President Nelson's Serious Concern: Too Many of Our Brothers and Sisters Do Not...

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Understanding and Utilizing Priesthood Power and Authority

In this heartfelt message, President Nelson expresses concern over the lack of understanding and use of priesthood power and authority among brothers and sisters in the faith. Emphasizing the profound privileges and responsibilities of holding this divine authority, he shares specific examples of missed opportunities for blessings and encourages all members to harness this power for the benefit of others. By acting in the name of Jesus Christ, President Nelson urges members to bless and minister to individuals, deepening their faith and relationship with God. The speaker calls for increased dedication to scripture study, temple worship, and faithful service, ensuring a more righteous and joyful life.

00:00 Introduction: A Concern About Priesthood Power
00:39 Examples of Misunderstanding Priesthood
02:04 The Tragedy of Missed Blessings
02:27 The Privilege and Responsibility of the Priesthood
02:51 Inspiring Righteousness and Faith
03:24 Conclusion: Ministering with Christ's Authority

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1. Russell M. Nelson - April 2018: "Ministering with Power and Authority of God"

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These lds videos are arriving in the nick of time. My life has been a disaster and now it’s time to go back to church. I needed to see this.


It is so beautiful and refreshing to hear our Prophet lecture us, the Priesthood holders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, for neglecting those duties we have been endowed with, when we received the Priesthood. We must heed his words for they are the words of our Lord God and His beloved son Jesus Christ. May our Prophet continue to be blessed by Our Father in Heaven.


President Nelson and the prophet of god is a great example for me. His words truly help me think about my life and it piercing my soul and heart. I am thankful to have someone i could look up to become like Jesus Christ.


I love our prophet! Priesthood power is real.
I'm so greafull for his words.


Thank you for this video. It is true, when my children got blessed giving baby names but not given any blessings on them. It was just me and my kids at church and my husband didnt come to church, so it was hard.. . It is difficult for those sisters who are singles or their spouse is not church member. 🏵️ UK


I have noticed the very things that President Nelson spoke about. I'm very serious when I ask for a blessing and I want them to do what the prophet has said they should do! I've noticed that several blessings I've received will mention some of the things that are in my Patriarchal blessing. So thankful for all of our prophets! ❤😊❤


To go in harmony with this talk Eld Oaks gave a wonderful talk for the priesthood holders on blessing the sick. The talk was titled healing the sick and was given in conference 9 years ago. There is great teaching in this talk as well as wonderful encouragement to priesthood holders on performing blessings. I highly recommend to see this talk and footnote it. I return to it often to keep it in remembrance.


Thank you! I have had the testimony of Priesthood blessings through great leaders. I also learned to trust and believe in the power of the spirit that filled my heart. The pure love of Christ is all around us. Be still! Invite Him to walk with you.


My now ex used to tell me that because he was the priesthood holder in the house, he was in charge and he was to be obeyed. During Covid, our bishop told our ward to have sacrament at home. My now ex refused. Once we could go back to church with social distancing, he would do home sacrament for himself with our boys. (he felt he couldn't go because he was a diabetic). It was this talk and several others that helped me to understand what was going on in my marriage and how terrible things were. Elder Holland had a good one too that talk about unrighteous dominion by priesthood holders.


Thank you 💕 so much President for the powerful counsel you have just given us. God bless.🙏


It's about time, it's about change, AND IT"S ABOUT TIME. Well said. Thank you President Nelson.


Thank you for sharing this beautiful message our dear beloved President Nelson ❤❤❤❤


It is true that some do not know how to give a blessing. I am very particular these days on who gives me a priesthood blessing.


We are so fortunate to have a Prophet of God who can counsel us.


Thanks, President Nelson. The warning is very timely. It is my prayer that Priesthood brethren adhere to this counsel.


Such wise and prophetic words from our dear prophet! How I treasure the priesthood power of the brethren. This priesthood power has given me great blessings that are too many to describe. It is limitless! How I honor and respect those priesthood holders who hold it with reverence and know and understand the power that it is and what it can do! Thank you for this beautiful message!


God Bless him, Love him so a True Prophet!


Yeah I never think to offer it but we really should be offering friends and family to bless them. They have to want it sure but sometimes you just have to remind them that you can offer that blessing.


Blessings and Healing. Christ healed many. Why are our brothers afraid of healing? The power comes from God, not themselves.
We will need this more in the future when life gets harder and money might not be accepted or some may not have money for medical.


I wish we still had Priesthood Session of General Conference where prophets could talk like this! Now-a-days all the talks are given to a general audience and doesn’t quite have the same punch.
