InPresence 0188: A New Parapsychological Approach to Financial Forecasting

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Jeffrey Mishlove reviews the Global Consciousness Project, founded by Roger Nelson, and cites new research showing that time-series data can be derived from this Project that correlates positively and significantly with future stock market activity. This finding, if it can be sustained and applied, suggests that parapsychological research may become self-supporting.

New Thinking Allowed host, Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, is author of The Roots of Consciousness, Psi Development Systems, and The PK Man. Between 1986 and 2002 he hosted and co-produced the original Thinking Allowed public television series. He is the recipient of the only doctoral diploma in "parapsychology" ever awarded by an accredited university (University of California, Berkeley, 1980).

(Recorded on August 24, 2020)

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I used RV’ing for research in a non-financial historical project with some small successes. And I realized that a similar process was part of certain artists work, and that I was drawn to these artists. But the artists methodology went beyond the strict methodology of RVing, as defined by Swann. On considering the recent RVing of artist Edward Riodan (I will copy a link), of his brain function it came to me why the Swann method was limited in scope. And why “prayer” in certain practices was not. And that Artistic “imagining” (more akin to prayer), was more expansive in scope than remote viewing,

I think intention will crash the data... or limit the stream in financial forecasting, if there is an attempt to throttle it into a methodology.

I too have worked in finance. And I have had many “insights” about the way the markets work, (see my project Palindrome). I spoke to Mandelbrot about these things once. But I feel the nature of our computing machines “throttle” inputs. They can become faster...they can be predictive in a limited way, but they are no better than betting on horses at a racetrack.

My sense is that imaging an outcome is much more likely to succeed. But that to do so for reasons of desiring power will also cause it to fail.

I do not think we can game the system we are part of. And I don’t think we need to. We merely need to be ourselves (not very easy), and to maintain an open heart, (not easy).

I love these videos! Thanks!!
Here is my recent post on Riordan:


I wholeheartedly agree that such applications of parapsychological methods in financial markets or other business endeavors hold the key to secure funds for further research and advancement. Despite the significant amount of research and experiments done, I still think this is an under-explored field of study.

What I also liked about this presentation is another aspect of Jeffrey Mishlove I was not aware of. Neural networks, financial markets, applying novel ideas to trading. All of this resonates with me profoundly as it happens to be an intersection of my occupation, hobbies and interests.

I am a software architect, who works on machine learning systems. I have dabbled with technical analysis and automated algorithmic training with promising but limited success. On the "unconventional" side, I have studied astrology, have remote viewing training and explored other mental tools such as shamanic journeying, dreamwork and cartomancy. Initially, I had encouraging results with applying associate remote viewing and its variations to price direction prediction. However, the work gets tedious, especially if I try to do multiple RV sessions before placing an order to minimize error. After 3 or 4 trades I start to feel burned out. I guess I do not have the mental stamina to persevere. Not having a considerable amount of capital to trade, the edge I gain by these methods is insufficient to sustain high level of motivation either.

That being said, I have been pondering on what sort of software aided improvements I can bring in to the process to automate at least some of the workload. How much attention, intention and interaction is required from a sentient being, i.e. myself, for a computer aided system to succeed at this is still nebulous for me. Still, I would love to see someone invent a time-surfing TV that shows videos from the time you tune it to, past or future.


Sometimes I suspect the primary reason Jeffrey got into parapsychology was to game the futures market! Looking forward to InPresence "Letting go of Materialism" TBA. :)


that would boost the paranormal outlook in a time when it is so needed


I've been corresponding with Ulf about his paper, and after cleaning up the z_max measures he was using, we came up with a more accurate forecast by adding a daily volatility index.


I've been working on this for a few months now, almost exactly how you described it. I'm using an ESP32 chipset and bluetooth static to produce the random bits, and an LED light-strip for instant user feedback. Also the chip talks to the "internet of things" Ubidots platform, logging in real time all the devices generating the random bits around the world. The idea being to sell "Mind Lamps" that generate millions of colors based on significant events coming from the RNG walk chart. In this way people can experiment/train with a quantum precognition/psychokinesis with real-time feedback as well as provide statistical data to the RNG network around the world. A fee would be charged for the device, but more importantly for the financial indicators that spawn from the data. I love that you brought this up, as I might have to dust it off and finish it after all!


