Panic Attack Treatment: 2 Proven Techniques + 5 Must-Know Facts (New Research)

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Panic Attack Treatment (New Research). This video will give you 2 unique SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN techniques to effectively treat your panic attacks. It will also explain 5 counter-intuitive facts you MUST KNOW about to successfully treat panic attacks (and to treat panic disorder).

I cover why a panic attack is not at all what you've been told is it (and why the term "panic attack" is misleading and often harmful).

I cover a key insight into what causes panic attack symptoms (and why you're far safer than you might think or feel).

I then move onto the core, hidden pattern behind panic disorder (and explain why it reveals to us the fastest path back to a normal, panic-free life).

I explain the #1 secret behind a famous treatment for panic disorder and anxiety.

And then I give you a scientifically proven, counterintuitive way to to stop a panic attack fast.

Along the way I help you get fully up-to-date with the current, state-of-the-art in modern panic attack treatment... so you can more quickly get back to a normal panic-free life.


For the fastest way to end your panic attacks, watch my “Panic Free TV” Foundation Video Series. It's free, fast and simple science-based help for panic attacks:


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ASK ME A QUESTION you want answered in a future "Panic Free TV" episode (I will only mention your first name to protect your privacy):



Panic attack treatment - do you understand "The White Bear Effect"?

How to stop panic attacks naturally: mindfulness meditation?

How to stop panic attacks naturally and fast: avoid caffeine?

How to stop panic attacks and anxiety naturally: drink more water?

Anxiety attack vs panic attack - What's The Difference?

Рекомендации по теме

i cried. i cried because for once i really feel like someone is putting me at ease. it's really difficult living in fear all day every day


The worst is having them while are stuck and have to focus to stay safe. It is one of the most suffocating feelings... This video is awesome, thank you❤️


I cured my panic disorder in large part thanks to this video. Watching it for the first time, I realized that my clinical psychologist, my CBT books, all of my panic attack research, etc. were all saying the same thing! You just said it best and everything finally “clicked” for me! I’ve been living panic-free since 2017 :) Thank you a million times over!!


I have been diagnosed with panic disorder and experience panic attacks at work often. I get dizzy, feel faint, tight chest, tingling in hands and feet, tight abs, rapid heartbeat you name it. This video was calming and inspirational. Thank you my friend!


I just had a panic attack for an hour straight. I think your techniques are going to help me tremendously. It’s so tiring being in panic attack mode. I always feel like I’m dying during it lol


I’m in bed right now, I have been trying to sleep for 2 hours and I’m in tears because I can’t stop having an attack and this video is literally a godsent, only video iv come across that’s really calmed me down and made me understand, for anyone who truly struggles with anxiety and attacks will love you so much for this, I’m so grateful and will continue to watch your videos, it’s one of the worst feelings any person can have, especially when you struggle with it everyday but we will all get through this, it’s just a phase it will pass ❤️


In the middle of an on and off attack right now. It’s scary but I’m fighting it. This video is helpful


Panic Attack is the worst thing that can happen to anybody, I get one every week, This video may just change my life. THANK YOU!


Hearing that a panic attack isn’t an attack helps SO much. Edit : I’m kinda terrified to try to make the false alarm stronger in fear that it’ll actually get stronger. Anyone else? Has it worked for anyone?


I feel like I'm having gas and I'm not able to breathe which gets me panic attack


I've played many sports Football, rugby boxing etc and through all the bruses sprains a few broken and dislocated bones having a panic attack is by far the most painful thing I've ever felt. Whoever goes through this I hope you get well. Just know you are not in this alone💯


Man.... that smoke alarm analogy is brilliant.


Ive been in waves of panic for over 12 hrs. I've barely slept because ive been waking up in panic. Considering going to urgent care if it doesnt stop. But toward the end of the video i felt so relaxed my eyes started closing. Maybe i can finally get sleep and it will pass. Thank you


This is very helpful during self-isolation due to the Coronavirus pandemic


I’m watching this while having a panic attack.. you really helped me calm down and smile 😊 thank you so much


Hi. Coming back to this 4 years later. Thank you so much for the videos and help. You helped me through it when I was at my lowest, and felt alone.

I first started experiencing panic attacks in 2017 every single day and it really ruined my life. I thought I would never recover and the help in my country was terrible. I remember finding these videos, and it really helped me during the worst period of my entire life.
The two things that helped me the most was the advice that:
1) Panic attacks can't kill you
My main fear was that I was going to die, because that's what it felt like.
2) I am strong
Being told I was strong for going through and dealing with what I was dealing with made my cry with emotions. It was hard, but I had never had anyone tell me I was strong for being able to go through what I was going through. That helped me a lot in a way I can't describe.

I haven't had a panic attack in over 2 years. I used medication for 1 month, which helped me through the worst of my condition. I was self medicating on weed for a long time too, but I realised, that was a major cause of my anxiety and would trigger attacks too (of course...) So I did end up quitting, and that was basically the end of my condition.
I do still get anxious from time to time, but I have learnt to manage and deal with it. I have breathing techniques which work for me, and I use CBD oil to calm my nerves. CBD oil is another godsend that has helped me live happily when I experience anxiety.

I thought the rest of my life would be cursed, but I was able to recover, and I can happily say I am panic free! Anyone reading this, you can too! You will find out what works for you!


Seriously calling it a “false alarm” and not a “panic attack” already calms me! So crazy, that changing words can make a difference


Just had my first panic attack a few weeks ago and it’s been non stop since, even went to the hospital looking for answers and ways to calm myself down. everything they told me did help calm the panic attack but it never got rid of it, just pushed it aside. Now when he told me to encourage my panic attack and just go with it, guess what happened? NOTHING!! I could not get myself to panic, or get my heart rate up at all, I was so calm trying to force a panic attack I couldn’t believe it. It’s like I’m not scared of it anymore, I’m not getting anxiety thinking about it, this video is a Godsend 🙏


Your voice is so soothing. I swear, some people explaining these kind of stuff literally give me panic attacks with all the screaming.


It's kind of hilarious how you cover the fast heart beat as a trigger for panic if you're afraid of that, as your very first example. I have really high blood pressure, and the only panic attacks I've ever had were related directly to my concern for my heart. You also mention how not knowing what's happening, the confusion of that, can intensify the experience. Nailed it on that one too. I definitely thought I was going to die several times, and had lingering anxiety that lead to even more panic attacks. Eventually, somehow, I ran into the concept of panic attacks online and how they can affect you physiologically. That knowledge broke the cycle, eventually. It took me a long time, like months, to convince myself I actually wasn't going to die. Even the obvious fact that I hadn't died so far, through all my intense suffering and concern, did not calm me.

I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But, I'm kind of glad I went though the experience. I learned a lot.
