Regular Soda Vs Diet Soda #weightloss

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MUST READ: Technically Speaking Each Can Of Coke Zero has 2ish calories but my point stands!

I am post a FollowUp so stay Tuned..

Diet Soda Is Show To Be “Better Than Water” For People Trying To Lose Weight.. Here’s The Link For Those Interested..
Link Here: 👇🏾👇🏾

And A Cancer One:

Here come the “Just drink water” People 😂

Now is Diet Soda “Healthier” than water? I never said such thing!
Its just an interesting find..

If You Don’t Like The Taste Od Diet.. I’d say the Zero versions are GOATED
#dietcoke #dietculture #eatingclean #eatinghealthy #caloriesincaloriesout #fatlosstips #weightlosstips #weightlosshelp #getfitordietrying #getfitstayfit #getinshape #healthymeals #eatgoodfeelgood

"Can I have a burger, milkshake, large fry, double patty bacon burger, small cheese fries, one kids meal, medium onion rings, large nacho meal, small vegan burger, double chocolate brownie burrito, and a diet Coke cus I'm tryna lose weight."


Artificial Sweeteners: 💀 Phosphoric Acid: 👺


Obviously water is better . But if you’re used to drink soda, then those calories saved would be easier to transition than going straight for water. Let people live guys .


Diet soda is an actual game changer, especially if you’re dieting casually. The ability to drink something with basically no calories that tastes pretty good is actually insane.

Also, evidence linking aspartame to cancer is way overblown. There are plenty of other foods that are just as carcinogenic, but people never discuss them because they’re “natural”.

Not everybody enjoyed drinking only water, and for those people, diet soda can be live changing.


I love how everyone just responds with Cancer, without citing any sources. Aspartame causing certain cancers in rats when dosed with 35 cans worth of aspertame isnt even close enough to compelling me to stop slamming my coke zero with dinner every night.


Appreciate you spreading more awareness. I have to have this argument everyonce in a while myself 😂


For anyone reading. I am 31 years old, male, 5'8 and currently weigh about 163lbs, 1 year ago I weighed about 200lbs. The first 20-30lbs that I lost, I did so literally eating junk food and eating whatever I wanted within the restrictions of the following.

#1 Weight trained 5-6 times a week
#2 Tried to eat at least .80 grams of protein per lb of my weight.
#3 I stuck to my calorie limit which I recall was about 2, 500 when I first started.

So let's say 500-800 of those calories was the protein which left me with another let's say 1, 700 calories. I LITERALLY filled those calories with ANYTHING I wanted, chips, crackers, drinks, donuts, honey buns, and whatever I felt like eating.

There is no excuse for any of you because of this reason. I didn't eat a single veggie or fruit during this and after I lost those first 20-30lbs I was in way better shape, my face looked more masculine and clothes fit better ect.

I recall I had to lower my calories down to around 2, 200 midway through to lose more weight and around 170lbs my scale would not move down until I dropped to 1, 850 cals.

This is the point at which I began to eat healthy and the reason was simply because I could no longer eat donuts, chips and bullshit because they began eating my calories and leaving me little room to get my protein in vs when I first started.

I'm 163lbs now

I try to eat 160 grams of protein a day, usually I'm eating eggs, spinach, meat, whey protein, and the rest I fill in with whatever. I take a multivitamin, creatine, magnesium, ect.

I lost a total of 37lbs in the last year with the first 20-30lbs easily being lost simply following a calorie deficit and filling the calories in with whatever junk I wanted as long as those other requirements got met.

Due to the fact I ate complete bullshit and still lost that weight, none of you have an excuse because you can still eat your fat ass donuts and cheddar fries.

You simply need to have a calorie limit and THE END. If your ass ain't losing weight then your ass ate too much, end of story.

I would post the before and after if I could, and for the record my daily routine when I first started was basically, cheddar fries, C4 energy drinks, mochas, whey protein, and whatever else I wanted to eat up to my calorie limit.

My routine now is way healthier but there is a difference. I only have 1, 850 calories to use thus if I eat 3 pizzas 900 of my calories are GONE, hence why I had to start eating things like eggs because for the same amount of calories I would have gotten 12 eggs and 72g protein.

Stop eating your dumbass salads, unless your ass has the disciple to eat that bullshit everyday which most of you don't.

Your better off eating your bullshit donut but tracking the calories than you are eating bullshit salads and then giving up after one week.

I can eat all this healthy bullshit because I worked my way up to it, have results and it motivated me beyond what a normal person is willing to eat everyday.

Saying eat salads everyday is like me telling a smoker who been smoking their whole life "quit smoking all together"

No shit

The average person isn't giving it all up at once

Better off slowly leaning off so you don't rebound.

Hey, do whatever the FUCK you want

I'm telling y'all I ate bullshit and lost 30lbs so when I see you people eating salads and staying fat, I get annoyed because I was eating cheddar fries when I got in shape.


It’s a nice choice.

I enjoy drinking it even when I drank lots of water throughout my days. So it’s nice to have something refreshing


Sweetener is not carbohydrate(that is sugar) is a synthetic compound giving the sensation of sweetness
It will not undergo metabolism so kidneys will filter them and it will go out throught urine with no problem


Regular soda: 🤓
Diet soda: 🤮
Water: 🗿


I get it if it’s a taste thing but people who complain about the health dangers of diet drinks like the regular soda not good for you either 😂. Might as well pick the lesser evil. (All in moderation of course)


Diet soda has aspartame, just drink water and have normal soda occasionally.


Technically it's not 0 but also the sweeteners cause you to bloat up and some cause weight problems or head ache due to the body thinking it's sugar when it's not


I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me -Philippians 4:13❤


Diet soda does not add nutritional value to your diet and not all options are low in calories or sugar-free. It may also contribute to certain health conditions.

The artificial sweeteners in diet soda can actually cause a spike in blood sugar and insulin levels which in turn can lead to diabetic shock for those who have already been diagnosed with diabetes.


It’s not always about calories, if anything the regular coke is healthier because it has calories, at least there’s something in there.


It’s still less healthy depending on how much you have. Diet has all these Artificial Sweeteners and other harmful things that are even worse for you! But if you have 10 cans, then just go diet at that point.


Just because it’s 0 calories doesn’t mean it’s good for you.


This comment section partially explain why we have an obesity epidemic. Quack diet experts have scared so many people from the zero calorie option because slim people don't pay their bills.
