How I Took Care of Myself After Embryo Transfer

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Discover how I took care of myself after embryo my transfer and what I did to help the embryo stick! There are a few things I did to take care of myself after my frozen embryo transfer as I waited for my pregnancy results...which were the longest 10 days of my life! And there are also a few things that I did to help the embryo stick. But with that said, I believe that there're really nothing you can do to make the embryo stick after your embryo transfer; it's either going to stick or it's not. BUT, I also believe there are some things you can do to help the process along.

How I took care of myself after embryo transfer was key in getting through the 10 day waiting period for my pregnancy test because those 10 days were incredibly tough! Even though I don't think there's much you can do physically to help the embryo stick, I firmly believe that the body and mind are strongly connected. So if the mind is healthy, the body will have a better chance of accepting the embryo. I had to work really hard to keep my mind healthy and positive not only to get through the waiting period, but to also give off good vibes in hopes my embryo sticks.

So welcome to this video on how I took care of myself after my frozen embryo transfer and what I did to help the embryo stick. I hope this video helps you guys going through IVF and who are facing a fresh or frozen embryo transfer soon.

How I took care of my mental health video:

Foods I ate after my embryo transfer: fertility friendly foods video:

INSTAGRAM: @brittany_elizabeth_rn
Recently, I've been focused on IVF. I share my infertility journey in hopes of supporting other women. I also enjoy posting effective home workouts, nutrition facts, and healthy lifestyle tips that have helped me live a healthier life. I absolutely love connecting with you guys as we navigate life's challenges.

About my channel:
My name is Brittany and welcome to my channel where I share everything I know about health, fitness, nutrition, and how I lead a balanced lifestyle while working as an Operating Room Nurse. In addition, I'm passionate about sharing my infertility story and current IVF journey. Balancing living healthy with going through IVF is not easy, so I want to share it all in hopes of supporting other women.
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Congrats ! I’m on the 10 day waiting period now my transfer was done jan 4 2024 pls pray for me


Excellent video! I just want to comment on one thing though. When I had my last transfer in 2019, my body was in complete “fight or flight” mode. I had just experienced multiple traumatic things happening to me all at once from my personal life to an experience I had that morning at the clinic. It was honestly a horrible day and my anxiety was at an all time high. Somehow the transfer still worked and she just turned 2 😊I’m not saying that being relaxed and stress free doesn’t help because I’m sure it does. But if you are anxious or stressed around/or on transfer day don’t feel like it automatically will lower your chances because that wasn’t my experience 🥳Again, great video! I just wanted to put this out there!


Worth watching this
Today is my 10th day of transfer.. pls pray for me for the postive


I did my first embryo transfer last month and suddenly from the first hour problems started with me and my husband and my family and my friend had a fight with her husband infront of me while im laying in bed trying to rest i was like what the hell ia going on i was angry the hole time and depressed so my transfer failed... i cut everyone and going through my second embryo transfer in afew days pray for me please i will male sure ill be very relaxed this transfer


Completely agree with moving after transfer! I did the same, listened to my body and just had our first beta, we are expecting!


My FET is in 2 weeks! I can't wait to finally have our rainbow baby (if it works!). It's been a long few years. Congrats on your successful FET!


Fellow Nurse here too! Loved your video! I just did my FET transfer May 16, I am trying to keep busy but not push myself physically! Fingers crossed …. Its my first time and we have 3 embryos. Pineapple and hydration and keeping my socks on !


Thanks for all of this information, Brittany. We got our embryo results back this week and have 3/3 euploid! I couldn’t stop screaming of joy. We’re doing another cycle for banking and then transferring in the spring. I cannot wait. Thanks again for sharing so much with us. Your channel is one of few that feels informative, real and does not add to the stress.

All of the waits are hard. I find it hard to wait between retrieval and transfer since it’ll be about 5 months for us.


I find myself a lot in your mindset. I would rather be pleasantly surprised than heartbroken, and I will probably have the expectation that it won't stick. I gave my FET on Thursday and mostly I try to look at the numbers, percentage of success within my specific situation. Congrats!


Another great video! So glad I found your page. Everyone isnt great on youtube but I love how you explain things because I listen! Great info and advice!


I had Acupunture before and after my transfer ❤pls pray for me


Congrats I like your outlook in life ❤ I pray and surrender my wait 10 days also to stick and grow positively


Hi Brittany. So happy for you!! I'm about to go through my first FET this Tuesday fingers crossed!! I'm so nervous and excited at the same time. This is the closest we've gotten to getting pregnant. I'm like you very anxiety prone. My mental state was terrible during the stims/egg retrieval process. Since it was my first round of IVF my mind couldn't stop focusing on the negatives and what-ifs because there's so much unknown and uncertainty in the IVF process. This time prepping for the FET, I tried to remain more calm and kept myself busy through nightly fertility mediation. Even my hubby said I'm more tolerable this time around 😄. Hope I can keep this up through the 10 day waiting period. Watching your videos help!


I’m doing our 1st Transfer FET tomorrow. 6/25/24 after a lot of road blocks pushing 2 years in infertility treatment!! Any tips we on, y were blessed with 1 embryo from our 2nd ER in April. It is not PGT tested per out doctor recommendation NERVOUS and EXCITED


I've been doing PGD following finding issues in my first pregnancy (found in amnio). Just did the FET today and now for the wait (again)🤞🤞🤞


My doctor put me on bed rest for 2 days. I think that increased my anxiety


Came across your video and I’m on day 5 of my wait. Did a frozen embryo transfer this Monday. This is my first since I had 1 natural pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage last year. I’m trying really hard to not think about this but I’ve been nothing but researching how people live their lives during the 2 week wait. It’s reassuring that all this is by chance and not our fault . 🤞🏼🤞🏼


I was doing acupuncture for a couple months during IVF, then taking a break with Lupron/letrozole for inflammation for two months. Then asked to have acupuncture before and after - but not sure what to expect and that this person I’m bringing in from outside … also I have been way more stressed as time goes during this process, I am well connected with my faith, and seeing group and 1:1 therapy - it’s been good. My dietician keeps me accountable too. I really need to sleep more and do more mindfulness … had one unsuccessful FeT 😢


I had acupuncture day before embryo transfer and straight after embryo transfer


Thank you for sharing your story. I can totally relate. I had my transfer on Saturday and one of my tenants moved out the day before meanwhile the neighboring tenant hounded me about "securing" the vacant unit. So I did landlord duties just after transfer as well. I also work but my job is telework and low stress. My husband is very supportive and started 3 mile walks after transfer. I am trying to schedule acupuncture now, wish I did it immediately after.