostwriters.


Great information. I am a Kurdish American and I have been working as a linguist for U.S military in Iraqi Kurdistan since 2005. I almost finished writing my novel based on my experience with U.S military in Iraqi Kurdistan and my life under the tyranny Saddam Hussein. Hopefully I will find a good agent.


Loved the you addressed the issues! Subscribed your channel & booked a calling session on your website.


Amazing, comprehensive details. Thank you


Thank you so much for this. I just completed a childrens book, of a series for kindergarten age. :) Love this information. Very eye openig and useful.


I have a finished Manuscript! A self-help Gold Mine!


Exactly what I needed to know as of right now 🙌 🙏 👏... thank you


I have tried what you said, but still no takers my publisher not one of the Big 5 recently gave the book a gold seal!-The Gold Seal of Literary Excellence is a proof of support for your book with superior literary work. Gold Seal of Literary Excellence gives you the chance to have your work stand out from other titles. It acts as an immediate reference for traditional publishers, movie producers, book investors, library directors or readers in choosing their next literary experience. Your book cover will have a Gold Seal stamp, distinguishing it from other published books.


Thank you for sharing. At the moment, I am writing an art book based on my art work series in collaboration with an art Gallery that has been exhibiting my works. Finishing proceess now and given the amber light by the gallery. I wonder how to approach the potential publisher, with this type of book(art and narrative). Thank you.


This was so incredibly helpful! I wonder, are publishers more interested in certain genres? Are they tired of high fantasy?


Great video. Not sure why it has so few views, it's helped a lot - thank you.


I was able to get accepted with a publisher but the problem is that some publishers charge us a set price but don’t actually edit the book of errors, or promote the book and even ask for more money after the fact. I am an up coming writer and am trying to make sure that I can get my book seen by the right companies but I’m in limbo.


Great info! Thank you! I am choosing to go the traditional route. I have a question. Do you need a proposal for children's books that are under 35 pages as well? I wrote a childrens book that would be most likely an illustrated book. The manuscript is almost done. Do I need a proposal for it as well?


Long gone are the days when the author created and the publisher did all of the business end and promoting. Today, the author creates AND get tangled up in all the publishing stuff, book making, page numbers, paper type, book size, promoting, marketing, and selling and STILL not get paid anything.


I have a script almost done. I hope this video will help me. 🙏🙏🙏


I have a series of FIVE books. All five are written, four are completed with covers, and are ready to go. Here's the problem. My books are a fictional series, coming of age, and an intricate complex story line about three men through the assistance of beloved friends, family members, and the love of one woman who teach them art of sacrificial love. The book details their fall, how far they fell, and how they pick themselves up from the bottom of the barrel to gain respect, nobility, honor and character back. It's a block buster for sure. I don't want any money for them, I want to build a foundation with them. I want to help those who are drowning in the sea of despair and give them hope that GOD can put them in the right place with the right people and completely change their lives for the better. I don't want fame or notoriety, because I very much like my obscure life. I have about three or four years left to live. This is my contribution to leave the world, hopefully a better place for some. I wrote them NINE years ago, but recently have started working on them, again, because I think this is the year of LOVE'S MUSES. I don't want the attention or the credit for this amazing story, because with all my heart, I believe this is a work from GOD for a very injured world with all that we've endured the last few years.


Thank you for this video🙏😊
I selfed published my debut novel "Little Toy Car" by Gabe Oliver a few months ago. It is doing really well with alot of in-depth good reviews so now I'm trying to get in contact with a major publisher in case they want in on some of this money. I will benifit because they will have contacts that I technically don't have access too and in return I can easily sell more copies to those contacts. Let me know if there is any further advice you have, thank you😁


Hey Josh, are you still offering Roadmap calls? You're the guy I need to talk to, but I see that there aren't any call times available soon.


I wrote children's stories but they were stolen. It took a lot longer f time to do the illustrations and they were stolen some came back some they kept. I was trying not to be homeless but my road to being published did not end with me getting money before I, a former homemaker and mom, now homeless, a book in itself, has stolen intellectual property. They returned some of my illustrations but they are different and missing details


Hi, I'm also an aspiring writer. In India, Harper Collins accepts all kinds of submissions for the book. But, I've never been selected like 4 times in a row for my book. Now I noticed that maybe, I've written it a little bit childish, so, I'm going to rewrite it again and maybe make it more readable, do you think, will they accept it this time?
I know that you will think that why I am asking you this but I wanted to know, if it's a good idea or not?
I do want to publish my book and it did get good reviews on the Online writing app but after the rejection like 4 times, I'm kind of scared.
