Test Yourself for Supraspinatus Tear

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Here are two quick tests you can perform yourself to see if the pain you're feeling is a supraspinatus tear - the Zero Degree Abduction Test and the Drop Arm Sign.

If you failed these tests and you've got a rotator cuff injury, hit the link below for some great supraspinatus exercises to rehab an injured shoulder.


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I've been diagnosed with a full supraspinatas tendon tear. However, I still have full movement and still manage, for example, 120 pushups (4 sets of 30) and 32 chinups ( 4 sets of 8). I passed both these tests witout any problem, pain or concern at all. I have no real pain except when I move suddenly or my shoulder is suddenly jolted. I have trouble with some specific exercises like dips or shoulder press. I'm 50 years old. The shoulder surgeon has suggested surgery (because of the MRI result). I'm petrified. I don't want this. I feel like the surgeon who diagnosed me can't be fully correct, but I can't dispute the MRI. I trust this youtube site for advice. What would people do? Surgery and maybe never FULL recovery OR no surgery and maybe never quite normal again? Maybe just downhill despite feeling ok now? Thanks infinitely for any comments.


Oh man, thanks. I severed my supraspinatus tendon at the insertion point on my right shoulder 25 years ago. In a recent accident I assumed that I tore my left supraspinatus musle because the symptoms (pain on attempting to raise the arm) were similar. Now obviously 25 years ago it was impossibe to raise the arm. Again, much thanks.


So I'm pretty sure I have a supraspinatus tear. I have a few of the symptoms such as clicking and cracking of the bones and the deep ache around the upper back of my shoulder. It's not painful at all when I lift and doesn't feel weak. None of the tests on the video reproduced pain. Is it a very slight tear that's worth getting surgery? I injured it probably 3 years ago and only had 2 occasions where I had intense pain and it had happened both times with a lot of force directly between my neck and shoulder. When I did experience the extreme pain it felt like my trap muscle or maybe just below/beside it with the pain lasting for less than 10 seconds. I'm getting an MRI soon but if I could hear your opinion on it, that would be great. Thanks


I had this shoulder surgery at 60 years old. It's been 7 years now. When my therapist was looking at my folder from the surgeon. I saw a stunned reaction as he was reading. I ask him why he reacted. He said he'd never seen my surgeon's report with a SEVERLY torn supraspinatus. DR later told me it was almost severed. 8 years later. I still can't pick up over 5 lbs straight out. I went to therapy for 6 months.I ripped mine yanking hard on a big chainsaw. The rope free wheeled about a foot or so and hung up. I yanked the cord in two. Dr told me in 6 months. I'd be back to work. WRONG


Hi. I’m searching and watching because I have a tear. It occurred 17 days ago. A slip and fall on really slick surface, raining here in the Philippines. I’ve had similar injury before from skiing, on both shoulders, different times. Every time, my shoulders slowly regained motion and strength and healed back to normal function. This current injury allowed no movement and I used a sling for the first 5 days. Since I am slowly getting more and more range, with less pain. I’m confident it is the supraspinatus that is the affected area. I’m now able to lift my elbow to shoulder height, unassisted, before pain stops me. The drop test, , would have been impossible to perform in the days immediately after the injury, now I can hold my arm at shoulder height while experiencing some pain, both in front of me and out to the side. Every test for the other muscles of the rotator cuff seem to indicate that it is only the supraspinadus affected. I guess I’m looking for encouraging words that I am on the right track, and a complete tear would not allow this much healing and progress in the 17 days. I’m 62, and remember this injury healing faster years ago, but I was younger. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks..


i have grade 2 and this test didnt work, is it only straight after tear. i cant get my chest (bench destroy it with pain, but all chest exercises are dodgy) and shoulder press back.. been trying for ages. i can bench 160kg and injury reduced me to 40kgs, shoulders before injury 100kgs now fails at 60kgs.. i had outside tricep head tear, but strength there good now. majority of pain is side arm brachalis, at bottom of delt, down brachalis. i have to warm up arms for 20mins even in leg days now to keep them safe or can be triggered and flared up. even with kids playing i have to do a bit of warm up. i do all the standard rotator warm up. any ideas.