Great discussions!  Thank you so much, Jeff!
1.  Can you describe the neural networks for financial forecasting that you worked on in the past?   Are such neural networks available for common folks to utilize?
2.  It seems like the process described in this video wasn't complete or needs more research, plus I think one of your past guest claimed developing a profitable psi/RV skill could take many years of practice... Are there any strong financial forecasting tools available today that you would recommend investigating?
3.  Are there any automated systems that you are aware of that you could recommend looking into?  Some examples might be "expert advisors"/trading bots, copy trading, indicators, etc.
4.  Are there any good evolving financial forecasting tools that you might foresee becoming available in the near future?
Thanks again! Bless 🙏🏾


As spirit, we incarnated into this realm for the full human 3D experience immersion. Financial data is a recording of human actions over time. Social, biological, psychological, intuitive, and environmental factors all play into financial actions. Even automated trading is programmed by humans who made decisions on how it will perform. We have been making these decisions for thousands of years. Should we walk to that forest to gather fruit? Or should we build a boat and go fishing to feed the tribe? What are the dangers involved? Risk; we face it daily across all strata. Any study of finance and markets is a direct correlation to human behavior, inspiration, and thought. This can only add to the understanding of our psychology, parapsychology, interactions, and organization. I'm for the deep dive. Thank you, Dr. Mishlove!


Things are changing in the world in many aspects now. It may look more chaotic and negative especially looking at the news, but certainly there is positive things happening in the background. The whole concept on neoliberalism is being questioned. How money is produced is being looked into from many areas and central banks, very interesting stuff that can have huge effect later on. What value is in life is starting to be questioned more. Conspiracy theories flourish, which itself is not great, but I see that as a process of movement in awareness, a phase for some. Some things are getting more accepted for sure, mediation, mindfulness, or a more sane way of living, without gaining too much material stuff. And while there are negative trends for sure also, it seems to me that shift to a more positive world is happening, truly from the ground up in our consciousness. So I think we'll see a bigger acceptance and interest in parapsychology in a not so far future.

Meanwhile, yes why not try to support itself by the strengths it has.


Fascinating topic. Personally, I know of two individuals who have incorporated associative remote viewing into their investment models. They have prospered. While a solid base of investment acumen is needed, RV can be an invaluable aid.


Hi Dr Mishlove. Where can we see the live GCP random events statistics over function of time?


So THAT'S why you went into studying parapsychology! It all makes sense now :P... But on a serious note, I suspect the reason why individual psychics usually can't hit it rich (or don't remain so for long) is that it has to do with purity of intention and inherent human frailty as well as the unstable, uncontrollable and chaotic nature of psychic phenomena. Perhaps, if this financial forecasting system is left alone to do its thing, it could work but the margins would need to be increased to make it attractive. But like they say, there's more than one way to skin a cat.


Very interesting, Jeff. Thank you! Is there anywhere online that we can read Holmberg's study?


What was your roll while working in the financial field? Sounds very interesting


Because all are one, all known and unknown past, present, future is always present.

Human ignorance separates oneness.

Therefore we can evolve known and unknown abilities including quantum jumping, remote viewing, precognition, telepathy, teleportation, and much more so long our ignorance doesn't obscure or complicate our unlimited ability evolution.

I'm living proof but who am I to ask or tell anyone?


A dozen eggs producing random quantum mechanical foam data? What? Are you sure about this Jeffrey? I'm hyped for Darell's live.


Is the real time data from the EGGs available for people to mine it?


Could this be used to judge RJ's view point?
I am in the first minutes of my 4th quarter but can't accept passiveness in light of the failures of those late in their 4th quarter.
I must be wrong, but something is smelling fishy. Truth to the end of the 4th quarter ought to make up for the wrongs of the last three.


You basically waste 50 sec on the intro.


The EGG data might be interesting to look at in depth, but it would be expensive/time-consuming to do so. I only have an MSc in the field, but I'm not sure artificial neural networks are the correct tool for the job, as their nature is to look for human-recognised patterns, which would seem to be selection bias, which is one of the main criticisms of the GBP findings.

I browsed the EGG data a month or so ago, and was extremely disappointed to see on the site how it labelled recent events in New York City as the result of Neo-Fascist activity: I'm not in NYC, but I'm pretty sure that the rulers of the area and their friend and relatives in the media would have given a lot of publicity to Neo-Facists. I did, however, see a lot of far left violence on the tame media and on social media streams from the far-left.

A further complication is that much market trading is now machine operated -- even if that is limited to day traders' transactions that are so fast the number of metres between between two computers makes a difference.

Is EGG data from NYC relevant only to NY exchanges, or to all?

I do think it would be worth checking, but my gut feeling is the Russell Targ is closer to the gold mine.
