What If You Lost Your Sense of Smell?

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If you had to give up one sense, which would you give up? According to a study in 2011 (!!!), half of people under 30 would rather sacrifice their sense of smell than their favourite technological device.
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Ben of Ben and Jerry's ice cream has no sense of smell. That's partly why there's so much texture in the ice cream


I used to live with a friend with anosmia, they'd ask me to check if their milk was bad and things like that. They got food poisoning a lot, something else to consider in the "phone or smell" bargain 🤢


I have covid19 and I’ve lost my smell. I am so disappointed, depressed, empty. Everything is whether sweet, salty, bitter or sour (the four taste that your tounge recognises). I cant smell my scented candles burning, can’t smell my boyfriends natural scent (it feels like he is a stranger), I have no idea if I am stinky or not, so I don’t feel that good crisp fresh clean after a shower, can’t have a nice tasty meal, can’t smell how fresh the air is in the morning, coffee tastes as bitter as straight up poison etc. I have never thought smelling things would comfort me this much. This is a very surprising and eye opening experience for sure :D


Watching this RN with a blocked nose and cold 😂🤧🤧


hey, i feel like loosing sight is the most easy thing to cope (compared to other senses that is )with as it is so well thought about and all consequences are known very well. big fan of you guys .


I actually was born with anosmia, so I never had a sense of smell. I need friends to pick out fragrances for me or tell me if I smell bad, or else I won’t know. The most common question people ask me is how do I taste without smell? I can taste, but how I experience taste is probably much different to


too short :(


(I do live in Wisconsin)


Humans are not good at smelling, Tierzoo told me


I would definitely pick taste. Touch is important sense for me. Sight...super important! I want to be able to see the colors in the world. Hearing and smell are important mainly because they can save your life (burglars, alarms, strangers, walking behind you in the dark, smelling gas leak or fire, etc.). And taste...yeah, I would miss some good tastes, but I will be able to remember many of them for a couple of years, I guess. I check spoiled food with my nose anyway, I don't dare to try it. The best part is, that I will be able to eat all the healthy food that tastes like shit anyway and I will not be so tempted by the unhealthy food. Also, if I can smell something, I can pretty much "taste" it in my mouth...so yeah...taste can go, if necessary. But I would never sacrifice any of these for my phone...I would be happy if for some reason I can no longer use a phone (smartphone, I mean, as I need to be able to call my parents as we do not live in the same country). I would have so much free time to use in a better way...and now I am just lacking the will to give up my phone.


If I couldn't smell or taste properly, I'd probably want to be put down, because food is so important to me! I love to cook and eat so much!! Food is my passion and not being able to see if something tasted or smelled good before serving it would be horrible for me. Maybe I'm being petty?