Ive developed a 12mm thin tear in my suprasprantus after having it repaired.

I dont want another surgery, what wouod you suggest exercise wise.


Have you hard of the arc test and empty can test, also for Supraspinatus. Thanks for sharing yours. I'm a massage therapist student and trying to get more information.


I have some pain, worse at night that wakes me up. I took a spill on my mountain bike in late August. Landed on my shoulder but was not so bad to seek medical attention. I build houses and never really rested it. I continued to trail run, and had a big September (50 miler, 33 miler, and a 28 miler plus lots of 6-10 milers in between), as well as doing construction, and pain did not get worse. So, I trusted my body to heal itself and stayed active. Lately I was pulling wires while wiring a new house and that aggravated the issue. The pain makes it hard to lift my arm above my head, and is near the rear/back of right shoulder. I believe it is inflamed from that particular motion. Any advice? Of course, wanting to avoid surgery. I did have a left shoulder injury 10 years ago, and it ached for 3-4 years, but finally fully healed with no medical intervention. Thank you!


i feel like suffering from Supraspinatus after these tests, cud u plz help me with some exercises to recover from it


Doc i am a competitive bench press with shoulder problems. have done all testing and no pain. I do have pain with certain movements. Is it possible that I make a video with all the movements that I have pain in to show what could be the problem?


Dear sir,
I have 30% partial thickness supraspinatus tear....it is curable without surgery ? And how much time it takes .
Kindly advise


Please help REPORT OBSERVATIONS - Partial thickness articular sided rim rent tear of supraspinatus tendon is seen having an (AP dimension of 16 mm).The footprint of supraspinatous tendon shows hyperintense signals on T1 & PD SPAIR sequences .


I would like to know sir, when i lift my right arm to 90 degree to front, it hurts, but when i let it fall it doesnt hurt at all, plus its cracking when i lift it and rotate the shoulder (like rotating when doing a thumbs up and down with stretched arm), what could possibly wrong here? Thank you for your time sir


Hi doc please help me in this.I was doing incline dumbbell presses when I felt something w my shoulder.I got an MRI done.MRI showed 1)mild supraspinatus tendinosis 2)mild acromioclavicular tendinopathy(thinning of cartilage) 3)thickening of CHL.
I went to the doctor he advised some collagen sachets and physio.Do you think all of this is serious and when can I start gymming again?I really set some serious goals for myself:(When do you think all of this can heal?😭🙏🏻


Hi Eric, when I do these tests, this is what I experience. More discomfort at the inner top of my shoulder, the back of my shoulder closest to my neck and all the way up the side and back of my neck on the left. My shoulder/s are causing issues with my neck/pulling if you will on the left side. I believe it is the upper traps and levator causing all this tension pulling b/c I believe my shoulder/s are destabilized. The only arm discomfort and it’s really not even discomfort is outer bicep are slightly tender and inner bicep area opposite my armpit feels restricted. Also tightness in my clavicle closet to my neck. I do have forward rounded shoulder on that side. Do you have any thoughts, does this sound like a tear? Do you do consultations if I can’t figure this out?


How do you know if it is a tear. Do you just let your sore shoulder drop on it's own.


I have made an ultrasound test and it shows there is some inflammation in the supraspinatus. I have pain while I am doing most of the push exercise and some of pull exercise. I performed the test that you explained in the video but I haven't felt any great pain. but the first test I felt so weak to raise my arm however no any significant pain. I feel uncomfortable to raise my arm to grab something from my kitchen for example, I also feel uncomfortable while I am sleeping. any advice would be highly appreciated. thanks


I have a 17mm tear im on a wait list for surgery. My pain seems to be getting worse, but the surgeon says it's ok to wait a few months. I'm worried it will get way worse requiring major surgery instead of orthoscopic


thank you so much - I tore my left shoulder from an otherwise minor mtn bike wipeout - found your article on your website for rehab - will start doing the exercises as soon as i am able.

question: still in pain (thinking its a grade 1-2) but can lift my arm. its been 18 days since injury - is that pretty normal? and should i wait to start rehab until pain subsides?
