How Slow Living Changed My Life Forever

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How Slow Living Changed My Life Forever 🌱

In today's fast-paced world, embracing a slow living lifestyle has become increasingly important. Slow living is all about simplifying life, being intentional, and taking time to care for yourself. It's about doing things with mindfulness and being present in the moment.

In this video, I will talk about how slow living has changed my life and why I live a simple life now. The slow living lifestyle emphasizes the significance of self-care and self-reflection. By intentionally making time for activities that nourish your body and soul, you can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. Engaging in activities such as meditation, yoga, or simply disconnecting from technology for a while can have a profound impact on your mental and emotional health 😇

In our fast-paced society, we're often on autopilot, rushing through our days without truly savoring the present. Slow living teaches us to be present and fully engaged in the activities we're doing, whether it's enjoying a cup of tea, going for a walk, or having a conversation with a loved one.

Remember, slow living doesn't mean avoiding technology or working less. It means doing everything with intention and purpose. In the end, a simple living lifestyle can change your life for the better, giving you the time and space to savor the moments that truly matter. So, don't be afraid to embrace the slow living journey, and you'll discover the soft and fulfilling life you've been seeking 🌟


RESOURCES (Discount affiliate links :) 👍



How I Created My Dream Life Faster Than I Ever Imagined

5 Nordic Simple Living Habits To Live Your Best Life





Epidemic Sound


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I realize how slow living is saving my life


This is why I always find myself staring at the sunset in the green field and just thinking how magnificent God created nature. The only way to truely live is to live in the present and be present, take each breath, each walk, each sip, each meal with the most sincere and you will feel gratitude and abundance.


I have been practicing slow life for months, and this completely resonates with other parts of me: my pure love for nature, my deep desire to embrace silence, my anxiety when i am around the things that dont vibe with my soul… And today, having a bad night, i came across this video and somehow helped me to reconect with my truth and life. You were like a brother in the way. Thank you so much❤! Sometimes its so difficult to keep this lifestyle when everybody around is so contrary to it and still believe that success is elsewhere while they rush everything.


I learned this much later in life. I'm 67 but I am 20 in my mind. I am not at the end of my life but at the beginning of living a life of amazing adventure and deep meaning. My wife and I are building a cabin in the mountains 750 miles from where we have lived for 45 years. The children are grown and doing really well so there is a sense of relief and joy in seeing that! The time for us as a couple is now. We are living a life of adventure and purpose. The only clock is the sun. The only deadline is dying and we have decided that no matter if we die we have lived an amazing life together and dying can not take that from us. Each day is a gift and we live it to the fullest. I live as if I will live for centuries. So much to do and accomplish still. I can rest when I'm gone. Eternity is a long time. The here and now is what matters. Don't waste any of it.


Beautiful scenery with your beautiful thoughts. We can't waste time thinking we will finally be happy when "X" happens, we can create happiness here and now. We don't have to go looking for it!


Ich genieße die Ruhe um mich herum und ich erfreue mich an den kleinen Dingen des Lebens. Konsumdenken habe ich abgelegt. Demnächst beziehe ich eine kleinere Wohnung. Meinen Bekanntenkreis habe ich aussortiert. Es ist ein neuer Anfang mit vielen bisher ungenutzten Möglichkeiten. Darauf freue ich mich. Wer sein Leben entschleunigt gewinnt unglaublich viel.
Für dich: Du bist so ein positiver Mensch. Deine Videos inspirieren mich immer wieder. Schön das es dich gibt 😄


Ahh, I crave slow living after my episode of burnout with my 9-5 job, it was a slap in my face. I wish I could just quit but I have financial responsibilities towards my family as well. It's also the realization to pursue something outside of work, nourishing my soul and working on my purpose. Hoping to realize my dreams soon.🤞


The value of time. Today over an hour in the park amongst the greenery, listening to the birds, witnessing van life in real life all while consuming a raw vegan lunch what a priceless moment. Moments lived for entirely


Slow living...l now see the "Wonder" . Get rid of inner conflicts...go in and met your shadow. Cause what we don't know about ourselves does hurt us badly. acceptance and nurture of self happens. A solitude needed (Wintering) and then the return. I don't aim for happiness, l breath and enjoy (inner meeting of that moment) the wonder of simplicity.


It's not the fame it's about freedom.


Yet I feel empty, tired, and a bit fed up about my life. until I realize what's really makes me unhappy is rush living. I always think about what's next or even while I'm doing something at that time I also thinking about anything. I really tired of it. and now I found a word 'the art of slow living' I try to know about it. after all, now I feel relieve and more gratitude about this life. no more rush living, just slow down. and also slow down makes me more patient. thank you :)


3:21 for me this need to have something on was caused by medication I didn’t need. Once I got off the meds I can now actually be in silence


“Service over self”. “Balance and compassion”. You nailed it Seve. I appreciate and honor the path that you’re on. Continue to grow inside and out. And enjoy the journey! ❤


i am 47 y/o and have just began to feel the way you feel, maybe some late but better than nothing


Beautiful video man! You have such a humble and genuine approach, keep it going! 🙌🌲


I've just found you on YouTube, you have a new follower from Durban, South Africa. You speak my language my brother. Keep going on this beautiful channel.


That laughter that comes during meditation is GODLIKE 😂😂😂


Still so in awe of your wisdom Seve. 💕


Really enjoy your channel and the raw authenticity of it. Thank you for sharing all the experience and keeping the channel for all of us real. All the best to you :)


Great thoughts, thanks for sharing. ☮
