What Is The Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

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The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a highly debated topic and there are many different views out there. Some Christians believe that they are baptized in the Holy Spirit the moment they believe, other Christians say the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is something that can happen after they believe. Some people believe that you can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and not even know it, while others think that there has to be some kind of experience when it is clear that you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. In this video I go through the topic and share my personal opinion on the subject. I think that a lot of Christians tend to be too timid to share the gospel and evangelize the lost and that's because they need to be endowed with power from on high. Even if someone believes that all Christians are Baptized with the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation, they cannot deny that Peter and John were filled with the Holy Spirit a second time in Acts 4. When I read the instructions of Jesus in Luke and Acts and when I read Acts too it seems clear to me that the outpouring in the Book of Acts was an outpouring of the Spirit to empower the church.
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I grew up in a Pentecostal church where the focus was on the gift of tongues (which I know is a true gift for many), but for me, the Holy Spirit convicts me and reminds me of things that are not pleasing to God. He reminds me to back up, regroup, and do better each and every day. He is a teacher and helps us endure until the end.


I never had an overwhelming experience that made me lose control or speak in tongues or prophesy, but i love to witness and actually i think that sharing the gospel and sharing Scripture at appropriate times is a kind of prophesying


I'm an ex neo-vedantic (hindu roots) new ager. I used to be into so much "cosmic/spiritual" stuff: trance channelings, ancient wisdom, gnosticism, psychedelic drugs, hindu gurus and buddhist variants. I was illuminated by the *kundalini (serpent) spirit* then 8 years ago I got rightly enlightened by the *Holy Spirit* it came out of the blue, quite a while after praying for Truth ABOVE all Spirit led me to the REAL *Yahusha/Jesus Christ* and everything changed - *Paradigm Shifted* This is being *BORN AGAIN* and it's an ongoing surprise to me 😁


Great Video and i totally agree . I was baptized in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gave the utterance of course after i was Born Again and yes it gave me the boldness to witness and also the power for living. The Holy Spirit led me into all truth and kept me from being deceived by the wolfs in sheep clothing (TV prosperity preachers ) Sadly so many deny the real power of the Holy Spirit in their lives and also many Christians ministries do not welcome the Holy Spirit . Just show a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof .


I was filled/baptized with the Holy Spirit 5yrs ago. A year later while going through extreme spiritual warfare, I started praying and asking God, why this was happening, I immediately felt something in my mouth. I started praying in tongues(mysteries in the Spirit 1Cor 14:2) it was completely supernatural!!(private prayer language so different function than the tongues in Acts 2) I had no idea this gift was even for me and didn’t even know it was real. The Holy Spirit gave me this gift in my time of need to fight the enemy. The gifts of the Spirit are extremely important!! God is so good!! 🙌

There are 3 types of different functions for the gift of tongues.

Signs for the unbeliever;
Acts 2 at Pentecost actual languages that led people to Christ because they heard the gospel in their own language.

Private prayer language;
1Cor 14:2 For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit.(doesn’t edify the church, edifies you because you’re praying the Father’s will back to him.

Then tongues with interpretation. This is someone giving a word in an unknown language and another person interpreting. This would act as a prophecy because it edifies the church. 1Cor 2


Caleb, you are in a very special SMALL group of apologist on YouTube that RIGHTLY handles the Word of God in a very clear, concise, and effective manner. When someone asks me questions regarding subjects you've covered, I send them to you. You truly are every man's Bible teacher. I pray God continues to bless you and your wife as you both endeavor to communicate God's love for his people.


Very well done brother. And I always love the way you always make the point by using the scriptures, which is how it should be done. May God bless you and the ministry He has given you.


Caleb, your delivery, demeanor, position and presentation of content is a gift from God! I hope you never take that for granted.

I have many testimonies about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, leading up to my experience and a host of other’s experiences. As amazing as our God is, there isn’t one instance in hundreds of people who were spirit baptism that was identical. So, to the inquisitive seeker first, there is no “recipe” to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit outside of 1) Believing 2) Seeking. God creates a special unique and personal experience for every single person.

I used to ask folks this question: Are you a disciple of Jesus or a disciple of John. Everyone unanimously claims Jesus. I then ask them if they have received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the answer is almost always no or, “I got all the spirit when I got saved, etc…”. The only difference in John’s and Jesus’ disciples is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Many people have never considered the fact that Jesus “never baptized the first person in water”. Jesus only baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire. Seeker, study the Holy Spirit, search for His work, believe that God has prepared something special just for “You”! When it happens, share your story!


Great video. You did thought biblically. I believe your right. At the end of the day. Its the Holy Spirit that will allow us to understand Gods Word, so all brothers and sisters lets cling unto him. Amen


The discussion that shall continue for all of time until the timeless.


First thing that I have disagreed with you on Caleb, sealed once, filled often. Not a salvation issue but Pentecostals and charismatic’s would often try to make you feel like a second class Christian with this error .


The Gift of " Tongues" is an actual Lamguage, not gibberish. People from all over the Roman Empire spoke other languages, and they heard The Gospel in their language. Acts 2 & 3.


It seems that so many focus on self empowerment rather than for ministry. Having to prove yourself worthy by displaying one particular gift . Paul diminished self edification on favor of edifying others. Gifts was added to scripture for readability, therefore we should persue what is spiritual. Also prophecy is not just for telling the future but also forth telling.


You mentioned Keith Green, that is awesome man, i love his music.


How interesting I just listened to David Wilkerson sermon on the baptism of the Holy Spirit three days ago


Ask yourself this question: is it possible to be born again and not receive the Holy Spirit? Then ask yourself this question: why was it so vital that Peter and John be sent to Samaria? After all they believed, repented, and were baptized in water! We’d call that a great outcome in today’s evangelism. Not so with the Apostles. They understood that in order to be born again, you had to receive the Holy Spirit. That is why they sent Peter and John.


Great Video Caleb! 👍 may I share this too: in John 20:21-22, Jesus breathed on his disciples and said “Receive the Holy Spirit”. At that moment they were born again according to John 3:5-8, they have become a new creation (2 Corinth 5:17). Then on Pentecost they received power from on high, (baptised by Holy Spirit). We must be very careful not to covet this event; the LORD will give power to whom He wills! We must be thankful that He gives us His Holy Spirit, which is more than enough….. 🙏. 1 Corinthians 12:13 says we are all immersed into One Spirit, One body! Wow Hebrews 10:15-17 = Jeremiah 31:31!


I still think Baptism of the Holy Spirit is salvation...


Concerning Romans 8:9, does it mean that the Samaritans somehow already had the Spirit of Christ before the laying on of hands by the apostles? According to your reasoning (that they were already saved) it had to be so, otherwise they weren’t saved according to Romans 8:9. What then was the purpose of the “second” receiving of the Holy Spirit, which seems to be the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Was it God’s way to show in a supernatural way that they were included in His plan of salvation?


Not everyone who claims the baptism of the H.G. is bold either. Many in my experience have claimed that they were baptized in the H.G. are timid as well.
